Treasure Tech (NEW 1.2 RELEASE!)

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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by CanisLaticanis »

Super slick and neat... except one thing is really, really bugging me: why is there no option to have 'crouch' (in midair) initiate groundpound?
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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by Irrevenant »

I love that Treasure Guy laughs if you kill a bunch of enemies at once. That is perfect.

And this is going to get me in trouble in a lot of maps, but I run around punching, tackling and throwing as much as I'm able because it's just so much fun. The punch sounds are really good.
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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by Mataku »

so far I've been loving this mod to absolute bits, it was worth the wait absolutely~ But one there a treasure list or something to check? cause sometimes I get those treasures in the midst of a fight and don't get to read the description.
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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by Irrevenant »

I just found out you can jump right over Revenant rockets. Hahahaha. Excellent.

Is it intentional that you get the shoulder charge's defense when you're using full-strength Vulcan Barrage?
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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by PatCatz2004 »

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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by CanisLaticanis »

You know what I just realized? There exists a level set which is nearly perfect for this mod, but it'd require some work to adapt things nicely: Pirate Doom.

Though perhaps not THAT much work given that there exists a compatibility patch for High Noon Drifter? I dunno how it'd have to work, to be honest.

EDIT: Alright, a couple more particular complaints: (EDIT 2 - updated for watching Keegan stream this last night.)
  • The 'wallhump' voice clips seem disproportionately loud. EDIT: I think this is just something fucky with my sound? When Combine Keegan was playing last night it seemed noticeably softer.
  • The 'killed a ton of enemies' lines tends to get drowned out by gun sounds. EDIT: Might also be on my end, but maybe it could use a bit of a boost.
  • The Wild Hunter seems a bit... too niche for its own good? The 'true' explosion feels weak, and the best combo I've been able to use is Harpoon->Bomba Shot for an instant explosion; the tackle combo just seems to get me mauled - and if I want to use three shells for massive damage, I'll just use the Heavy Kuma's explosion shot, which feels more damaging overall (even against crowds). I'm basically a moron, this thing is MURDER versus crowds; I dunno how it was failing to kill Pinkies, need to check my Custom Doom settings. However, I will say that it could really use a beefier sound for the true explosion!
  • The point-blank bonus on the Heavy Kuma seems to require you to basically hug your target, putting you even closer than normal melee range, and even then it appears to trigger inconsistently - I've had 'point blank' shots fail to send even zombiemen flying. The sheer closeness you need to do it with also means the burst isn't able to fully exploit it, since the first shot pushes enemies out of range. My personal solution would be to increase the point blank range somewhat, and make the two shots of the burst fire much faster but add a cooldown afterwards (so it keeps the same overall fire rate). Okay, so the inconsistency is just in the 'flying away' death, which is maybe a bug? But that said, maybe give the point blank bonus just a little range so it's on par with melee attacks; it feels weird that you've got to get closer with it than you do with your fists.
Last edited by CanisLaticanis on Fri May 22, 2020 6:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by Nintendude94 »

TT is great so far! Amazing work!

I am having an issue getting the models to work. The blocks are displaying as their placeholder sprite and I have Display Option|Software Renderer|Enable Models on. Any ideas on what I might be missing?
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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by spennser »

hey, potentially really stupid question here - after i beat the first level of the mod, it bumps me right back to the vanilla doom 2 levels - any way to prevent this? thank you so much! amazing first level!
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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by wildweasel »

spennser wrote:hey, potentially really stupid question here - after i beat the first level of the mod, it bumps me right back to the vanilla doom 2 levels - any way to prevent this? thank you so much! amazing first level!
You mean, you completed the tutorial? I don't think there are any other maps yet, it's primarily a gameplay mod.
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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by spennser »

wildweasel wrote:
spennser wrote:hey, potentially really stupid question here - after i beat the first level of the mod, it bumps me right back to the vanilla doom 2 levels - any way to prevent this? thank you so much! amazing first level!
You mean, you completed the tutorial? I don't think there are any other maps yet, it's primarily a gameplay mod.
ohhh! wasn't sure if i was missing more levels. thank you so much
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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by openroadracer »

So I've been playing around with the mod some. Really fun, with a good amount of silliness. Didn't think it would suit me, at first, but it's growing on me. That said, I haven't tried the new update. Anyway, got a couple ideas to put proper Chainsaw and Berserk replacements in instead of just more Chests.

Firstly, for the Chainsaw replacement, well, it seems to me that the sound of the impact of the secondary fire of the Tech Magnum and the Pop Rock comes from the sound of someone getting whacked with a frying pan. So that's the Chainsaw replacement for this mod: The Frying Pan. While using it, you're no longer able to pick up and toss enemies, but it does give just a slight defense boost instead. Plus, the SOUND. Hearing that will never get old.

As for the Berserk, well, you've already got sound clips lifted from Daytona USA for when you pick up the Hornet SM-B; but that's not the source for this Berserk idea. Instead it's a one-two combo of F-Zero and Super Smash Brothers: FALCON PUNCH ENERGY DRINK! When you pick it up, the voice bite "You got boost power!" plays; and for the rest of the level, if you've got a full Meter from punching and tossing enemies, you can unleash all that power all at once with a mighty FALCON PUNCH!

Now, for general feedback, well, I have to admit that I'm a controller player, so I'm obviously more limited in my control options. That means that I'm not really able to use the Tackle function. I also have "Always Run" set to "On" in my Player Setup, and that enables me to keep the Hornet gun in Fourth Gear as long as I like as long as I've got enough room to maneuver. I understand that you intend several weapons(not just the Hornet, but the Wild Harpoon and the secondary fire of the Pop Rock) to be used in conjunction with the Tackle function. At any rate, I will agree with your earlier assessment that the Harpoon is far too situational for its own good, though I have had success quickly going from the Harpoon to the Magnum and shooting a Slug round to detonate the Harpoon; I'd suggest keeping the Harpoon as the first weapon after the Magnum when you press "Next Weapon".

Other than that, I'd really hope for people to make compatibility patches for this mod to enable its use with other enemy sets, but I understand that could be quite difficult. Still, very fun mod, very well made.
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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by Asenji »

Hey, its finally out! Must say, I've had my eyes on this since you're uploaded the first video of the pistol concept that originally had a scope. It was a journey in-and-of itself seeing the different designs you thought about implementing but it definitely payed holding it off. I can definitely tell you weren't quite content with the results until you developed this current iteration of Treasure Tech but I strongly believe this is the finest iteration by a mile. Funny enough, through Treasure Tech, I was inspired to check out some videos of the Warioland games it's inspired by and I quite enjoyed what I saw with the series (might even give them a try someday) but I digress.

From a game-play perspective, the weapons all feel tight and powerful just as the mod help section details. I liked you went with the low ammo reserves approach because not only are the guns deadly effective but this also incentives the physical abilities in a way. The physical skills, my goodness, they are great. Just stunning then grabbing enemies and tossing them is endlessly fun. I think I might've muscled my way out of so many Pinky and Revenant encounters via this method but you can't blame me. I could do this all day- it's such a fun mechanic! The tackle and ground pound skills are also quite nice and I like the defense the tackle provides. Admittedly, I used the ground pound much less than those other moves but I believe this is more a fault of my muscle memory (I tend to not jump/crouch much typically playing through most wads unless necessary) than of its own merit but it totally had usage with breathing room and room clearing.

The aforementioned weapon-set is implemented very well. The reason I feel this is the best interpretation of the guns is because there is a lot of synergy and strategy not only with each other but also with the skills. You could have the Kuma's Burst or Explode decimate a tough enemy and tackle them right after to get them low or even execute them of sorts. You could get a lot out of your momentum and make constant use of the higher SM-BEE levels while also using the Strike for hitscanners from afar. The Pop Rock itself has much application thanks to the Bomba alone. I like that the the pistol hits like a truck, gets ammo via other ammo pickups, and thankfully follows the same "low ammo" mentality the guns go for. The duality of the PMB weapons is also quite neat! I think the bunker shot is pretty nuts and perfect just the way it is. Oh, and the Wild Hunter? I thought the other concept was pretty neat but this? Love it way, way more and its pretty sweet just how many tools can proc the harpoon.

The mod definitely was worth the wait and I believe this may have been your first mod submission, too, so if it truly is then it's incredible how much time, effort, and polish you've put into it. It wears its influence on its sleeves but translates very well into the game-play of Doom. Just a small suggestion, I would personally like to see all the unique treasure I've collected thus far but if such a feature is already in then apologies for not seeing it. By the way, if you are still thinking about continuing that other mod you designed some sketches before (iirc I think it was Metal Slug inspired?) then I hope that flourishes and I will definitely keep tabs on it-again, if that mod does further conceptualize. Also, congratulations on releasing Treasure Tech!
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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by dawnbreez »

I get a crash when picking up the Titanium Core--a Fatal Error: Address not mapped to object crash. It happens right after the music starts.

Other than that, greatly enjoying the mod--I love the look and feel of the guns, and have been having a lot of fun with it. I actually find Pistol Start Plus to be slightly easier than Standard gameplay, as I'm able to not only start with full pistol ammo each level, but also immediately pick up more ammo for it even if I'm starved for guns or get a bunch of the same ammo type at once.
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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by HyperUltra64 »

I cannot seem to replicate your crash Dawnbreeze, even with both forms of the cvar for the metal music. What version of GZDOOM are you using and what map did the crash occur on?
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Re: Treasure Tech (RELEASE 1.01 BUG FIX)

Post by PresBarackbar »

This mod is amazing! Its a shame that Super Mayhem 17 get so slaughter-y on the back half because its the perfect level set atmosphere for this mod. Anybody have good recommendations for mapsets to play with this?

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