[0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

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[0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

Post by Kinsie »

1.) Fluidsynth seems insistent on using the default soundfont instead of my nice custom SC-55 one.
2.) Fluidsynth MIDI playback seems kinda buggy in general. Here's a clip from STALKER.MID (the E1L1 theme) to demonstrate, although it's easy enough to reproduce by just waiting around on the main menu for about ten seconds until GRABBAG.MID hits the little synth solo riff.
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Re: [0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

Post by Graf Zahl »

Can you cross-check these MIDIs in GZDoom? The player should be the same. I've been using DN3D MIDIs for Doom level since all eternity and cannot remember ever having issues with them.
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Re: [0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

Post by Kinsie »

I extracted STALKER.MID from DUKE3D.GRP, renamed it to D_RUNNIN.MID and quickly created a folder mod to run it in GZDoom g4.3.3. It played perfectly in Fluidsynth with my nice soundfont and not a note out of place.
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Re: [0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

Post by Graf Zahl »

Now that is odd. I wonder if it may be caused by the need to compile Build sources with chars as unsigned - because that's really the only major difference. The entire music system is nearly a 1:1 copy of GZDoom, just with the MIDI synths with incompatible licenses being removed.
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Re: [0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

Post by mjr4077au »

Something to do with Duke's MIDI format, perhaps? http://www.vgmpf.com/Wiki/index.php?title=EMIDI
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Re: [0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

Post by Graf Zahl »

No. ZDoom's synth can handle EMIDI just fine. I'll have to compare both sets of files. Like I said, my guess is that somehow the unsigned chars from Build filter down to code that cannot handle them because it's the only difference between those two.
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Re: [0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

Post by Kinsie »

This appears to be fixed as of 0.4.0.
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Re: [0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

Post by Graf Zahl »

Strange. I wonder what went wrong with Nash's build.
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Re: [0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

Post by Nash »

I'm wondering the same thing. All I did was a straight CMake -> build with VS 2019. Release build.
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Re: [0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

Post by Graf Zahl »

What compiler version do you have?
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Re: [0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

Post by Nash »

How/where do I check that? Sorry, I'm not really knowledgeable in this stuff.
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Re: [0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

Post by Graf Zahl »

In the about window it should give some info. I know that last autumn there was one compiler version that had code generation issues, let's hope it was just that.
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Re: [0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

Post by Nash »

Code: Select all

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019
Version 16.4.4
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.8.03752

Installed Version: Community

Visual C++ 2019   00435-60000-00000-AA549
Microsoft Visual C++ 2019

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ASP.NET and Web Tools 2019

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C# components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

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Microsoft Visual F# Tools 10.4 for F# 4.6

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I hope this is useful.
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Re: [0.3.4-11-g5d8f00814] [Duke3D] Fluidsynth Issues

Post by Graf Zahl »

16.4.4 is up tp date. Weird.

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