New Member Introductions

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by QuentinTrembleyIII »

Hello, I'm QuentinTrembleyIII. I've always liked video game level design better than coding, so I think making Doom maps will be the best of both worlds.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by SevensEngine »

Hi. I'm SevensEngine, but you can just call me Sevens or 7 for short because c'mon dat solo gamedev/music alias is pretty long. Recently I gave gzdoom a try(for standalone game purposes) since I love da doom(though I'm more q2/q3 kinda guy) and I'm having a friggin'' blast. I also make music and draw(better at muzak though). I'm currently at work waiting to get off and said "eh why not" and registered. ZScript is fun but some things about working with it still elude me so I hope to get my questions answered. I think that's about it, really.
PS: Typing all this on a phone with my sausage fingers was hell. Fitting, eh?
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by supremebiovizier »

Greetings, hope to share my work here ...I've been enjoying writing decorates lately and have been mapping for almost three years now, my work is strictly gzdoom pwad compatible and I use the doom format in slade3 with the zdoom port...just starting to get the grips on it. See ya around.
Last edited by supremebiovizier on Sat Sep 21, 2024 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by ergosum »

Hello, this is my first post here.
I will ask you some help to build some stuff ;)
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by rostuhan »

Hello everyone!! My name is rostuhan and I've just made an account on the ZDoom forum. fraggle banned me from DoomWorld for half a year, so I hope that this forum will be a great new home for me. :mrgreen:
But yeah, I've made some ZDoom mods before and some good amount of maps before, some were published to DoomWorld and some to idgames, I'm probably gonna post maps here as well! :lol:
I really hope that I'll be able to get into this forum, good luck everybody! :roll:
Also a huge fan of Freedoom. :cry:
Last edited by rostuhan on Thu Oct 31, 2024 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your Brains 🧠

Post by RainbowBlade »

Hueueueue...yes, I just dropped that reference...

Und hello; my name, it's actually not Jorgen Gunthershwarzenhaffenstrassen, but I have met that, another story, another time.

I am a gamer, gamedev, writer, bard, autistic ball of PTSD. I've been homeless (it SUCKS(!)), I've also had a lot of misfortune that I can no longer see as coincidence, but! I'm not stopping.

I find realistic gore physics more cathartic; I first came across this for DooM with BD, long after the 'controversy', of which I only have bits and pieces of the story to go on. I put that in quotes because I know not enough to draw my own conclusions on the subject; all I have is mostly subjective/hearsay to go on (including the two or three videos I've watched that have covered the subject). I don't know Mark personally. I'm okay with that. As far as realistic gore physics go, my first run-in with those was in Unreal (not UT).

My first language is not English, but it may seem that way; don't be fooled! I will stumble through it at times, and sound incomprehensible. Yeah.

I've played every single DooM game, not necessarily every port, but every game in the series, and am looking forward to DooM: The Dark Ages. The ripsaw round shield? Yeah, that's awesome.

My game project/s? I am currently working on one; using RPG Maker MZ, my current project aims to tell a story about a cursed floating island that appears anything but cursed from a distance, and will have some game mechanics similar to those of early TES games like encumbrance, stat point distribution, and so on. It's very early in development. I also dabble here and there in WAD creation/improvements, but am lesser skilled at it. 🤷‍♀️
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by painedanomaly »

Took me a little while to find this thread, but now's a good time as ever.

My username is usually something with "pained" in it (painedanomaly/painedacceptor mainly). I recently turned 20, but I've only been playing games from the series for probably about 2-3 years.

I got into the Doom series a while back when I saw gameplay for Eternal. I bought 2016 and Eternal not too long after, played them through to completion, and loved them both while doing so. I can't remember when I had bought the classic games and 3, but I do remember having those for a long time before ever touching them. It wasn't until classic Doom recently re-released as 'DOOM + DOOM II' did I *really* get into classic Doom and it's modding scene. I liked seeing that they had added mods as something you can load in-game, but I hated that only one could be loaded at a time (especially with me remembering using GZDoom prior to that and just being able to drag files onto the .exe and working). GZDoom was still the same version I downloaded before (at that time, v4.13 came out not too long after 'DOOM + DOOM II'), and everything worked exactly as I remembered.

Since then, I've probably had my worst obsession/addiction yet; Doom modding. The only thing that really needs to get better in that aspect is actually playing the damn mods instead of trying to make them constantly. The problem is so bad that I still haven't finished the classic games and haven't even started on Doom 64 or Doom 3.

Coincidentally, that problem is what brought me to this thread. I was planning on making a small thread of my own just following my gameplay of the Doom games and trying to come up with a coherent timeline. It'd give me a good bit of motivation on playing the games, and I'd also like to hear feedback from people on some of the things I'd want to talk about.

I've mostly been trying to learn how to make mods for Doom since I really want to try and make (or help make) a game for GZDoom. I've played a couple of games that were made in the engine, and I've seen the mods that can be made for the games, and it's really inspired me to pick up and try game development, which is something I've wanted to do as far back as I can remember.

In short, I played 2016 and Eternal, 'DOOM + DOOM II' released, I got into Doom modding, and that's what I do pretty much everyday now.
(I like to talk, if you can't tell)

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