Help loading WADS in Heretic using GZDOOM

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Help loading WADS in Heretic using GZDOOM

Post by w1av »

I am using MINT LINUX, and have GZDOOM working fine. I am using a FULL version of HERETIC. I followed instructions, put the extra WAD files I downloaded in THIS PATH: ~/snap/gzdoom/current/.config/gzdoom
I can successfully run the full Heretic version, and the shareware versions of QUAKE I, DOOM and HEXEN. I understand extra WAD files can't run in shareware versions. Anyway I downloaded about 5 WADs I got online, put them in the proper folder that was suggested for my OS (MintLinux). When I start GZDOOM, the downloaded WADs do not appear. They all have the .WAD extension and are not any different than the original "Heretic.WAD file the game comes with. I mean the WADs are all different episodes, I guess you call them, but they all should load. Not sure how to get those WADs to load, and I tried using DOSBOX but no good. I haven't played these games since the late 90's so I am limited technically. Do you load WAD files from the drop down "terminal" in the game? I dont remember how to access that. I need a little hand holding on this cause I am just not finding any help online. Thanks....Bob
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Re: Help loading WADS in Heretic using GZDOOM

Post by Graf Zahl »

The launcher only shows IWADs. You have to load anything else manually, with '-file'. Or use a GUI launcher if you do not want to use the command line.
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Re: Help loading WADS in Heretic using GZDOOM

Post by w1av »

OK I still need help.....I am assuming while in Heretic, I access the this where I type in "-file"? I am not a game saavy person, just someone who casually likes to play. So I don't know a lot about this stuff. So if the WAD file is called "DEADLY DOGGY", at the console I would type (without quotations) "-DEADLY DOGGY. Next how would I set up a GUI launcher in Linux? I would think it is easier to access the extra WADs by simply typing -file into console.
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Re: Help loading WADS in Heretic using GZDOOM

Post by Kappes Buur »

In a recent post Ranger_Danger1996 reported some trouble to load a pwad with Ubuntu.
The solution was to use a Launcher, such as ZDL

perhaps it will work for you too.

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