DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.5]

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DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.5]

Post by difficultoldstuff »

Lost in Infinity's grasp, the Doom Slayer must break an endless cycle of death and rebirth.

DOOM Infinite is a single-player roguelike action FPS total conversion for DOOM and DOOM II.

After years of development we proudly present you with our ambitious take on the roguelike genre - this time based on one of the best classic FPS experiences ever! Made by fans who love the original game for people who yearn for battle, action and mystery. Even if this version is called a demo there's still lot to discover, unlock, fight with and die to! Never-ending hordes of demons from hell strike harder with each passing minute, leaving only the strongest, best-equppied (or luckiest) marines standing. Just how far can you get this time?

With each version we strive to bring new features, updated content and as many bugfixes to the game as we humanly can catch and squash. Plans for the future include the glorious Story Mode which will finally open the game to procedurally generated maps, epic boss encounters, an endgame worthy not spoiling to your friends and tons of new content like more achievements, run challenges, blessings, powerups... There's just some much more to come!

Demo version highlights:
  • Classic Mode - an endless journey through 37 reworked classic maps on randomized rotation
  • big hub area with ever-changing, twisted corridors
  • 135 passive powerups that can be stacked
  • variety of active powerups which can be used in addition to regular gunplay
  • achievements and run challenges
  • unique weapons with quirks, alt-modes, different types of ammo
  • advanced game director for monster / weapon / item swapping and spawning
  • The Gun Is Good™ weapon modding system
  • original NPC system
  • monster traits which can be mixed and matched
  • smooth weather system
  • permadeath system with permanent unlocks and progression
  • Super Shotguns vomiting blood!
  • and much more...
Links: Requirements:
  • GZDoom 4.8.2 or greater
  • Doom2.wad
Suggested companion mods:
  • Doom Metal Soundtrack Mod - Volume 5
  • Nash's Gore Mod: Vengeance Edition
Other important stuff:
  • DOOM Infinite isn't intended to work well with gameplay-altering mods - it's a complex total conversion!
  • DOOM Infinite doesn't work with custom map packs
  • DOOM Infinite is not designed to work as a multiplayer game
  • for a proper in-game option configuration please refer to the Nerdy Imp, who can be accessed by pressing right on the run setup screen
  • you can access a helpful guide anytime during gameplay through the main menu
  • there are plenty of additional options under the DOOM Infinite Options menu at the bottom of the page
  • this project is still in development - bugfixes, new content, features and modes will get added in upcoming updates
  • best way to report bugs or other feedback is via our Discord server - it's full of fun people, check it out one day!
Additional credits:
  • Enjay,
  • Nightmare
  • Malinku
  • Earthquake
  • Cage
  • DBJ87
  • Brian_D
Thank you for your time and support! Good luck, have fun!
Last edited by difficultoldstuff on Wed Sep 06, 2023 3:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.3]

Post by Keldian »

On game start:
VM execution aborted: array access out of bounds. Size = 8, current index = 8
Called from InfiniteHUD.Init at DOOM Infinite DEMO 0_987_3.pk3:zscript/system/zhud.zsc, line 77
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Re: DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.3]

Post by difficultoldstuff »

Keldian wrote: Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:07 pm On game start:
VM execution aborted: array access out of bounds. Size = 8, current index = 8
Called from InfiniteHUD.Init at DOOM Infinite DEMO 0_987_3.pk3:zscript/system/zhud.zsc, line 77
Yup, sadly this was flagged as "fixed", but apparently the fix wasn't good enough. This happens when a different mod (or the player themselves) changes the crosshair setting to something that's not selectable in vanilla GZDoom and it produces an invalid, out of range texture for the crosshair in Infinite. It's already fixed in the upcoming version, for now the solution would be to start the game without the mod, set the crosshair type to something default, close the game and launch it again, this time with Doom Infinite.

Sorry for the trouble!
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Re: DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.5]

Post by Dynamo »

This is extremely impressive! Not just the gameplay mechanics and depth but also the new mapping, custom graphics and menus. Keep it up! :D
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Re: DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.5]

Post by AliciaPendragon »

Will skin mods work with this?
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Re: DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.5]

Post by AliciaPendragon »

Also, and I forgot to mention

Congrats on getting covered by the big man himself
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Re: DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.5]

Post by Hetdegon »

Impressive visual effects and UI/convenience features. Weapon customization is really nice as well.
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Re: DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.5]

Post by RevanGarcia »

Dude, I love Risk of Rain. This is so awesome!
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Re: DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.5]

Post by Thomased22 »

I really liked this mod in earlier versions but as someone who uses the autosave mod built into the mod and needs to keep his saves in order to record videos for other mods, I can't really play this mod atm. Don't want to mess with the autosave mod's settings. Otherwise risk my youtube video pipeline and disappointing people. Will we ever get an alternative?
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Re: DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.5]

Post by difficultoldstuff »

Thomased22 wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 3:00 am I really liked this mod in earlier versions but as someone who uses the autosave mod built into the mod and needs to keep his saves in order to record videos for other mods, I can't really play this mod atm. Don't want to mess with the autosave mod's settings. Otherwise risk my youtube video pipeline and disappointing people. Will we ever get an alternative?
Hmm... how about setting a preset for the <Doom launcher of your choice> that points to an unique config INI file, so it's specific to Infinite? Or just you know, a separate copy of GZDoom just for this mod? I know it might sound shitty, but there're limitations to what we can do, and trust me, all I want to do is help out.
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Re: DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.5]

Post by Thomased22 »

difficultoldstuff wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:30 pm Hmm... how about setting a preset for the <Doom launcher of your choice> that points to an unique config INI file, so it's specific to Infinite? Or just you know, a separate copy of GZDoom just for this mod? I know it might sound shitty, but there're limitations to what we can do, and trust me, all I want to do is help out.
I believe you lol. Anyhow I'm not smart enough to mess with the ini file. In fact I don't wanna mess with ini file stuff. Windows saved my ini file from when my laptop's GPU broke, and gave it back to me as I left it when I moved to a new desktop computer. And I have my fears of a second GZD install potentially overriding that ini. But tbh if I can somehow quarantine it, it doesn't sound like the worst idea lol.
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Re: DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.5]

Post by DarkQuill »

Super fun, on a 27 map streak at the moment.

Bit uncertain as to what I'm supposed to do to unlock the hub doors with the Infinite symbols. If there's an item or key of some kind, I don't have any.

Is there also a debug command of sorts to re-enable cheats without it encountering an error automatically? Would very much like to do a bunch of testing

Had to cut the Shock debuff down to a 3rd of its duration/intensity, took me ages to notice it and thought I was having mouse problems. Big constant forced movements like that give me headaches.

But very enjoyable so far. There's a crazy amount of depth and work put into this, you've done a phenomenal job.

Edit: Got up to 52 maps before getting softlocked. Tried to exit a secret shop but got warped back to the vending machine due to the Haywire Chronoplast proccing, and the exit teleporter stopped working. With too much rapid-regen health and invuln stopping me from exploding myself, had to just quit.
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Re: DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.5]

Post by MrJJSpazz »

I love this mod! Has given me a great excuse to play DOOM wads again, although after days of trying to find out I still haven't been able to figure out what the doors with the infinite symbols need.
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Re: DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.5]

Post by cosmos10040 »

I get stuck at the start, tells me to use my special ability and monsters just keep spawning forever and I run out of ammo. Also relite mod not working with this
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Re: DOOM Infinite - [DEMO 0.978.5]

Post by Ron_Dallas »

Use special ability on the monsters (get a button in options). Most mods don`t work with this TC.

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