Created by The Baghdadi/Baghdadi Man & James The Juicer(Dark Messiah of Anime)
You are a member of an elite strike team employed by the Japanese Americans Against Anime (J.A.A.A). Your mission is to prevent James the Dark Messiah of Anime aka. Jami Kun from releasing real life anime upon the universe. You will infiltrate James' stronghold (The Fun House), combat his cult of anime worshippers and alien allies, rescue hostages, and put an end to the threat of James forever.
Fight your way through the First 13 levels (Episode 1) of The Fun House. Battle cyborg anime cultists, otaku ninjas, fascist ogres, and alien space pirates, ending with a final confrontation against the Frontline Morale Destroyer (The weapon to surpass Metal Gear).
Episode 2 will follow our player as he ventures further into the madness of The Fun House. Your mission is to find and destroy one of James' top lieutenants, Doh, the enigmatic reality warping moai head. he is believed to be a major factor preventing the J.A.A.A from being able to enter James' lair in full force.
Episode 1 TRAILER:
VIDEOS Episode 1:
Spoiler:SCREENSHOTS Episode 1:
The Complete Package (V1.5.1)
Episode 2 Demo
Requires James' Fun HouseV1.5.1
Weapons Only (V2)
Play through almost any Doom map with weapons & powerups from James' Fun House.
Tested With GZDOOM version 4.10.0. and up
Requires a copy of the Doom2 or Freedoom2 wad.
The 6 map (1 Secret) Demo for Episode 2 is now available, containing new enemies and weapons. Our aim is to create even better maps than those found in Episode 1. The full Episode 2 will have 15 maps total (2 secret) same as Episode 1. Feel free to give us some feedback/criticism.
If we forgot to credit anyone in "Credits.txt"(we probably did) please let me know, so we can give proper credit.
NSFW Texture Patch: The main mod now uses SFW Stream friendly textures by default. There were textures that contained depictions of cartoon nudity. Included is a texture patch that when loaded over the main mod re-adds them. (Will probably become a separate download later.)