Optional keycard display for Duke3D minihud

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Optional keycard display for Duke3D minihud

Post by NightFright »

The original minimal statusbar for Duke3D shows you three vital stats: health, ammo, inventory. While armor can somehow be neglected (it was added for World Tour, anyway), seeing the keycards would still be somewhat helpful, especially since sometimes keycard colors cannot be determined before picking them up and the pickup message remains vague.

Maybe there could be a menu option to show keycards you picked up also on this minimal statusbar, maybe in the same way as in the EDuke32 fullscreen HUD (on the right side, without framed window), as some kind of "best of both worlds" compromise.

(The tile attached below, taken from "Cosmetic Duke", could also be included and used, e.g. shown in the bottom right corner, working just like in the full statusbar.)
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Re: Optional keycard display for Duke3D minihud

Post by mjr4077au »

Do you know the credits for this tile? I'd be happy to include it and code it into the HUD if the artist who created it could give their approval.
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Re: Optional keycard display for Duke3D minihud

Post by Phredreeke »

Cosmetic Duke was made by December Man on the Duke4 forums. I can't say whether he made the tile or got it from someone else though
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Re: Optional keycard display for Duke3D minihud

Post by NightFright »

If the credits are still blocking this feature request: I have just created a new version from scratch, so you can put my name on it. Problem solved! If that's what it takes to get this implemented - took me barely 5 mins to (re)create.

This comes in two flavors, plain PNG and embedded into a small ART file, properly converted with BAFed. Gave it a tilenum high enough to exclude conflicts with Atomic (#6000), but you can handle it any other way you like.

BTW: Was thinking about doing this for Shadow Warrior as well, but then I realized it's actually not needed. The frame for keys is pretty much identical to the one for ammo. Same size, no label.
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