How exactly do i add new fonts to the game, as unicode fonts?

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How exactly do i add new fonts to the game, as unicode fonts?

Post by aJynks »

Hi there...

I'm just beginning with scripting and finding it a little more challenging than I thought as, imo, the docs are more for reference than for telling you how things are actually done! I'm getting most of my info from the zdoomWiki..

I have this test code...

Code: Select all

class testText : EventHandler {
    override void RenderOverlay(RenderEvent c) {
        //HUDFont myfont = HUDFont.Create(smallfont);
        HUDFont myfont = HUDFont.Create(infofont);
        Statusbar.DrawString(myfont, "This is a Testing", (53,-43),
        Statusbar.DI_SCREEN_LEFT_BOTTOM | Statusbar.DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,
This works perfectly using the "smallfont"... but if I use my testFont.. it errors.

I have made a directory /fonts/infofont and in it I have placed png files of all the font characters, as exported from "UDFC_TEST_KOREANS" exporter. The thing is that the docs do not tell you, or at least I do not understand where it tells me, how to use the fonts. All it says is literally
To add a Unicode font, follow these steps:
  • Generate a series of PNG images where each image represents one glyph of the font. This can be done with a font generator, like this one.
  • Make sure the name of each image is the Unicode codepoint of the character it represents, in hexadecimal notation. For example the image with the glyph for Latin Capital Letter A must be named 0041.png; glyph with the number 1 should be named 0031.png, and so on. If you're using a font generator, it should take care of this automatically.
  • Place all of the images under the /fonts/<yourfontname>/ folder in your PK3 archive.
So... how exactly do I use this font now that it is "created"?

testFont Files (free anonymous file share website)

PS : this is a cross post form DoomWorld, as I noticed this fourm has a dedicated zscript section, I thought it would be a better place to hang.
PSS : Is there a zscripting / mod editing discord I can hang out in?
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:19 pm

Re: How exactly do i add new fonts to the game, as unicode fonts?

Post by aJynks »

seems that "Font.GetFont("infofont")" works....

HUDFont myfont = HUDFont.Create(Font.GetFont("infofont"));
Blue Shadow
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Re: How exactly do i add new fonts to the game, as unicode fonts?

Post by Blue Shadow »

Your error was that you didn't enclose infofont within quotes (it worked with smallfont because it already exists as a Font):

Code: Select all

HUDFont myfont = HUDFont.Create("infofont");
That should do it.
aJynks wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 6:29 pm PSS : Is there a zscripting / mod editing discord I can hang out in?
Try the ZDoom Discord server.
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:19 pm

Re: How exactly do i add new fonts to the game, as unicode fonts?

Post by aJynks »

thank you!

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