Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by Someone64 »

youda008 wrote: Actually, you can select a directory of config files. It's under the engine properties, below name and path.
Whoops... I'm a big dingus.
youda008 wrote: That's interesting idea. Just out of curiosity, what map pack and mod is that exactly, that it requires map being loaded after?
I don't have a specific example off the top of my head, unfortunately. I can vaguely remember it's some cases of Nazi replacement or TITLEPIC and M_DOOM replacement and maybe even sometimes monsters or minor sprite stuffs like pickup and graphics replacements for monsters or weapons and maybe some weird maps that entirely replace rather than add monsters. I usually make sure to load map texture mods and sound mods before the maps rather than after as I recall it having been a problem before so I just do it for every map wad now.

Of course there are stranges cases like doing stuff you're obviously not supposed to but can anyway like loading mods before TCs that replace almost everything and said TCs include both maps and replacements in the same WAD and you want to keep the few things that the TC doesn't replace as a mod's thing rather than having the mod override the TC's stuff.

Honestly it's been a long time since I've ever encountered scenarios like these (besides TITLEPIC M_DOOM, and end of level results screen graphics cases which seem to be more common) so I'm not sure my suggestion is even remotely worth the effort but I'd still appreciate the option being there.

Sorry if my post is incoherent as hell I'm really damn sleepy...
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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by namsan »

hey this launcher is fucking awesome and it made my Doom life even better, thanks
Being able to make presets and choose ini files is the godsend feature.
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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by ileblanc »

I was mostly happy with ZDL until I saw this on some discord room and decided to try it out. Now I have a new favorite launcher! Amazing, love the profiles and the interface overall is neat and clean :mrgreen:
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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by valzi »

I just wanted to weigh in - this would be my favorite launcher if it worked with iwads and ipk3s. It can't run Castlevania: Simon's Destiny, for example.
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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by Karllawrenz »

This is better than ZDoom Executor. Though the ability to select multiple mods is missing.
Also anyway to deselect a map pack?
Last edited by Karllawrenz on Thu Aug 27, 2020 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by youda008 »

valzi wrote:I just wanted to weigh in - this would be my favorite launcher if it worked with iwads and ipk3s. It can't run Castlevania: Simon's Destiny, for example.
Ok, i think i will make a mini release just with this hated change reverted, because it doesn't look like i will get back to this launcher anytime soon. There are too many things going on right now, MS Flight Simulator, SW Squadrons, Crysis Remastered.
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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by TheBeardedJedi »

Does this mean the upcoming version will accept chex3.wad as an IWAD again? I really liked that feature and miss it.
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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by youda008 »

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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by NightFright »

I just noticed that hexdd.wad is still not shown in the "map pack" window (as mentioned before, I use that section for official addons like Deathkings, Master Levels, Sigil or NRFTL).
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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by youda008 »

It's fixed in master branch, but I'm waiting for Someone64 to verify my lag fix.
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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by NightFright »

I can confirm that in v1.3.1, all IWADs are automatically detected again (including square1.pk3 and rekkrsa.iwad) and hexdd.wad is also showing again in the "map pack" window if you want it to. Thumbs up for this update!

Suggestion: Maybe you could exclude Strife's "voices.wad" (size: 27.319.149 Bytes / CRC32: CD12EBCF) from automatic IWAD detection somehow since it doesn't make any sense to select this, it's just a voice pack loaded automatically along with strife1.wad. I also don't think it makes sense for any other option windows, so you can just as well exclude it in general.
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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by Doctrine Gamer »

Definitely the best launcher I've found. :thumb:
I just found it missing an option to close the Launcher when loading the game (I do it manually) but deserves 10 stars. :D
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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by TheBeardedJedi »

This is now my favorite launcher. By the way, I noticed that if I delete a WAD or GZDoom Engine previous version on my computer without deleting it first in Doom Runner, the program sends an error message every time I select a profile. Is there any way to have it automatically update the list if entries are missing? I think the previous versions worked fine with this. Thanks.
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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by BoneofMalkav »

TheBeardedJedi wrote:This is now my favorite launcher. By the way, I noticed that if I delete a WAD or GZDoom Engine previous version on my computer without deleting it first in Doom Runner, the program sends an error message every time I select a profile. Is there any way to have it automatically update the list if entries are missing? I think the previous versions worked fine with this. Thanks.
I noticed that as well, had to delete a profile and redo it because of that error.
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Re: Doom Runner (yet another graphical Doom launcher)

Post by Gen5lock131 »

TheBeardedJedi wrote:This is now my favorite launcher. By the way, I noticed that if I delete a WAD or GZDoom Engine previous version on my computer without deleting it first in Doom Runner, the program sends an error message every time I select a profile. Is there any way to have it automatically update the list if entries are missing? I think the previous versions worked fine with this. Thanks.
Yup I have also noticed this. Also this is probably me just being [censored word] but how do I actually deselect a user map wad to play vanilla Doom/Doom2? For the life of me I can't find another way to deselect them other than changing than changing the IWAD.

Otherwise this has completely deprecated ZDL for me. Thanks for the hard work youda008! :D

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