[0.7.2] [RR] Minor HUD issues

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[0.7.2] [RR] Minor HUD issues

Post by Esrael »

Here's a screenshot of RR's HUD with the ammo counter bar:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/hhlecm6vx81yv ... 0.png?dl=0

There are two minor issues:
1) There is no screen size setting where you can have the ammo counter bar without the frames around the main viewport. Also, maybe there could be two versions of the top ammo bar: the one as displayed in the screenshot and a stretched version for widescreen monitors?
2) The ammo counters for the ammo types that haven't been picked up yet display the same count as the rightmost ammo type, in this case the dynamite. It should be 0 for the undiscovered ammo types.
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Re: [0.7.2] [RR] Minor HUD issues

Post by mjr4077au »

#2 is fixed in e63f5e1ae765bd78901005602003560ce230c353.

#1, I've addressed it in f46d9499a56b82e2ec0f1f2c897ff065b565489b but it's probably not perfect. @coelckers, would there need to be another value in the `EHudSize` enum to do this right and if so, what does that mean for the other games? A lot of adjustment?
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Graf Zahl
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Re: [0.7.2] [RR] Minor HUD issues

Post by Graf Zahl »

That's unfortunately far from ideal because it does not adjust the weapon for it. I think it may be better to have the weapon bar as a separate setting but that requires a bit of adjustment for the view size handling.
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Re: [0.7.2] [RR] Minor HUD issues

Post by mjr4077au »

Yeah, I know... It'd be also as good to have a graphic span the width of the widescreen status bar as well otherwise you'll always have this bit of backdrop.

Do you want me to revert f46d9499a56b82e2ec0f1f2c897ff065b565489b?
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Graf Zahl
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Re: [0.7.2] [RR] Minor HUD issues

Post by Graf Zahl »

Let me have a look first.

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