Ultimate Doom Builder

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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by boris »

Sounds like ScintillaNET.dll went missing. Is it in the UDB folder?
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Ravick »

boris wrote:Sounds like ScintillaNET.dll went missing. Is it in the UDB folder?
I was there but I guess it got corrupted somehow. I've just downloaded it and replaced for the one in the UBD's directory and the problem got solved. Thanks!

Kappes Buur wrote: First, install UDB in a folder other then the Windows related folders, for example:
C:\DOOM\Editors\UDB or such, or even better if you have a separate drive for games.
I've did it already, because, well, because Win10 is kinda harshy with this kind of things. For some time, for example, I was unable to take screenshots from Zandronum because I let it installs the game in Window's forbiden folders. :lol:
Kappes Buur wrote: Second, personally I always download and install UDB manually into a new folder rather then overwriting an existing installation, you may want to deselect the autoupdater
I'll do it too for sure! Thanks!
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by WARCHILD_89 »

So today I switched from doombuilder bugfix to the latest svn of Ultimate Doom Builder and my models won´t be rendered.

Happens with models inheriting the custombridge.

At the moment I have to stick with GZDB R3107.

Here some more issues I have encountered with UDB R3720:

- Model rendering support does not seem to be fully implemented yet.
- I am used to seeing the indicator that all resources are loaded and the amount of time it took. Does not appear anymore. So I never know when saving a file in slade is being blocked by Doombuilder´s resource loading procedure.
- In the script editor I had the ability to enter and change scripts in every loaded resource. Now I just have "scripts" and "dialogue"
- I cannot use slade and UDB parrallel to each other. :!:
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by SanyaWaffles »

The script editor was simplified on purpose. If I remember correctly, it was causing more issues for what it's worth.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Kappes Buur »

WARCHILD_89 wrote: - Model rendering support does not seem to be fully implemented yet.
Could you upload an example map?
WARCHILD_89 wrote: - In the script editor I had the ability to enter and change scripts in every loaded resource. Now I just have "scripts" and "dialogue"
Being inundated with too many people griping about this or that about the text editor, ZZYZX removed that functionality. So, it is either GZDBBF or Slade3.

WARCHILD_89 wrote: - I cannot use slade and UDB parrallel to each other.
You can run the map in UDB from Slade3 when you highlight the map and rightclick
You have to set the path to UDB in Preferences - Advanced

But UAYOR :?
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Mikk- »

Is there a reason why using the Visplane Explorer, my CPU usage ramps up to 100%?
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by boris »

Visplane Explorer simply needs a lot of CPU power. What it does is looking in 8 direction for every pixel of the map to check how many visplanes there are.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Mikk- »

Fair enough - it just surprised me when I used it and my PC started revving up to the point where it sounded like it was about to take flight!
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by klneidecker »


Before anyone wastes there time helping me with this, I scrolled back in this thread a bit and saw someone complaining about performance impacts from the bottom panel in 3D mode which shows info on the surface you are looking at, and how the "~" key makes that panel go away.

Once I did that, problem gone.

So in short, anyone who stumbles over this in Google later, Ultimate Doom Builder stuttering or hitching when in 3D mode and turning the camera, if you have a panel at the bottom with texture info etc., press "~" and it will go away, making the problem disappear.

Original question, now defunct, below:


Hey all. I'm having a terrible performance problem with UDB. In 3d mode, highlighting walls causes a very slight delay. Not a big deal for a wall or two, but the delay stacks up if I am moving the camera past a lot of smaller walls or surfaces.

So, if I aim at the floor, move around, smooth as butter. Turn the camera over some walls, little hitches.

If I go into a complex section of a map, with a lot of linedefs, and turn the camera along those walls, each new "highlight" that happens (the orange glow under the crosshair) causes a hiccup in frames, which stacks up into a nightmare if I try and pan the camera over a number of walls, just turning around. I'm talking any fast mouse movement turns into a slide-show, yet it's not "low frame rate" kind of stutter, but "rendering thread is not updating but things are calculating just fine* kind of stutter.

Nvidia 770, newest drivers, etc. Tried the usual (rebooting, changing setting in the Nvidia control panel, the like) with no change.

Again, it's almost like the rendering hangs for a moment when highlighting a new wall/floor/surface (but the rendering still happens in the background, so after the hitch in frames my camera *is* facing as expected).

I'll record a video or gif of it later, but I wanted to see if anyone heard of this before?
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Kappes Buur »

klneidecker wrote:EDIT:
While switching to fullscreen view (~) is a bit helpful, a much greater impact on render performance is the View Distance.

Depending on the map, reducing the View Distance (in F5 - Interface) has a dramatic effect.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by boris »

That won't help. AFAIK it's at least partly an issue with Winforms being slow when updating the info panel.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Kappes Buur »

How can I construct 3D floors with r3739 now that the Slope Modes are eliminated and the 3D Floor Mode is deprecated?
And I do not see the 3D icon on the sidebar.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by boris »

That's weird. Maybe something went wrong and it didn't update your config files? Check Configurations\Includes\ZDoom_common.cfg and make sure there's a setting for "effect3dfloorsupport" in the "mapformat_udmf" section.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Kappes Buur »

Thank you for the quick response.

After reinstalling the editor it is working now. :D
That certainly had me worried for a moment.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by comet1337 »

i have two requests regarding the things/actors list

1) have the search check both the editor defined name and the actual class name
using slade and having memorized the class names better, it always trips me up for the search to not find 'zombieman' or 'column'

2) actor list editor
customizable configurations for assigning actors into folders with the option to completely hide them from the list and search
and a tickbox for toggling between full/default list and current custom one
allowing for things to be in multiple folders would also be very helpful, since some actors can be seen as falling under multiple categories
it would help with de-cluttering things you dont need or use, and to organize both custom and vanilla actors into your own categories as needed

and properties editing windows cant be resized

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