Tried to read from address zero - CRT curve shader

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Tried to read from address zero - CRT curve shader

Post by ichxg0 »

Hello all, I am trying to cut/copy/paste the crt-shader code from Torrid Gristle's Retro Shader mod, as the retro shader class clashes with another retro shader I use; I thought I could just lift everything in the code related to this particular crt-curve.fp, or really, remove everything that was NOT for the crt-shader. I've done this successfully with some other mods, but for some reason this one is crashing Zdoom when I try to start a level. It says:

Code: Select all

E1M1 - Hangar
UM execution aborted: tried to read from address zero. In function parameter
Called from CVar.GetInt [Nativel Called from CrtHandler.UiTick at
CRT Shader wad :zscript.zc, line 8
Here is what's in the mod:
That is everything left in the mod, except for the shader itself.
I know this might not be possible, but does anything look off to anyone else? Something basic every mod needs or something else I overlooked or don't know? I'd really like to add this shader to my "stack" and I do not think it should be too hard.

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