Increasing friction with ZScript

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Increasing friction with ZScript

Post by EmperorGrieferus »

Hi, I want to try myself in ZScript, and the first thing I want to do is simply translate this little ACS script.

Code: Select all

Script "Slip reduction" ENTER
  while (1)
	 SetActorProperty(0, APROP_Friction, 0.94);
	 if (GetPlayerInput(-1, INPUT_FORWARDMOVE)  ||  GetPlayerInput(-1, INPUT_SIDEMOVE))
	   SetActorProperty(0, APROP_Friction, 1.0);
It simply makes movement less slippery. Now, I know about NashMove mod, but I do believe there's more elegant way to do this.
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Re: Increasing friction with ZScript

Post by Jarewill »

There are two ways to do this.
First is to override Tick in your player class, this will make it only your-mod-specific:

Code: Select all

	Override void Tick(){
		If(player.cmd.forwardmove || player.cmd.sidemove){
The other is to create a new item and do the same with in the item's DoEffect override:

Code: Select all

Class FrictionItem : Inventory{
	Override void DoEffect(){
		//This time we will use the owner pointer.
		If(!owner || !owner.player){Destroy();}
		If(owner.player.cmd.forwardmove || owner.player.cmd.sidemove){
Now to automatically give this item to the player, you will want to use an event handler, like so:

Code: Select all

Class FrictionHandler : EventHandler{
	Override void PlayerEntered(PlayerEvent e){
		let playe = players[e.PlayerNumber].mo;
Make sure to also include the event handler in MAPINFO:

Code: Select all

	AddEventHandlers = "FrictionHandler"
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Re: Increasing friction with ZScript

Post by EmperorGrieferus »

Thank you very much! I'm gonna test it!
I considered translating the ACS script to ZScript because of camera jerking concerns.
You see, when I shortly used earlier version of Nash's Q-Tilt, which was written in ACS, I'd always get camera jerking the second I'd start circlestrafing (I know it's because ACS is tickrate-dependant, but anyway).
And from Tilt++ promotional, the whole thing looks really smooth, so I decided, why not move it to ZScript, even though I'm pretty conservative, thus I think that majority of mods can be made with only Decorate and ACS.

Tl;dr, I know.
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Re: Increasing friction with ZScript

Post by EmperorGrieferus »

So, about the first one.
Should it contain something else? Because when I tried to launch it, it failed because it couldn't find class.
The second one also failed, because it couldn't recognize the "owner.player.cmd.forwardmove/sidemove" part.
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Re: Increasing friction with ZScript

Post by Jarewill »

Oh right, you need to specify a ZScript version in the first line of the file, for example: version "4.0"

And regarding the first one, it needs to be within your player class, like:

Code: Select all

Class MyPlayer : DoomPlayer{
	//The code goes here
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Re: Increasing friction with ZScript

Post by EmperorGrieferus »

Jarewill wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 2:03 pm Oh right, you need to specify a ZScript version in the first line of the file, for example: version "4.0"

And regarding the first one, it needs to be within your player class, like:

Code: Select all

Class MyPlayer : DoomPlayer{
	//The code goes here
That's the problem: I specified the version.
Maybe, it's because the version I use doesn't support this exact command. However, I can't find anything like this in wiki.
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Re: Increasing friction with ZScript

Post by EmperorGrieferus »

So, after digging through Player_t, I've finally found the necessary natives. However, I don't really know what's the difference between Move1 and Move2.

UPD: Even these doesn't work. Maybe, I should try "GetPlayerInput", though I doubt.
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Re: Increasing friction with ZScript

Post by EmperorGrieferus »

I decided to perform an experiment, and...
Let's just say that my hopes are ruined. GZDoom, Eternity and even Unity Port show a hardly noticeable stuttering when you turn and strafe at the same time, Crispy Doom smoothes it which looks even weirder, and only DSDA-Doom showed no sign of it (Perhaps, this is because of interpolation algorithm used by first four ports).
I request to close this topic and I apologize for any inconvenience. Jarewill, big Russian spasibo for tutorial. I'll consult with you in DMs.
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Re: Increasing friction with ZScript

Post by merlin86 »

For the stuttering problem I've noticed the following things:
- prefer GSync if your gpu and monitor supports that
- always choose performance mode for your GPU / CPU
- Lock, if it's possible from the program, the fps in multiple of 35 fps and stay under the refresh rate of your monitor ( for example my monitor is 144 Hz so usually for me are 140 fps )
- Prefer the dxgi swap chain from your driver settings if your gpu supports that
- prefer vulkan instead of openGL if possible
- update the gpu drivers and install all the updates for your OS

I've followed those suggestions and I have a smooth experience in nugget doom and latest gzdoom.
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Re: Increasing friction with ZScript

Post by EmperorGrieferus »

1) I will see if my GTX 1050 Ti has this
2) Yessir!
3) I've chosen 70 fps, since this was the framerate Doom was intended to play in
4) I couldn't find it in NVIDIA Control Panel. Details required!
5) Not possible. Besides, AFAIK implementation of Vulkan on NVIDIA devices is rather buggy
6) I'm on it, OS is updated
Last edited by EmperorGrieferus on Fri Dec 29, 2023 4:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Increasing friction with ZScript

Post by merlin86 »

4) The one highlighted: , if not present, it means your drivers are old or GTX series does not support the DXGI swapchain (maybe only on Windows 11 / 10 ? )
5) Yeah, I know that with my RTX 4070, April drivers had a lot of problems, December drivers look better for Vulkan
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Re: Increasing friction with ZScript

Post by EmperorGrieferus »

As it turns out, my display doesn't support DP, which, idealistically, should support G-Sync.
If you need, my display is Philips PHL273V7QDS.

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