BloodDecal Property For Actors

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BloodDecal Property For Actors

Post by 22alpha22 »

Basically a way to define what blood decals are generated on a per actor class basis since the current method is very limited. (All actors have to use the same blood decals)

What it could look like:

Code: Select all

Class AnActor
          BloodDecal Blood Decal 1, Minimum Damage To Spawn, Chance, Blood Decal 2, Minimum Damage To Spawn, Chance, ...
Obviously Blood Decal # would be a decal or decalgroup defined in DECALDEFS, Minimum Damage To Spawn would be the minimum damage required to spawn that particular decal, and Chance would be the probability of that decal spawning provided the minimum damage is met.

For my own uses, this would allow me to raise the minimum damage required to spawn blood decals to match the fact in my mod all health and damage has been multiplied by a factor of 100.

Other uses would allow different monsters to have different blood decals or decal renderstyles. For example a Spectre could have fuzzy blood decals without having to turn all blood decals fuzzy.
Last edited by 22alpha22 on Mon May 16, 2022 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BloodDecal Property For Actors

Post by 22alpha22 »

It has been over six months since the suggestion was made, so I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this. For me personally, I have found a workaround but it is a bit clunky and having this feature built into the engine natively would be a lot more straightforward to use for me and others in the future.

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