Ultimate Doom Builder

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Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by ZZYZX »


General Information:

Almost three years have passed since I forked GZDB and continued it's maintenance.
Originally, the name GZDB-Bugfix seemed correct, since that was the whole point; I didn't really insist on putting my name anywhere other than the "maintainer" notice, either.
However, over these years we had quite a history — a lot of new stuff was added and not necessarily by myself.
I feel it's not very fair towards these people to continue claiming that the editor is created solely by MaxED, and as GZDoomBuilder name belongs to MaxED... here it is, a name change!
(also, the GZDB name was really disliked by Graf Zahl, apparently, so Merry Christmas, Graf!)

For totally new people: this is a level editor ;)




System requirements:
  • 2.4 GHz CPU or faster (multi-core recommended)
  • Windows 7, 8, 10 or 11
  • Graphics card with OpenGL 3.3 support
    Beware: this requirement is new! If GZDB-BF works for you, UDB may not.
    But, if latest GZDoom works for you in 3D mode, UDB will, too.
    Because of this, GZDB-BF will not automatically update to UDB.
Required software:
Get UDB:

Setup: 64-bit (recommended) / 32-bit
Latest binaries link: https://ultimatedoombuilder.github.io/
GitHub URL: https://github.com/UltimateDoomBuilder/ ... oomBuilder
Note: the devbuild is at least somewhat guaranteed to work for you. The repo, on the other side, can be in an intermediate or outright broken state. Remember that if you are building from the sources.
Bugs and proposals: https://github.com/UltimateDoomBuilder/ ... der/issues

  • All the features of the original GZDB!
  • A new macro scripting system: UDBScript. Apply complex changes to your maps using JS code!
  • ZScript support
  • Visual attenuated lights support
  • Visual spotlights support
  • Doom 64 sector lighting support
  • Visual slope editing by Boris (you can slope lines and vertices on non-triangular sectors!)
  • UE1, OBJ model support
  • Dynamic lights are 1:1 to GZDoom's appearance
  • Various bugfixes (e.g. dynamic light intensive maps work better, less crashes)
  • Various performance optimizations
  • Faster and more reliable resource (re)loading
  • Native 64-bit version implemented by StrikerMan780
  • Better Linux compatibility implemented by dpJudas & Talon1024

  • No Direct3D / SlimDX (removed by dpJudas)
  • No text lump editing (other than SCRIPTS/DIALOGUE)

Bug reporting notice:

When and if you report a bug, make sure to provide the full stack trace, steps to reproduce and (if applicable) a minimal example map (for example, a map that has only one sector which causes the bug).
Also, in case the editor does not start at all, please provide information about your hardware (video card specifically).
Last edited by ZZYZX on Sat Dec 30, 2023 2:14 pm, edited 33 times in total.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Enjay »

Just downloaded it and configuring it ready to begin. I noticed, however, that the install still wants to create a start menu item called GZDoom Builder and a shortcut within that also called GZDoom Builder.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by ZZYZX »

Woopsies. Thanks for reporting, will be fixed.
Also, the setup did not include BuilderNative.dll. This is fixed already.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Enjay »

I suspect that would explain what my next report was going to be about. Whenever I tried to start a new map I got:

Code: Select all

***********SYSTEM INFO***********
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
GZDB: R3247
Platform: x64

********EXCEPTION DETAILS********
Unable to load DLL 'BuilderNative': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering.RenderDevice.RenderDevice_New(IntPtr display, IntPtr window)
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering.RenderDevice.CreateDevice()
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering.RenderDevice..ctor(RenderTargetControl rendertarget)
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.MapManager.InitializeNewMap(MapOptions options)
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.General.NewMap()
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions.Action.Begin()
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Actions.ActionManager.InvokeAction(String actionname)
   at CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Windows.MainForm.InvokeTaggedAction(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
but after downloading the version from DRD and over-writing the install one, it worked. The first line in the above details seems to confirm what you posted.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Enjay »

Minor issue, when I first start up UDB and start a new map, the grid is invisible. (It appears briefly then the window turns to black.)

This persists even when drawing:

All I have to do is zoom in (or out) and then back to where I was for the grid to reappear. As far as I can tell, from that point on the grid remains visible even if I start a new map.

To get the blank screen effect, I have to quit UDB and start a new map again.

Windows 10 Pro, Nvidia GTX1080, drivers updated a few days ago.
GZDB does not show this behaviour.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Pedro vc »

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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Tormentor667 »

Can I simply overwrite my GZDB bugfix I Stande with this package?
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Enjay »

I don't know if it helps Torm, but I made a new install and UDB read all of my GZDB preferences from the config files that are stored wherever GZDB keeps them (I forget where it is). So, the setup was easy.

[edit] it's in AppData\Local\Doom Builder [/edit]
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Kappes Buur »

As Enjay mentioned, the grid appears momentarily and then the screen is blank.
I have to click twice on Render Grid for it to come back and stay.
  • On the first click the crosshair appears.
    On the second click the grid appears.
Could the config file be renamed to UDBuilder.cfg?

To make it easy to upgrade, as with DBX, could the GZBuilder.cfg be read ...
I see that this is already the case.
... and then installed as UDBuilder.cfg?

How does SlimDX fit into this?
Last edited by Kappes Buur on Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:43 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by boris »

Kappes Buur wrote:How does SlimDX fit into this?
It doesn't. It's gone for good. Rendering is now done with OpenGL.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Kappes Buur »

boris wrote:
Kappes Buur wrote:How does SlimDX fit into this?
It doesn't. It's gone for good. Rendering is now done with OpenGL.
:thumb: :-D
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Graf Zahl
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Graf Zahl »

This one's a definitive improvement for me. None of the D3D based DB versions worked on my system, they always crashed when opening the level. No such problems with UDB.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by ZZYZX »

Kappes Buur wrote:Could the config file be renamed to UDBuilder.cfg?
Not renamed yet. May be renamed, in which case the next point will be implemented too:
Kappes Buur wrote:To make it easy to upgrade, as with DBX, could the GZBuilder.cfg be read and then installed as UDBuilder.cfg?
On grid disappering: no idea why. Supposedly, dpJudas knows. Maybe not. I'm trying to debug this...
What I noticed so far, is that on map load grid doesn't show at all, whereas on map creation grid is shown, then disappears.
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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Enjay »

I can't seem to activate full highlighting mode in UDB.


As you can see from the info bar, I have hit "h" to activate highlighting.

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Re: Ultimate Doom Builder

Post by Kappes Buur »

Enjay wrote:I can't seem to activate full highlighting mode in UDB.
Same here.

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