[0.7.2] [Duke] Level restarting disabled when dying with RPG

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[0.7.2] [Duke] Level restarting disabled when dying with RPG

Post by Esrael »

I noticed that when I die while wielding the RPG or laser tripmines, quite often pressing the use key doesn't restart the level or load the autosave. Instead of restarting the map the use key makes the player explode. This can be seen if playing in third person. Is this some sort of multiplayer feature where the player can make one last revenge explosion or something? :D
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Re: [0.7.2] [Duke] Level restarting disabled when dying with

Post by Graf Zahl »

No idea, will have to check.
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Re: [0.7.2] [Duke] Level restarting disabled when dying with

Post by sinisterseed »

Unlike the SW report, this I can reproduce by simply allowing an enemy to kill me while I'm holding either weapon in my hands. It doesn't happen if I blow myself up with them, though.

This causes the player to blow into gibblets when pressing the Use key. Quite hilarious and stupid, but it looks like another serious bug slipped into a release ;( . I don't think it's a MP feature, unlike the dynamite in Blood, as the gib animation just plays and does nothing otherwise. It doesn't do any damage.
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Re: [0.7.2] [Duke] Level restarting disabled when dying with

Post by Esrael »

Okay, in addition to the RPG/laser tripmine trick, weird behaviour happens in all games, when an autosave or a quicksave exists.

Reproduction instructions:
- Start a new game in Duke, Blood or SW
- Die twice in the map and press <use> (the first death generates an autosave, so next time when you die and try to press <use>, the game tries to load the autosave and weirdness happens)
- Quicksave your game, die and try to press <use>.
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Re: [0.7.2] [Duke] Level restarting disabled when dying with

Post by sinisterseed »

Esrael wrote:Okay, in addition to the RPG/laser tripmine trick, weird behaviour happens in all games, when an autosave or a quicksave exists.

Reproduction instructions:
- Start a new game in Duke, Blood or SW
- Die twice in the map and press <use> (the first death generates an autosave, so next time when you die and try to press <use>, the game tries to load the autosave and weirdness happens)
- Quicksave your game, die and try to press <use>.
Can confirm, just tried out some things in SW on top of this and it happens there too by following these steps, including Duke when dying with another weapon in your hands.

Shoot, I wonder how this slipped in.
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Re: [0.7.2] [Duke] Level restarting disabled when dying with

Post by Graf Zahl »

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