"I Can't Find This WAD" thread

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"I Can't Find This WAD" thread

Post by wildweasel »

Looking for that one level with that awesome set piece, but can't remember its name?

Need to know which megawad has those really weird 3D rendered imp sprites?

Just can't figure out what the real name is for a random file name you have in your collection?

This is your thread. Ask here and hopefully your mystery will be solved!

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Re: "I Can't Find This WAD" thread

Post by Enjay »

OK, I'll start. :D

I've been looking for a WAD for some time. I'm pretty sure that it's quite an old one.

From what I recall, it's set on a space station. There is one section where you can go up on a lift followed by a choice of two more lifts. Both lifts will take you to a sort of control room.

There is also a section which takes you down into a much dingier area. From memory, this can be accessed via two lifts - one at either side of this area. The lower section has weird combination doors made from door and lift sectors very close to each other and the section has walkways, some of which have a liquid of some sort at the sides... I think. Pretty sure the railings at the side of the walkways are made of custom textures as are girder-like structures on 2S lines that are meant to look like roof supports in the dingy section.

In that section, the goal is to flick a couple of switches to gain access to a small room (maybe containing a key).
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Re: "I Can't Find This WAD" thread

Post by osjclatchford »

sounds a bit like hedrox to me...
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Re: "I Can't Find This WAD" thread

Post by Enjay »

Nope, I know Hedrox and it's not that. It's much older and much less detail. Thanks for the suggestion though.
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Re: "I Can't Find This WAD" thread

Post by wildweasel »

The split doors make me wonder if it was something intended to be Doom 64-styled, like DSV4.
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Re: "I Can't Find This WAD" thread

Post by Ravick »

I've accessed here today willing to make a thread just like this one! :lol:


What I'm looking for: I remember playing a mod in witch I had to collect coins (kinda similar to Vulkan or Golden Souls) and monsters randomly exhibit very funny death animations, such as an imp variant witch neck gets long before head pops out and a fat zombie from Blood that get its belly inflated and them explodes in a gory way. I can't remember its name. Can someone help me out with this one?
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Re: "I Can't Find This WAD" thread

Post by Gez »

Here's something I only saw in a youtube video years ago. The most striking part I remember was that there was an Arecibo-like radiotelescope area; i.e. a large flat dish on the ground with midtex scaffolding over it to reach a central "receiver" platform. I think there was a red key on it?
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Re: "I Can't Find This WAD" thread

Post by Enjay »

wildweasel wrote:The split doors make me wonder if it was something intended to be Doom 64-styled, like DSV4.
Not that either I'm afraid (though thanks for the reminder about DSV4).

The WAD I am thinking of is much older - no ACS, nothin' fancy at all really. It quite possibly even pre-dates source ports or maybe came out around about the time of the early ports (i.e. I think it is a mid to late 90s map).

To be clear on the doors, they were not the split in the middle D64 type. They were more like this demo that I just threw together:
Though, obviously not scripted or in UDMF.

Trying to remember a bit more about the map logic...

I think you started in or near a big hangar with a large window open to space. On the other side of the map there was a similar area. These two areas also had small-ish crate stores to their rear. IIRC, the far hangar was optional but if you went there you picked up a red(?) key that gave you access to a weapon/ammo stash elsewhere in the map.

I mentioned that you had to get on two lifts to go up to a control room area. I think that purpose of doing this was to get a key (yellow?) that gave you access to the lower area.

In the lower area, the maze with railings and fancy doors led you to a couple of switches. These opened where another key (blue?) was hidden.

This gave you access to a central area up on the entry level of the map. I think maybe that then led to an end-fight of some sort and that was it, map over.

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Re: "I Can't Find This WAD" thread

Post by Ravick »

Sorry for asking it again. I just found a sprite sheet that maybe help someone to remember the mod I'm looking for, so I decided to post it here.


That mod used this imp variant. It had the normal death sequence that appear in this sheet, but, occasionally, it used a funny/weird custom one in witch the monster's neck gets very long and then the head pops out.

If anyone could tell me what mod is this, it'd be appreciated. :)
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Re: "I Can't Find This WAD" thread

Post by Ac!d »

Ravick wrote:What I'm looking for: I remember playing a mod in witch I had to collect coins (kinda similar to Vulkan or Golden Souls) and monsters randomly exhibit very funny death animations, such as an imp variant witch neck gets long before head pops out and a fat zombie from Blood that get its belly inflated and them explodes in a gory way. I can't remember its name. Can someone help me out with this one?
The answer to your request is Project Über by Darsycho
https://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/ ... -idgamesd/
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Re: "I Can't Find This WAD" thread

Post by Ravick »

Thank you! :D
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Re: "I Can't Find This WAD" thread

Post by YukesVonFaust »

I'm looking for a wad that is called outpost.wad or something, and i recalled that one of the maps has beat it by michael jackson.
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Re: "I Can't Find This WAD" thread

Post by HanzvonShreky »

Hello, I originally posted this on r/Doom but was told to ask here as well by u/Ole_Lord_Maximus (Thank you once again man!), I'm gunna copy and paste my post from there, here.

Reddit post title: I need help finding a Doom II Megawad I played years ago

Back during 2016-2017 I downloaded a bunch of Doom II megawads off the /idgames archive on Doomworld. I remember one in particular being my favorite. I believe it was made sometime between 1997-2000, the year 1999 specifically sticks out in my mind. It was maybe 12 or 13 levels. I remember the very first map you started out in a house and had to get a key in order to unlock the door to go outside into the neighborhood. There where a couple other homes in the neighborhood as well, and this weird courtyard area with an Arachnotron. I also remember that the music in pretty much ever level was a Metallica midi. I remember one another level with these sewers and stuff it was a midi of Creeping Death. I also remember in the final level you go through these caves and you have to walk along this skinny walkway and fight a Cyberdemon that's trapped on a platform. Sadly in 2018 the hard drive in my old computer died and I lost everything, including all of my Doom wads. I was able to re-download alot of them but I could never find this specific one. I've combed through the /idgames megawad archive using Ctrl+F typing in 97 through 00 to highlight the upload dates in an attempt to find it but to no avail. I doubt anyone here will know what wad I'm talking about due to it being so old and likely very obscure but I figured it would be worth a shot.
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A mod which makes all Knee Deep in the Dead levels hub-like

Post by doomos »

A few years back I've played a mod which makes all Knee Deep in the Dead levels hub-like.

The player can roam freely in the "in between" areas of all or at least some of the chapter's levels; in other words, it brings the map shown at the end of each Knee Deep in the Dead level "to life".

One detail I recall about it is that when the player finishes the first level and exits to the "in between" area or "courtyard", a baron of hell is available there.

Please suggest an idea for the name of that mod.
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Re: A mod which makes all Knee Deep in the Dead levels hub-l

Post by RKD »

You are describing Blanket Doom, perhaps.

Btw, your title made me think you were presenting a mod rather than asking about one, haha.

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