ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
It should work fine. Keep in mind that ZETH is very old editor based on DEU, from ancient DOS times.
If you want to switch game type, you need to edit zeth.ini file:
# Game To Edit.
Game = DOOM2
Change to DOOM and it should work just fine. I just checked and it works.
Also, be sure to correctly edit Doom2Pwads and DoomPwads. I added improvement here.
You can have as many paths here but first PATH is used as working directory.
So all writes of wads/maps goes here.. Here is example how I have it setup in my workstation:
Doom2Pwads = U:\GRY\zdoom
Doom2Pwads = U:\GRY\zandoom
Doom2Pwads = U:\GRY\zandoom\old
Doom2Pwads = U:\GRY\zandoom\wads
So when I write a map, it will goes to 'U:\PROGRAM FILES\ZETH\WADS' directory.
Also, when you are writing a map, you can specify directory: newproject\map01.wad
And it will go to subdirectory of newproject under path above.
But when I read wad, all those paths will be searched. First match reads wad.
You can specify subdirs on reading too. All paths will be scanned until math found.
And oh, dont use old Deu style map editing like: e <mapnum> or e <episode> <level>
Im 100% sure it will not work. I added support for arbitrary map names, so you need to specify
fullmap name: 'e map01' or 'e e1m1' or 'e zdwars1'
It should work fine. Keep in mind that ZETH is very old editor based on DEU, from ancient DOS times.
If you want to switch game type, you need to edit zeth.ini file:
# Game To Edit.
Game = DOOM2
Change to DOOM and it should work just fine. I just checked and it works.
Also, be sure to correctly edit Doom2Pwads and DoomPwads. I added improvement here.
You can have as many paths here but first PATH is used as working directory.
So all writes of wads/maps goes here.. Here is example how I have it setup in my workstation:
Doom2Pwads = U:\GRY\zdoom
Doom2Pwads = U:\GRY\zandoom
Doom2Pwads = U:\GRY\zandoom\old
Doom2Pwads = U:\GRY\zandoom\wads
So when I write a map, it will goes to 'U:\PROGRAM FILES\ZETH\WADS' directory.
Also, when you are writing a map, you can specify directory: newproject\map01.wad
And it will go to subdirectory of newproject under path above.
But when I read wad, all those paths will be searched. First match reads wad.
You can specify subdirs on reading too. All paths will be scanned until math found.
And oh, dont use old Deu style map editing like: e <mapnum> or e <episode> <level>
Im 100% sure it will not work. I added support for arbitrary map names, so you need to specify
fullmap name: 'e map01' or 'e e1m1' or 'e zdwars1'
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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
Hey, welcome back. Now that you're around would be possible to save regular Doom format maps just like in DEU? At least they can be read so i don't know if that code is disabled or readding that back would be a lot of work.
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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
Well, Its probably too much effort to do that. They can be loaded because they go thro wadconverter (wadconv.c)
with I even improved a little bit adding some newer BOOM extensions (very hacky
ZETH internally works on Hexen map format.
with I even improved a little bit adding some newer BOOM extensions (very hacky

ZETH internally works on Hexen map format.
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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
Thanks, i had to ask. 

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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
Wooops.. I fixed my webserver. Now CGIT is accessible again.
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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
I know that it's from ancient DOS times but compared with the other Zeth version from 15 years ago, which is also a DOS program running in a window, this version doesn't work as well as the other 15yr old version does and that one runs pretty well on my Windows 7 rig, even though it also runs in a DOS box (not THAT DOSbox!) . . .Borg wrote:Apprentice:
It should work fine. Keep in mind that ZETH is very old editor based on DEU, from ancient DOS times.
Why did you remove the old DEU style ?? Seems to me that if you base yourself on DEU, it should have the same functionalities as DEU, as in "e 1 1" and other things where DEU is known for. Why would you try mimicking a program instead of creating a new one ??Borg wrote: And oh, dont use old Deu style map editing like: e <mapnum> or e <episode> <level>
Im 100% sure it will not work. I added support for arbitrary map names, so you need to specify
fullmap name: 'e map01' or 'e e1m1' or 'e zdwars1'
- Posts: 56
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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
Its simple, ZDOOM support arbitrary MAP names from long time. It was time
to add such support to ZETH as well. I try to keep the style, but also improve and
modernize things that are really behind.
Can you tell me what doesnt work well in my ZETH compared to old version?
I really removed a lot of bugs that made zeth misbehave or even crash sometimes.
Just peek at git log. I also added a bit of features to support newer ZDOOM versions.
Yeah, maybe its time to call it ZETH 5.0 or sth, because indeed few things was changed
a bit.. Maybe I should add them to CHANGES.TXT.
Few thing right away (more to come).
All modes, toggle between selection/no selection of objects: SPACE
Linedef mode, make ARC from linedef: R
Linedef mode, find again: A
All modes: Copy/Paste object props: F4 (Linedefs and Sectors currently)
Sector mode: Floor/Ceiling height editing: always immediate (non-relative).
Also, could you please open MAP29 from nova2.wad on your old ZETH?
I wonder what will happen..
to add such support to ZETH as well. I try to keep the style, but also improve and
modernize things that are really behind.
Can you tell me what doesnt work well in my ZETH compared to old version?
I really removed a lot of bugs that made zeth misbehave or even crash sometimes.
Just peek at git log. I also added a bit of features to support newer ZDOOM versions.
Yeah, maybe its time to call it ZETH 5.0 or sth, because indeed few things was changed
a bit.. Maybe I should add them to CHANGES.TXT.
Few thing right away (more to come).
All modes, toggle between selection/no selection of objects: SPACE
Linedef mode, make ARC from linedef: R
Linedef mode, find again: A
All modes: Copy/Paste object props: F4 (Linedefs and Sectors currently)
Sector mode: Floor/Ceiling height editing: always immediate (non-relative).
Also, could you please open MAP29 from nova2.wad on your old ZETH?
I wonder what will happen..
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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
Well, it's been a while and I have to say, this version is growing on me 
Though, I have to say that the old Winzeth 4.17 version decided to crap out on me with an out of memory message or crashes completely (I'm currently not at home, so I don't have access to the screenshot I took)
The thing that I do notice that is absent compared with Deu/Deth/Zeth, is the use of the arrow keys. When you have a list from 1 to F, I can use the keys to go from top to bottom and back again. However, I cannot go from 1 to F by using the uparrow key OR from F to 1 by using the downarrow key. This happens in more of those menu's and wasn't the case in DEU, Deth and other deratives that I have used over the years. If this could be added, it would be great !!
I haven't tried Nova2.wad yet with the older Winzeth but knowing that it has some problems with certain source ports, I do think it will crap out but I will try that when I'm home again (currently having the Doom2BFG.wad file which Winzeth 4.17 doesn't like for certain reason).
What I also noticed, is that the moment I save my map with this version and try loading it with Winzeth or older, the vertexes and linedefs are there but not the sidedefs (before crapping out). Probably due to the format used here, which I have no idea which one. Ultimate Doombuilder speaks about Doom with Hexen format !?!?
It may be something, it may be nothing. I'm not that familiar with the various map formats . . .
Hopefully more features will be added, such as a fullscreen and/or scalable window option since that would really be something.

Though, I have to say that the old Winzeth 4.17 version decided to crap out on me with an out of memory message or crashes completely (I'm currently not at home, so I don't have access to the screenshot I took)

The thing that I do notice that is absent compared with Deu/Deth/Zeth, is the use of the arrow keys. When you have a list from 1 to F, I can use the keys to go from top to bottom and back again. However, I cannot go from 1 to F by using the uparrow key OR from F to 1 by using the downarrow key. This happens in more of those menu's and wasn't the case in DEU, Deth and other deratives that I have used over the years. If this could be added, it would be great !!
I haven't tried Nova2.wad yet with the older Winzeth but knowing that it has some problems with certain source ports, I do think it will crap out but I will try that when I'm home again (currently having the Doom2BFG.wad file which Winzeth 4.17 doesn't like for certain reason).
What I also noticed, is that the moment I save my map with this version and try loading it with Winzeth or older, the vertexes and linedefs are there but not the sidedefs (before crapping out). Probably due to the format used here, which I have no idea which one. Ultimate Doombuilder speaks about Doom with Hexen format !?!?

It may be something, it may be nothing. I'm not that familiar with the various map formats . . .
Hopefully more features will be added, such as a fullscreen and/or scalable window option since that would really be something.
- Posts: 56
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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
Yeah, I remember rewriting menu stuff in ZETH because it have some problems, like
not correctly handling separators in menus and I probably changed that overflow behavior as well...
Not sure why its an issue here since you can also use PageUp/PageDn and Home/End on menus.
As for opening WAD written in my ZETH, by chance they are big levels? I mean, do they have
more than 32767 vertexes or linedefs or sidedefs? (F10 -> 1: Display Number of Objects)
You are using ZETH with large maps support. This means, it can load big maps with up to 65534 objects.
If this is not the case, then its very strange, because it should work correctly.
Yes, ZETH uses DOOM maps in HEXEN format.. Never mind you are loading DOOM1 or DOOM2.
If it loads orginal DOOM MAP, it will be converted to HEXEN format on fly.
As for fullscreen and scalable windows, its what Graf Zahl said, forget it. I use GRX lib to emulate borland graphics
library (DOS times). There is no such stuff like windows in DOS.. If someone want to invest his time into ZETH
to modernize it on Windows, go ahead.. I will accept patches into new 'win32' branch.
It think its not worth the effort really. Userbase of ZETH is very thin.
I wonder who except me, you and drfrag uses it anyway...
not correctly handling separators in menus and I probably changed that overflow behavior as well...
Not sure why its an issue here since you can also use PageUp/PageDn and Home/End on menus.
As for opening WAD written in my ZETH, by chance they are big levels? I mean, do they have
more than 32767 vertexes or linedefs or sidedefs? (F10 -> 1: Display Number of Objects)
You are using ZETH with large maps support. This means, it can load big maps with up to 65534 objects.
If this is not the case, then its very strange, because it should work correctly.
Yes, ZETH uses DOOM maps in HEXEN format.. Never mind you are loading DOOM1 or DOOM2.
If it loads orginal DOOM MAP, it will be converted to HEXEN format on fly.
As for fullscreen and scalable windows, its what Graf Zahl said, forget it. I use GRX lib to emulate borland graphics
library (DOS times). There is no such stuff like windows in DOS.. If someone want to invest his time into ZETH
to modernize it on Windows, go ahead.. I will accept patches into new 'win32' branch.
It think its not worth the effort really. Userbase of ZETH is very thin.
I wonder who except me, you and drfrag uses it anyway...
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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
I don't really want to bump this, but the FTP link is down. This is particularly damning since every other version of ZETH (and WinZETH) has been backed up, but not this version. I came across this when i was writing an article for the Wiki and noticed it isn't working anymore.
For all its intents and purposes i'd like to preserve these builds.
For all its intents and purposes i'd like to preserve these builds.
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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
I have version dated 10.25.2019 :Redneckerz wrote: ↑Sun Aug 04, 2024 4:48 am I don't really want to bump this, but the FTP link is down. This is particularly damning since every other version of ZETH (and WinZETH) has been backed up, but not this version. I came across this when i was writing an article for the Wiki and noticed it isn't working anymore.
For all its intents and purposes i'd like to preserve these builds.
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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
Same here but no source.
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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
VitSm wrote: ↑Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:20 pmI have version dated 10.25.2019 :Redneckerz wrote: ↑Sun Aug 04, 2024 4:48 am I don't really want to bump this, but the FTP link is down. This is particularly damning since every other version of ZETH (and WinZETH) has been backed up, but not this version. I came across this when i was writing an article for the Wiki and noticed it isn't working anymore.
For all its intents and purposes i'd like to preserve these builds.
Both appreciated. I downloaded the file and i will try to get it to ZDoom''s FTP for posterity.
- Posts: 56
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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
Well, you guys could email me about it
I put contact into Zeth itself. Anyway, here is new link:
The sqrt branch using FPU to do calculations for LineDefs selecting, so if you have P3 CPU or better
this should be preffered. I improved hacky Randi trick for LineDef selection, it was very clever and
worked 99% of time but I found one wad when it had problems selecting LineDefs (and so, sectors).
(alt.wad, MAP31, LineDef 3475 or 3476).
Here is GIT repo: http://git.borg.uu3.net/cgit.cgi/zeth/
So, drfrag should update first post. Im still working (occasionally) on this editor, because im still fixing
good old wads to ZDOOM (mostly getting rid of invisible sectors and convert those to true 3d bridges).
In the future, try to reach me over email because im not really often look here. Im actually supprised that
someone is still using ZETH
(except me and drfrag).

The sqrt branch using FPU to do calculations for LineDefs selecting, so if you have P3 CPU or better
this should be preffered. I improved hacky Randi trick for LineDef selection, it was very clever and
worked 99% of time but I found one wad when it had problems selecting LineDefs (and so, sectors).
(alt.wad, MAP31, LineDef 3475 or 3476).
Here is GIT repo: http://git.borg.uu3.net/cgit.cgi/zeth/
So, drfrag should update first post. Im still working (occasionally) on this editor, because im still fixing
good old wads to ZDOOM (mostly getting rid of invisible sectors and convert those to true 3d bridges).
In the future, try to reach me over email because im not really often look here. Im actually supprised that
someone is still using ZETH

Last edited by Borg on Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Vintage GZDoom Developer
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Re: ZETH-win32: ZETH is still alive
Done. Y wenas el @Borg. BTW it's drfrag and not defrag, just a silly DM nick and it meant doctor frag (i wasn't very good at it BTW).