UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

Post by UnknDoomer »

144. DBP59: Zeppelin Armada (2023).

https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... in-armada/

Wad from 18 (17 levels + epilogue) in steampunk style. In addition to the abundance of custom textures and modified sound effects, one can noted - the possibility of completing optional small quests during the process, which, however, ultimately do not affect the gameplay as such. Maps range in size from small to medium. The story is told from the point of view of a time traveler who is faced with the fact that demons are also not averse to using this option.

Settings and features:

* GzDoom 4.10.0, UV difficulty.
* It takes ~ 3,5 hours to complete.


+ Style, detail.
+ Visual effects such as smoke from chimneys or demons appearing from steam.


- The abundance of textures of the same type sometimes does not make it clear which elements are interactive and which are not. One of the clearest examples is M15, where I didn't figure out how to pick up a red skull and use noclip as a result. On another level an invisible wall blocked the passage to the key, but in his case, the collection of two keys could be ignored due to the extraction of the third one using rocket jump.
- The typical predominance of stylization over all other elements, whether it be gameplay or some other basic components, was very noticeable even in the early works of the DBP forum and over time, with rare exceptions, this trend has not gone away. Last but not least, the short production time of wads, 1-2 months, obviously plays a role here, shifting the bet on the quantity at which, whatever one may say, some elements fade into the background.
- M17. The tendency of recent years to turn every second map into a protracted massacre has managed to fill the teeth. I've seen quite a few hard maps in this context, both quite successful and not so good, but the ending of this particular wad is not only typical, but also elevates this trend to an absolute to a certain extent. A pile of monsters, under ~ 900, the need to press a large number of switches and destroy, for the umpteenth time, the local similarity of the icon of sin, which, unlike its counterparts on other maps, spawns monsters with an increased frequency - about 6 at a time, which only makes it difficult to pass, but does not contribute to perceiving this element in any way interesting.
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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

Post by UnknDoomer »

1. The Evil House of D'Sparil's Uncle's Brother's Dentist (2023).

https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... tic-level/

Short, but at the same time quite interesting and well-balanced map for Heretic in "vanilla" format. The passage will take about 15 minutes on difficulty 4/5.

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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

Post by UnknDoomer »

145. DBP60: Eldritch Voyage (2023). Build 1.1.

https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... ch-voyage/


https://www.old-games.ru/forum/attachme ... ng.295924/
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Wad of 14 levels in the style of the jungle. The plot is practically not covered, but, in the end, the doomguy will have to confront Cthulhu. Such a style and theme has previously been repeatedly embodied in one form or another in the realities of Doom, so it cannot be called unique, at the same time, the traditional attention to small details in the works of DBP has remained in place, like other typical components - relatively short duration of maps, moderate number of monsters.

Settings and features:

* GzDoom 4.10.0, UV difficulty.
* It takes ~ 2 hours to complete.


+ M3 - "Tomb Raided".
+ M7 - "Blast Temple".
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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

Post by UnknDoomer »

Earlier, I, by and large, did not talk about the alternative development branch of console adaptations, whose name is PsyDoom. The reason for this, at that time, was the almost complete absence of both wads and single cards for this port, but recently the situation has begun to change - by the current moment, 1 full-fledged wad and 7 single cards have been released. In this regard, and also taking into account the fact that the releases of fresh adaptations for Doom CE / 64, as well as the fresh build of Doom 64 EX, were shelved by their authors, it's time to disassemble the version, which can be called "more canonical" in the context of following both the original atmosphere and the technical limitations of the PSX version. Separately, I note that it is planned to review all currently completed maps, with the exception of Doomsday of UAC, because it's original version was already considered not so long ago here.


https://www.old-games.ru/forum/attachme ... ng.296020/

1. PsyDoom can be picked up here: https://github.com/BodbDearg/PsyDoom/releases. The last build from 13.06.23.
2. To run you need the original disk image in .bin+.cue format.
3. Run PsyDoom.exe. In the "Game Disc" field, you need to specify the disk image, and in the "Mod directory" folder with wad, for example E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Doom 2\base\fastest shovels 8.
4. In the context of connecting to Steam, a simple replacement of dosbox.exe is indispensable, because the file also performs the functions of a launcher with parameters, and in this case, you need to specify the configuration separately. I have not yet figured out how to organize it in the right way.

146. Fastest Shovels 8 (2023).

https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... -psx-doom/

The first full-fledged wad, focused on working with the mentioned port, consists of 8 short levels. Following the well-known saying about "the first pancake is lumpy", one can note the fact that the levels do not stand out with something special, in particular when compared with works under 64 or PSX-style wads, based on the original Doom II. At the same time, the horror component characteristic of the PSX, they convey quite successfully.

Settings and features:

* PsyDoom 1.1.1, UV difficulty.
* It takes ~ 30 minutes to complete.
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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

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25. Caldera Of Wretchedness (2021).

https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... tchedness/

Historically the first and relatively extensive map for PsyDoom from the author of the port. The main purpose of its creation was to demonstrate the technical capabilities inherent in such:
It showcases some of the new features of PsyDoom versus the original PSX Doom engine such as greatly extended limits, Doom 64 style dual colored lighting, Lua scripting for advanced sector actions, Arch-viles and so on. It also features new music, composed in the engine's original tracker format as well as new textures and flats (courtesy of OTEX).
The action takes place in a mountainous area full of elevation changes, which often makes skirmishes with enemies rather non-trivial. Other features include the use of platforms for jumping.

Settings and features:

* PsyDoom 1.1.1, UV difficulty.
* The complete passage takes ~ 30-40 minutes.
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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

Post by UnknDoomer »

26, 27, 28. 1x1, ITWASPSX (2022), Warlock (2023).

https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... imum-doom/
https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... oom-level/
https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... ydoom-wad/

1x1 stands out with an interestingly built structure, which fits well with the atmosphere characteristic of the PSX version of Doom. At one time, the original was included in the collection known as Maximum Doom.

ITWASPSX. You will need Final Doom to run it. The theme here revolves around the "haunted house", with the difference that the latter have been replaced by demons.

Warlock. The excavation of the ancient temple did not go according to plan and most of the involved participants in the process turned into zombies or demons. The hero is invited to figure out what's what. The action begins in a vast, technogenic base, which is quite typical for Evilution, but is subsequently transferred to another dimension. As with the second map, Final Doom is required.
Settings and features:

* PsyDoom 1.1.1, UV difficulty.
* The complete passage takes ~ 8, 15 and 16 minutes, respectively.
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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

Post by UnknDoomer »

29, *. Welcome to die PSX, Devil May Die (2023).

https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... x-psydoom/
https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... e-psydoom/

The collection ends with a dilogy of two compact and simple maps, with an emphasis on high complexity. The first, according to the author, is more of a "pen test". The second one is distinguished by the presence of two unique, for PSX, monsters - archvile and soldiers from Wolfenstein 3D, but I could not try it out due to the specifics of the launch, which is discussed in more detail in the topic.

Settings and features:

* PsyDoom 1.1.1, UV difficulty.
* It takes 1 minute to complete the first map if you collect the skulls and immediately proceed to the exit.
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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

Post by UnknDoomer »

146. Deep Breath (2023).

https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... ev-thread/

A wad of 6 levels the action of which takes place underwater, similar to BioShock - on the bottom of the ocean. The textures are taken from Quake, the general style is reminiscent of the BTSX dilogy, and the protective suit was replaced with a scuba gear from Duke Nukem 3D. The mechanics of passing certain moments are built around the latter, but otherwise the wad is quite standard in the context of the narrative and, in my opinion, does not stand out as anything special.

Settings and features:

* GzDoom 4.10.0, UV difficulty.
* ~ 1 hour to complete.
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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

Post by UnknDoomer »

About 2,5 years ago, I began reviewing the console theme with, at that time, a rather rare phenomenon - the release of a large, full-fledged wad for Doom 64, which was initially tied to a generally obsolete EX port that dates back to 00's. Later, a version for the 2020's remaster arrived, as well as other adaptations, including the CE port, which I talked about in detail in the before. I liked it for two reasons - the possibility of fine-tuning, in particular in comparison with the original EX port, and also compatibility with GzDoom, which I use by default for most of the wads.

1,5 years have passed since then, but subsequent adaptations, a number of old PSX-oriented wads in particular, have not yet followed CE. The same can be said about 64, the modding of which has been actively developing lately, but the port developer, and those else who involved, clearly cannot keep up with the pace of the release of new wads, which cannot be said about the updated revision of EX under the subtitle EX+, as well as its suddenly emerging offshoot Super EX+, in many ways, they have now become “default” ports - often support for the official remaster may not be declared, which, to a certain extent, is quite clumsy, and the only supported port at the time of release is EX+.

To summarize all of the above. Next, it is planned to consider 2 new and 1 old wad in the Doom 64 setting in combination with the Super EX+ port, and then, gradually, about 9 wads in the spirit of PSX, tied to working with GzDoom, 8 of which were originally released in the period 2010-2018, and one back in the 90's. The last wad, as well as one of the mentioned “eight”, received fresh revisions this year.


Combine 64 EX Plus / 64 Super EX Plus with Steam.

Permanent instructions for launching all the main ports that are mentioned here are... here. Nevertheless, let's look at the question separately again.

0. You can download this or that port here - https://github.com/atsb/Doom64EX-Plus/releases and here - https://github.com/Styd051/DOOM64-Super ... /releases/. This time I settled on the second one.
1. Place all files in \Steam\SteamApps\common\Doom 64.
3. For testing purposes you can run DOOM64EX+ Launcher.exe once to check the resolution, but in general it will not be needed further.
3. Rename DOOM64EX+.exe to DOOM64_x64.exe.
4. Open Steam, Doom 64 properties, write in the launch parameters, for example -file "ea64_100.wad".
5. Done.


147. Elegant Agony 64 (2023).

https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... -agony-64/


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https://www.old-games.ru/forum/attachme ... ng.297599/
https://www.old-games.ru/forum/attachme ... ng.297600/

A wad of 13 levels (1 secret). The levels have a fairly diverse style, which is not so common in small wads, but at the same time they have an intricate structure. There are a large number of secrets.

Settings and features:

* DOOM64 Super EX+ V1.0.0.6, difficulty "I Own Doom!".
* Complete completion requires 3,5 hours.
* I’ve already seen levels M12 and M13 (29) somewhere before... I just don’t remember where.


+ M9 - "Kalachakria". The specifics of level construction and the shortage of ammunition will make you think about how to outwit a vast mass of enemies.
+ M10 - "Cathedral".

Secret levels.
Last edited by UnknDoomer on Thu Jan 23, 2025 11:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

Post by UnknDoomer »

*. Fusion of Realities (2016 / 2019).

https://www.moddb.com/mods/doom-64-fusi ... doom-64-ex

A little-known wad that began its history in 2016, at a time when the release of any creations in the Doom 64 theme, on the one hand, was a rare occurrence, and on the other, as a rule, the matter was limited to single maps. FoR version 0.2 was something similar at the time of publication on iddqd. I tried to run version 1.02, released three years later and consisting of 10 maps. The name is justified by a small plot plot:
Doomguy got too far. After the death of the Motherdemon the great Demon Lord Marbas decided to stop the main hero by putting him into the illusion created by memories of the past. Now you must relive all those brutal battles mixed together like in a bad dream.
Settings and features:

* DOOM64 Super EX+ V1.0.0.6 / DOOM64 EX+ In its original form, the wad is tied to the original EX port and has not been really tested by anyone on its modern variations. Testing on both variations was unsuccessful - the game crashes on startup.

Therefore, FoR remains to be skipped for now and moved on.


148. Ethereal Breakdown (2022).

https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... s-out-now/


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Wad of 31 levels (taking into account the fact that some are occupied by the introduction or credits), of which 3 are bonus. From the hub 27 are initially available, while access to “Blood Temple” is initially blocked, which, apparently, is a bug. Noclip won't help here. because the teleport doesn’t work either, you need to enter the code “idclev21”, which will move you to level number 21. And enter it not in the console, but simply on the keyboard. In addition it is worth keeping in mind that if some artifacts have already been collected by this moment, they will disappear - you must either complete the level before collecting them, or save the game in a separate slot for the purpose of a purely separate visit.

EB is the collective work of several authors who came together to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the original game by releasing something iconic. Looking ahead, I’ll note that the initiative was a success. There is a background:
The Mother Demon was slain... you laugh as you think about it so long ago; how you thought it was the end. You laugh as you think about how far you were from the truth, and how far you've come now. Hell is no more... Where are you? The last thing you remember was a violent collapse, the head had swallowed it's tail... You look around, but there is nothing, just laughter... Suddenly, you laugh so hard your abdomen bursts, and a blinding light bursts forth, absorbing you and nothing else in it's wake. You're covered in gross sludge, and wipe yourself down. You clean your visor to find yourself inside a fountain. Wherever you are, it's somewhere strange. Outside creation itself; yet within it at the same time. Amidst your confusion, you can feel something evil lurking amok. Now you know why you're here. There's one last demon who's escaped. A powerful one, a master of minds. What was it your commanding officer said all those years back? "The brain is the next battlefield." Yes, this wretched mastermind needs to be utterly destroyed. This is why you were put here. To venture forth through all of creation, and hunt for the power to stop this beast. The Creator uses many things for a greater purpose; it seems that you're real fun to work with.

The three parts of your soul, Spirit, Mind, and Nous have been scattered throughout the universe and your memories. Find them and slay the best which torments you!
The style, structure of the maps, as well as the time required to complete them, varies significantly. From typical, but intricate, tech. bases and huge fortresses to the first levels of Wolfenstein 3D and Duke Nukem 3D, fog-filled locations, an ice arena, somewhere in another world and pure, otherworldly surrealism. Levels can be visited repeatedly, the main task is to find three artifacts.
Settings and features:

* DOOM64 Super EX+ V1.0.0.6, difficulty "I Own Doom!".
* Levels can be completed in any order.
* Because the central hub is used, collected weapons are not saved.
* If before exiting the level you enter the code “noclip” in the console, ~, then you will not return to the hub and you will be able to see the following image:

https://www.old-games.ru/forum/attachme ... ng.297778/

* Complete completion requires ~11 hours.
* I didn’t find a way to directly get to the bonus levels, so the commands “idclev2”, “idclev3” and “idclev4” were used.


I counted the numbering of levels from right to left, if we take it from the initially blocked central passage, starting from the level in the style of Wolfenstein.

1. The first artifact, without any problems, can be found on M4, "Switchless". Hidden in one column.
2. The second one is on M9, "Dark Retrospect", where you need to press the switch in the room in front of the cave with teleporters, and then quickly run into the second one in order to pick up the artifact before the wall near one of the platforms closes.

https://www.old-games.ru/forum/attachme ... ng.297729/

3. Third on M13, "Castle of the Damned". Quite not easy. First you need to find a small room and press the switch in it - the artifact will drop into the dungeon. Having reached it at the end, you will need to press the switch - the artifact will move to the starting point. Returning to it, you will notice a small hint - a white texture. By going back and going around the nearest rooms in the mansion, you will find a similar background behind a candle - you need to shoot at it, then go back again and click on the portrait. You can finally pick up the artifact and head out of the level through the gate. Artifacts can also apparently be found on other maps, but in my opinion, these three are the easiest to find.


+ The Ethereal Breakdown compilation is probably one of the three best megawads for Doom 64 ever created, along with Community Chest 64 and The UnMaking, as well as one of those in general, if we talk about the global top, including Doom I / II, Heretic, Hexen.
+ Variety of styles.
+ "Frostwave".
+ "Hollywood Holocaust". The first level from Duke Nukem 3D, transferred without any special changes to the reality of Doom 64.
+ "Death Gate".
+ "Castle of the Damned". The name speaks for itself. You have to explore a gloomy castle full of secrets, where occult research by the owner of parallel worlds did not end well, and paintings like Alone in the Dark (1992) can come to life... Among the shortcomings, can note the finale of the level, where, having a low HP reserve, passing the trap system without cheat codes actually becomes impossible, and with 100 units in stock you can still die from one shot.
+ "Visions of Hostility". A good map in a technogenic style, not overloaded with unnecessary elements.
+ "Living Walls". Interesting combination of color palette.
+ "Templum Mortis". A tomb with many ingenious traps and a pile of enemies. There will be two protracted battles in the arenas. In the case of the final one, three bosses are applied in succession.
+ "Override". A good example of branched technogenic corridors.
+ "The Mephitic Aqueduct". "Arena" type location. Structurally, it is one of the most interesting, at the same time, the easiest in the context of passing due to the excess of cartridges and items. Here, in one place, there are 3 artifacts at the same time, but I haven’t figured out how to pick them up.
+ "Blood Temple". A gloomy temple, lost somewhere in the caves.
++ "Consumitur Insania". The final level, combining several aspects at once. Platform elements, interesting puzzles, traps, battles both regular and in arenas. At the end, a protracted battle and a colorful boss awaits.
+ "Deja Vu". The map, which begins as another variation on the theme of the original E1M1, turns into a long journey through a mixture of man-made bases and demonic inclusions. Other familiar elements will also appear. Among the shortcomings, a certain repetition can be noted - in the final, once again, you have to fight four bosses. If you do not use items very wisely, without knowing this feature, as well as if you miss the secret with artifacts, then the battle promises to drag on. As a result, I entered the cheat code "god".

The fragment with puzzles was not included in the video due to recording problems, so I will describe it briefly here. You need to solve several puzzles while avoiding unkillable ghosts. In particular, run under the presses, from catching missiles, and also, in another place, to the switch. Walk correctly on the tiles to avoid activating the trap. Consistently, but quickly, block the mother of demons on four sides so that you can activate the next plate with symbols.

Not far from the gate that leads to the exit from the level you can see the inscription “Exit” in a column, blocked at the time of the finale. If you return to the level again, it will be open, the exit returns to the hub and, apparently, does not affect anything.


- "Haunted Eye". Wandering in the dark looking for switches, unkillable ghost monsters and not the most logical puzzle with platforms make this map rather tedious rather than interesting.
- "Map Not Found". A map consisting entirely of references to the Internet phenomenon "behind the scenes". What in theory may sound interesting to one degree or another, in practice sometimes turns into a protracted wandering with the question “where to go next?” - finding the right portal often turns out to be quite problematic and in this regard the map is conceptually inferior to clearly more interesting solutions, like the ones I considered in the surrealist cycle.
- "Residence of Evil". An attempt to implement a potentially iconic level in the style of the first part of RE1 turns out to be a complete failure due to the unknown reason for the changed control scheme - it is almost impossible to pass the map in this form. After a couple of attempts I gave up and moved on.
- "Ring of Fire". Another arena, another battle with waves of opponents. The map does not stand out in any way from the others presented in the selection, incl. two other bonus ones, one of which occupies the same niche. The only difference here is that the degree of hardcore here is significantly increased - a shortage of ammunition and a protracted battle with opponents cannot be avoided, and in the end you still have to dodge homing projectiles for quite a long time. In a word, it may be of interest only to those who have not had time to get tired of this kind of activity, incl. time to complete the main content.
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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

Post by UnknDoomer »

149. Threshold Of Pain - Special Edition (2010 / 2014). #114. Cacowards 2010.

https://www.doomworld.com/files/file/17 ... l-edition/


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https://www.old-games.ru/forum/attachme ... ng.297944/
https://www.old-games.ru/forum/attachme ... ng.297950/
https://www.old-games.ru/forum/attachme ... ng.297951/

The first part of the wad duology in PSX style. Consists of 12 levels (2 secret). There are two new types of weapons, a minigun and an unmaker, as well as one new sphere, which, similar to that from Quake, increases damage several times. The standard roster of monsters has been expanded with modified, read enhanced, variations; in addition, there are custom varieties drawn from Realm667 and ZDCMP. There is an original boss at the end, and a couple more in one of the bonus levels.

The difficulty is stated to be increased to the standards familiar on the PC, as opposed to what could be observed in the original console version. It is also worth noting the presence of archvilles, which were not present in either PSX or 64. As for the “Special Edition” console, it is distinguished from the original release by the correction of a number of bugs and even greater use of the capabilities of GzDoom. Finally, I’ll add that this wad is considered, and not without reason, to be one of the standards for embodying the atmosphere of PSX on PC, therefore, among other things, it can serve as a good start for getting acquainted with this area of modding as such in a fairly short time frame.

Settings and features:

* GzDoom 4.10.0, UV difficulty.
* Jumping and squatting must be enabled.
* Unmaker uses its own projectiles.
* Complete completion requires ~ 4 hours.


Can be found on the M7 - "Bedlam".

1 - secret passage to the yellow skull.
2 - yellow skull.
3 - secret passage to the door, where you will need the mentioned skull.
4 - platform with a gun.

It will also be possible to pick it up on the M8 without any problems. A characteristic fact is that there is a type of enemy that is also equipped with similar weapons.

Secret levels.

+ Atmosphere.
+ Balance combined with well-chosen new types of opponents.
+ Nice bonus levels. One clearly refers to a puzzle level from Doom 64, the second... is a kind of joke on the topic of "super secret" levels.
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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

Post by UnknDoomer »

150. Threshold Of Pain II (2012).



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Three days have passed since you defeated the Cyber Prototype and closed the Triton portal for good. All that should have remained was grabbing a few snacks from the mess hall and catching a few movies in the rec room while waiting for the bus home, right? Right, so why did you receive a distress call from the evac ship just seconds before it was blown to pieces? Looks like you're not going home just yet - there's still some work to do. The captain said something about heavy fire, but there's no hardware on all of the Triton base capable of bringing down a starship from that distance. So where the hell did it come from? You head back to the lab complex to see if you can find anything that might give you a clue as to what's going on. Prizing a top-level access card from a dead scientist's grasp, you manage to gain access to the classified Triton files. You can't believe what you find. The files contain a schematic of the Gabriel - a large, heavily-armed orbital station which maintains a constant bearing above the main research facility - on the surface of Neptune itself! Turns out the Triton facility was just a front for what the UAC was really doing in the main facility on Neptune. They've been purposefully sending people through the portal there into Hell in the name of "scientific research". Except it gets worse - they found something. An artefact simply codenamed "U-1", believed to be a weapon of immense power that supposedly contains the souls of those who fell in some ancient war aeons ago. Could be bullshit, but if it's not, chances are those demonic bastards want to get their hands on it, and no doubt they plan to use it. The Gabriel's main purpose was to protect the Neptune facility, and has the ability to break orbit, blow the base to smithereens and act as a lifeboat if it ever came to it. If Neptune suffered the same fate as Triton, chances are the demons have control of the Gabriel, too. So, they get the artefact, ride the Gabriel all the way to Earth, and then - who knows? The files give directions to a seperate facility a few clicks away which houses the teleporter to the Neptune base, but it involves a trek across Triton's less than hospitable wilderness. Still, you know those bastards won't make their big play until they get rid of that one last fly in the ointment... However, just as you are about to grab your gear and set off, a huge explosion rocks the base. Looks like Triton's orbit has brought it into the Gabriel's range and now they're gunning for you. No time to stock up now, you're just gonna have to grab what you can find on the way...
A continuation of the previously reviewed wad, which was also supposed to consist of 10-12 levels and, like the original, 4 acts, and the release of the final build was planned for 2015. As a result, the process went differently, the build available to the public was stuck at the level of 7 levels (1 secret), 2 acts, and the project was frozen and there has been no news about it for the last 8+ years.

In addition to the generally familiar features from the first part, new elements were added, inspired in particular by Doom 64 and, to a significant extent, Doom 3, as well as a three-dimensional floor and the ability to swim in flooded segments. The variability of the themes of the levels has increased, and the choice of difficulty level now inherits the character of that of 64. The plot, as will become clear in the process, is largely a retelling of the events of Doom 3, and the last, sixth map, completely identically quotes individual moments, such as the battle with one from intermediate bosses.

Among the innovations can note:

- enemies with double-barreled guns and rocket launchers, including cyborg barons, spiders and teleporting creatures from Doom 3.
- protective sphere.
- a grenade launcher that specifically throws grenades, not rockets, and they can bounce off walls.
Settings and features:

* GzDoom 4.10.0, "Watch Me Die!" difficulty. In fact, this is the same UV here, but with some shortage of cartridges. I wouldn't compare this difficulty to that of Doom 64.
* Jumping and squatting must be on.
*Complete completion will take ~3 hours.

Secret level.
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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

Post by UnknDoomer »

151. The S-Project (2011 / 2014).

https://www.moddb.com/games/doom-ii/add ... -s-project


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The UAC... What a crooked heap of crap it is. After the climactic battle with the Gatekeeper, your superiors decided to inform you about the secret things they did while you were out there fighting. It was not the demons who kept the seventh gate open. It was, in fact, the UAC who were trying to figure out a way to utilize the immense energy coming out from the gate. Once they understood how it could be manipulated, you would be terminated immediately without payment. Even though you stopped the Gatekeeper and let the quantum accelerator close the gate, leaving you still employed by the UAC, you felt used, violated, betrayed... All those men who were lost in the massacre... Why?

Nevertheless, they compromised. Being aware of your excellence in warfare, they decided to make a formal apology and promote you to the highest position in the UAC army. The cash rolled in with impressive quantities, and you felt like you could rule the world. Hell, maybe even the galaxy! Then something came along that made your body cringe...

According to the UAC, there was a "slight mishap" that took place in one of the recently established bases on Earth. The board representing the army branch specifically asked for you to assess the situation. You asked yourself: 'If it's just a "slight mishap", why don't they get a team of capable soldiers to clear things up?'. The reason for this mission was that no one else but you could make the best decisions regarding the integrity of the so called "S-Project" that was being conducted there. Your suspicions began to grow. This just didn't sound right.

Having prepared yourself for the trip to Earth, a recon craft was to drop you off at the security station so that the guards assigned there could enlighten you on this matter. As the pilots were getting closer to the base, the sky was... changing. Your heart almost sank as the sky in the vicinity of the base was now a sinister color of crimson. The pilots, feeling extremely uneasy, told you that they had to drop you off now. You stepped out of the craft, at which point the pilots took off and raced through the sky.

You had no choice but to enter the base and find some answers as soon as possible...
A wad of 6 levels (1 secret), to a certain extent similar in atmosphere to the "Threshold Of Pain" duology, with the difference that there are no global custom elements here, with the exception of the final boss, textures and sound replacement.

Settings and features:

* GzDoom 4.10.0, UV difficulty.
* The secret level will require jumping.
* Complete completion will take ~ 1 hour.

Secret level.
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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

Post by UnknDoomer »

152. Innocence X (2016).


The first wad from the Innocence trilogy, which, on the one hand, draws basic elements from PSX, and on the other, part of the atmosphere and sound effects from 64. Consists of 10 levels (3 secret). A distinctive feature of the wad is the small number of opponents - on any map it does not exceed 150. There are custom varieties, the regular chainsaw has been replaced with a double one.

Settings and features:

* GzDoom 4.10.0, "Watch Me Die!" difficulty. By analogy with TOP II - in fact, this is the same UV, but with some shortage of cartridges. I wouldn't compare this difficulty to that of Doom 64.
* Complete completion will take ~ 1 hour.
* The final boss is identical to that from The S-Project, with the difference that his behavior pattern is slightly different and is easier to deal with here.

Secret levels.
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Re: UnknDoomer's corner of ultra silence - Short WAD Reviews / Longplays / Hints

Post by UnknDoomer »

153. Innocence X2 (2016).

https://www.doomworld.com/files/file/18 ... ocence-x2/


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A sequel to the previously reviewed wad and its plot continuation. Like the original it consists of 10 levels (3 secret) and generally adheres to the same parameters. Among the innovations can note cacodemons firing bursts of three charges, as well as soldiers and Wolfenstein 3D hiding on a secret M10, among whom there are rocket launchers.
Settings and features:

* GzDoom 4.10.0, UV difficulty.
* Complete completion will take ~ 2 hours.

Secret levels.

+ High-quality performance, compared to the first part, has reached a new level.
+ M10 - "The New Order". A level that combines the style of Doom and Wolfenstein 3D, the action of which takes place in a huge, mobile fortress on tracks.
+ Successfully implemented final boss.
Last edited by UnknDoomer on Thu Jan 23, 2025 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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