"Execution could not continue" - Your ZDoom may be too old!

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If you want help you're going to have to provide lots of info. Like what is your hardware, what is your operating system, what version of GZDoom/LZDoom/whatever you're using, what mods you're loading, how you're loading it, what you've already tried for fixing the problem, and anything else that is even remotely relevant to the problem.

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Re: 2.7.1 IS NOT THE NEWEST ZDOOM! (And Other Errors)

Post by lzvk25 »

GreenDoomguy1999 wrote:All GZDoom 2.x.x on my computer with Windows XP look like this
Question : This is a sign of poor computer?
I happened to had a similar situation...

If you updated GZDoom recently after NOT doing it for a while, there is a new configuration file gzdoom-(yourname).ini which subtitutes the original zdoom-(yourname).ini. It is also located in your GZdoom directory. As for initial setup, you can copy zdoom-(yourname).ini to gzdoom-(yourname).ini, start GZDoom and it will do the necessary corrections/additions.

Plus, if your PC is a little bit old, you can also use the option "-gl3" in your command line to start your game. This will disable any attempt to use GL 4.x features for anything. I use this option a lot since my machine is also a little old.
For example : C:\GZdoom\gzdoom.exe -gl3 -TURBO 200 +logfile C:\WADS\L5\zdl-log2.txt
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Re: 2.7.1 IS NOT THE NEWEST ZDOOM! (And Other Errors)

Post by Doomguy5th »

I also might need to post this.


There is a subversion of Zandronum... Not 2.1, but now 3.0.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/1tu386o7halj9 ... s.zip?dl=0

So some of your modding stuff for GZDoom 2.1 might work on here.

Also is it just me or does GZDoom 2.1.x finally work on computers that have a poor OpenGL version? Because mine is around 2.0 and it works properly.
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Re: 2.7.1 IS NOT THE NEWEST ZDOOM! (And Other Errors)

Post by Graf Zahl »

There's no way GZDoom 2.x will work with anything less than OpenGL 3.0. The entire engine design is based on features that do not exist in GL 2.x
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Re: 2.7.1 IS NOT THE NEWEST ZDOOM! (And Other Errors)

Post by Doomguy5th »

Graf Zahl wrote:There's no way GZDoom 2.x will work with anything less than OpenGL 3.0. The entire engine design is based on features that do not exist in GL 2.x
Kinda funny because I have OpenGL and GZDoom G2.1 pre-1159-gfbefe13 works perfectly even with my crappy computer of an OpenGL below 3.0. The only thing that doesn't work is ReShade.

My version is like 2.1, and I highly recommend this for users that have such a low OpenGL. GZDoom 2.0.05. You can still check out your favorite mods, but OpenGL hacks won't work. But for some reason, it worked perfectly with no OpenGL Errors at all. I'm really surprised.

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Re: 2.7.1 IS NOT THE NEWEST ZDOOM! (And Other Errors)

Post by edward850 »

No, as in it's actually impossible (in the same way that eating the sun is impossible). It will not initialize on OpenGL 2.1. Not as a concept, but as an actual thing it will not do purposefully in code, because it needs functions that simply do not exist in GL2.1.
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Re: "Execution could not continue" - Your ZDoom may be too o

Post by Devianteist »

So, I decided to update my GZDoom (as I do once every month), and I see that my screen has decided to turn itself black whenever it feels like it. Turning the program to windowed mode and dragging it fixes the issue, but only temporarily.

I assume the problem is on my end, as there's no way the devs would release such a broken build, but I'd like to know what seems to be causing it.
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Re: "Execution could not continue" - Your ZDoom may be too o

Post by Blue Shadow »

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Re: "Execution could not continue" - Your ZDoom may be too o

Post by damico death »

I keep getting the "access Violation - Tried to access 00000000"

This is with the new trail blazer mod (the previous one works just fine, but as soon as i replace the file with the new one, it gives me this error)

I tried opening it in many different ways, ZDL, GZdoom, and through batch files.

I then updated my gzdoom and all its files (including bright lights, ect) and it made all the screens in my mods into dark black screens.

I run an old Dell, but never had a problem with the system being old.

Any Idea what could be happening?
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Re: "Execution could not continue" - Your ZDoom may be too o

Post by Rachael »

Unfortunately that sounds like systemic corruption of some sort. Either you have a virus or your hard drive (or CPU) is going out in a blaze of glory.

But since you gave such limited info, it's hard to be sure about that. Can you iterate the steps you take to reproduce these errors? Does (G)ZDoom work fine without mods of any sort?
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Re: "Execution could not continue" - Your ZDoom may be too o

Post by damico death »

Yea every mod works just fine with the old gzdoom and its pieces.

Once i switch to trailblazer 1.4 it gives me that address error and once i update dzdoom it gives me blank screen like theres something wrong with brightmaps.

Literally everything works fine until i do those two things.
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Re: "Execution could not continue" - Your ZDoom may be too o

Post by Rachael »

Try downloading Trailblazer 1.4 again, and see if that fixes anything. But save it to a different location.
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Re: "Execution could not continue" - Your ZDoom may be too o

Post by damico death »

Ok, the new error is "call to unknown function- get cvar"

Any idea whats going on now? i got the newest gzdoom and redownloaded trailblazer 1.4
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Re: "Execution could not continue" - Your ZDoom may be too o

Post by wildweasel »

What specific version number is your version of GZDoom? Where did you download it from?
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Re: Mod won't run? Here's help!

Post by WARCHILD_89 »

amv2k9 wrote:This oughta be stickied. Wait, it already is.
Its becoming more and more apparent lately that people either shy away from SVN builds "because its beta software" or really didn't know about SVN builds to begin with.


my works are dependant on these SVNs. Cannot work without them.
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Re: "Execution could not continue" - Your ZDoom may be too o

Post by Xaser »

You're quoting a post from six years ago. The status quo has changed (for the better) these days: GZDoom releases much more frequently, and devbuilds (no longer "SVN builds" because ZDoom hasn't used SVN since 2012) are no generally longer required to run modern mods -- they are, as they name suggests, unstable development builds now that may or may not work.

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