Ultimate Doom Builder

Any utility that assists in the creation of mods, assets, etc, go here. For example: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, WadSmoosh, Oblige, etc.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by NeuralStunner »

I have a vague recollection of discussion over displaying decals in visual mode, but I think this would've been actual years ago. It's something I would be quite interested in, especially when trying to align texels properly at different line angles.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Haiden »

I'm new to mapping on Doom
Is there a map with ressources ?
I mean a map with arch doors, harrow doors, slopes, swing doors, curves, bridges, etc... So you can copy and paste and make huge build more easily ?
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Kappes Buur »

all those constructs are easily done for GZDOOM
use an editor like Ultimate Doom Biulder and set
up the Game Configuration (F6) with the mapping
format GZDoom (Doom UDMF)
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by simc »

Just an idea, but I tried to sort the Doom/Boom line actions by their types. IMO it works so well that I'd dare to ask if this would be any help to navigate the Doom and Boom Line Actions menus?

Currently the actions are in number order. But it makes it a bit hard to find specific actions without typing to the search box. Also there are slight errors and imprecisions which make the current list even more unclear:

Here's the whole UDB (R4138) Configurations with the Doom/Boom actions sorted. To test this rename your UDB's current Configurations folder to "default_Configurations" (or so) and unzip/7zip the new Configurations folder into it's place.

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jcq81li3 ... 6oq9h&dl=1

To be able to sort the actions I appended all Doom actions into Boom_lindefs.cfg and edited Boom, EdgeC, Eternity, ZDaemon and ZDoom common.cfgs to not use doom_linedefs.cfg at all. The actions are sorted by their types (as categorized in boomref.txt) and the ordering is loosely based on the menus in DETH editor. Other edits:
This is not a requirement to do anything. Just an idea concept to test.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by ThatKidBobo »

My antivirus, Kaspersky, deletes UDB claiming that it is a Trojan. I have downloaded the program again and around 10 minutes later the same happened again. This has not happened to me before. I have no idea why this is happenning, may be an issue with the latest version. Has this happened to anyone else, perhaps with a different antivirus?
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Ravick »

Sorry if it had already been said/discussed here.

I keep getting this error almost every time I try to type the texture's name fast.


Do I just need to update it? Could it be my computer's fault?

Thanks in adavanced.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by ZZYZX »

Mini-news: updates and builds location is now at https://ultimatedoombuilder.github.io/

This should theoretically help with stability and speed of updates (since bandwidth and latency of DRDTeam was not always perfect, and the website sometimes has had other issues also)

That said, thanks to DRDTeam for continued hosting for all this time, even when I accidentally made a build script that'd f-k over their machine :roll:
ThatKidBobo wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:51 am My antivirus, Kaspersky, deletes UDB claiming that it is a Trojan. I have downloaded the program again and around 10 minutes later the same happened again. This has not happened to me before. I have no idea why this is happenning, may be an issue with the latest version. Has this happened to anyone else, perhaps with a different antivirus?
Sounds like BS.
1. Try VirusTotal
2. Check if the name is something with "Heur" or "Generic", if that's the case, it's almost always a mis-detection
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Laskow »

Hi. Is there a way to display the linedef's upper/middle/lower brightness at the bottom of the screen? Since being able to set the linedef's brightnesses separately I've been looking for the way to check it without opening the Edit Linedef window. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by boris »

Laskow wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 8:10 am Is there a way to display the linedef's upper/middle/lower brightness at the bottom of the screen?
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by SuaveSteve »

Just wanted to pop in and say thanks to authors for UDB. I'm getting back into Doom editing and it's awesome to see we can customise the editor with scripts!
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Caleb377 »

Hello, first of all I wanted to thank the team behind UDB, this program is amazing.

I updated recently to version R4157 (64-bit) and I noticed a bug of sorts that didn't happen before:

If I select a texture I made that is named exactly the same as a Doom 2 original texture ( "GATE1" in this example ) the editor displays the original instead of my replacement, both in the window and in 3D mode.
But when I run the map It shows the new texture instead.
Is there a way to avoid this?

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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by boris »

Impossible to say with the given info.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Caleb377 »

Okay, Here's an image of the bug:


As you can see on the left window "Browse Textures" I have selected a new texture called "GATE1".
(Unfortunately the same name is used as one of the DOOM2 textures, and this mod requires the DOOM2.IWAD to function)

The "Edit Linedef" window on the right displays the wrong texture, wich has a different size and look
(It bypasses the selection on the previous window, ignoring the path selected and just displays the original
texture from DOOM2)

And on the background you can see the "Visual Mode" showing the texture in map that displays again as
the original texture instead of the one I selected.

But... if I run the game my texture shows, misaligned as I cannot correctly place it in "Visual Mode" but it's there.

The map has the resources listed as follows:
(The path to my textures folder)

Hope that makes it clear now,
Thanks again.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by ZzZombo »

I think the order should start with the GZDoom assets, IWAD, and then any customizations take place.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by SuaveSteve »

I feel like we need an "Edit X" action. Right clicking on a line, sector, thing, etc..., to edit its properties can be annoying when you misclick.

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