[0.7.1 BLOOD] Zombies trying to infight with dead enemies

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[0.7.1 BLOOD] Zombies trying to infight with dead enemies

Post by Esrael »

I saw a zombie trying to whack a cultist's body until the body finally disappeared by itself and the zombie started attacking me once again.

I believe what happened was this:
- The zombie went temporarily down from the cultist's shotgun
- I killed to cultist while the zombie was still down
- After the zombie got back up it headed towards the cultist's body and kept attacking it until the corpse decayed.

It's quite a rare thing to happen, so I'm not sure whether it's vanilla behaviour or something caused by Raze.
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Re: [0.7.1 BLOOD] Zombies trying to infight with dead enemie

Post by markanini »

Normally the infighting stops after one of the enemies dies. I vaguely recall rare instances where infighting kept going in other ports. You could set up a test in vanilla Blood and raze and see if it behaves differently. However from my experience these bugs are sometimes specific to certain maps. For instance in E1M5 the first gargoyles corpse always disappears when pitchforked to death, normally it doesn't.
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Re: [0.7.1 BLOOD] Zombies trying to infight with dead enemie

Post by Esrael »

Yeah, I remember that gargoyle. Anyway, this zombie infighting happened in E1L3, in the restaurant car of the train.
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Re: [0.7.1 BLOOD] Zombies trying to infight with dead enemie

Post by Graf Zahl »

Blood gameplay bugs are a class of their own. The code is still original NBlood, though, so I'd assume it originates from vanilla.
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Re: [0.7.1 BLOOD] Zombies trying to infight with dead enemie

Post by Esrael »

Okay, I was able to replicate the behaviour in Blood: Fresh Supply.

I also tried to replicate it in the vanilla executable, but the way how cultists damage zombies seems to be different: their shotgun blasts don't seem to knockdown zombies, only whittle down their health until they're dead. I think I did see a zombie get knocked down once, but I wasn't able to kill the cultist in time to see whether the zombie would start attacking a dead corpse. But yeah, even if the bug is reproducible in the original executable, it seems extremely unlikely that it would ever happen due to the way how cultists damage zombies.
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Re: [0.7.1 BLOOD] Zombies trying to infight with dead enemie

Post by sinisterseed »

This is most likely vanilla being vanilla, Blood's gameplay and enemies is the quirkiest of the trinity and all sorts of random events can happens, I've seen plenty in this game for sure.

Besides, we haven't touched the game code of Blood, which is still the same as in NBlood. For such issues, comparisons with NBlood or GDX are appreciated insofar as Fresh Supply simply isn't faithful.

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