Statement regarding Marisa the Magician (aka Marisa Kirisame)

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Re: Statement regarding Marisa the Magician (aka Marisa Kirisame)

Post by Ihavequestions »

dawnbreez wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 4:06 am(The GOP poisoned the well on that word, is what I'm saying.)
Scripten wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 3:14 pmalt-right fuckheads
AFAIR, this forum used to have a clear no-politics rule. Has that changed?
cyber_cool wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 12:47 pmI fail to see anything transphobic here. More like questioning the composition of moderation team and how it completely defies the statistics. And his ban "for bigotry" was a direct confirmation that something is very wrong here.
The general lack of viewpoint diversity due to a concentration of like-minded individuals within mod teams has lead to much segregation and fragmentation of communities across the Web, and this needs to stop. "Bigotry" (a.k.a. "opinions I don't like") should never be grounds for a ban. You can still ban people for aggressive targeted attacks at certain individuals (mobbing) or spamming, but no one should have to be treading on egg shells.
Professor Hastig wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 1:47 amThat video was one step too far.
No, it was absolutely needed. I only learned about this whole thing from that video, posted by someone on Twitter. Now, let's see what the changes by Cali will bring about.
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Re: Statement regarding Marisa the Magician (aka Marisa Kirisame)

Post by Crazy_Deer »

Bigotry is not a damn viewpont jfc. What's this centrist ass take?
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Re: Statement regarding Marisa the Magician (aka Marisa Kirisame)

Post by Caligari87 »

For a lot of people it's more a disagreement over what constitutes bigotry.
Ihavequestions wrote: Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:57 pmAFAIR, this forum used to have a clear no-politics rule. Has that changed?
The rule remains, but the strictness and enforcement of it has changed to be more flexible over time. Typically this depends heavily on how cordial and mutual the conversation is. Arguments and mud-slinging over hot-button issues gets less leeway, civil discourse over shared ground gets more leeway.

However, this subject is outside the scope of this thread (past comments notwithstanding) I'd rather we not have that debate right now, please.

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Re: Statement regarding Marisa the Magician (aka Marisa Kirisame)

Post by Jeimuzu73 »

Wow, what the f. I take a 'vacation' from Doom and FPS's in general playing RollerCoaster Tycoon, and then come back to the discord and forums seeing this. I've seen many SNAFUs on this site regarding certain mods, certain modders, certain members, but nothing as FUBAR as this.

The situation was f'd and the mods involved f'd it up even further. >:( Now poor Cali and the other sane folks left have to clean up this mess.

I think I'll go back to playing RCT for a while longer. But man does this suck for everyone.
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Re: Statement regarding Marisa the Magician (aka Marisa Kirisame)

Post by Caligari87 »

It's now 9:00pm my time, about 4 hours since the announcement post. I'll be heading to bed probably within the hour, so as previously stated I'm now closing this thread as I believe it has run its course and there's nothing else to say about the Marisa situation that hasn't been said already.

Moving forward, if anyone has input on the new change in administration, feel free to comment on the new thread of course.


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