Anyone tried the Helion source port?

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Anyone tried the Helion source port?

Post by invictius »

It does away with bsp and the results are pretty amazing. Planisphere 2, nuts, etc all at 100-300fps. I even ran dotw map 3 on a 2006 single core amd and 1050ti and got 18fps at 4k... after waking the monsters up! Unfortunately it's only vanilla, boom and early zdoom compatible. It's pretty bare bones option wise though - there are several options but you can't adjust them in a menu, via ini file only.
Professor Hastig
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Re: Anyone tried the Helion source port?

Post by Professor Hastig »

I did try it but aside from certain big maps it doesn't do much for higher performance systems. I can still run many of the bigger maps without issue at 150-200 fps so there's not much need for me to use it. GZDoom may not be able to run these maps at such high fps, but on the other side Helion does not have any nice rendering features, and with its approach that's also not very likely because all the raw performance depends on not having to do any complex map processing like is needed for dynamic lights and other effects.
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Graf Zahl
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Re: Anyone tried the Helion source port?

Post by Graf Zahl »

The performance is surely impressive but let's not forget one very important thing here: The approach Helion uses does not work well for ports that are concerned about rendering features.
Some things would just be too expensive to process if they had to be done for the entire map each frame and performing visibility clipping is an absolute necessity.

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