DRD Team is moving hosts

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Re: DRD Team is moving hosts

Post by Rachael »

Thank you for your patience and I am sorry that I have to ask for it. It's been a stressful few weeks, and the Dreamhost fuckery was just one more thing on already a heaping pile of stressful shit I had to deal with, so that's why I've been fairly slow on moving with it - right now I am mostly trying to relax so I can get to things like this in earnest without immediately burning right the hell out, but admittedly this is a lower priority for me than some of the other projects that I am involved in right now (i.e. ones that pay money).

Everything will be in working order soon, though. :)

That being said - Blzut3 and CandiceJoy are both extremely knowledgeable, and have also been entrusted with complete administrative access to the entire system that DRD Team runs on - so if you need any quick fixes to the site, they both can help you.
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Re: DRD Team is moving hosts

Post by CandiceJoy »

ReX wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 8:30 am
CandiceJoy wrote: Sat Apr 01, 2023 1:04 pmWe haven’t setup other accounts yet. I’m not sure how Rachael wants to do it :P
Thank you. I'll stand by.
Go ahead and send me an openssh public key. You can generate one using the command ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -o
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Re: DRD Team is moving hosts

Post by Redneckerz »

@CandiceJoy, is there an update? I just tried to log on FTP through Filezilla, user drd_redarchive, but i can't log on. I can however still find my files on my page, so i am left wondering what to do next.

If there are any new instructions to logging on, i'd love to recieve them.
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Re: DRD Team is moving hosts

Post by CandiceJoy »

Redneckerz wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 3:00 pm @CandiceJoy, is there an update? I just tried to log on FTP through Filezilla, user drd_redarchive, but i can't log on. I can however still find my files on my page, so i am left wondering what to do next.

If there are any new instructions to logging on, i'd love to recieve them.
Well like I said, send me a public key :P If you don't know how to do that:

1) Have him download puttygen from this site - https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgt ... atest.html
2) Then run it, and select EdDSA at the bottom. Put your name in "Key Comment" (it doesn't matter what you use, it's just a comment).
3) Press generate. It will take a moment.
4) Very important: Make sure to click save public key and save private key and keep them in a safe location. The public key can be sent to anyone at any time requested, but NEVER EVER send your private key to anyone, it is effectively your password, so don't lose it either; if you do, you will have to generate and send another one.
5) Finally, copy and paste the public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file section and send it to me.
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Re: DRD Team is moving hosts

Post by drfrag »

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Re: DRD Team is moving hosts

Post by CandiceJoy »

drfrag wrote: Sun Apr 16, 2023 4:50 pm The link is incomplete:
https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgt ... atest.html
Damn forums xD Thanks <3

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