People like the Cacowards. As one of the judges, I'd like for the rest of the judging panel to get a better look at all the cool stuff posted on ZDF (and also, I'd like to make my own life easier come November!) So, let's imitate the annual Doomworld thread and get your perspective on things!
Here's the deal:
- If you play something you find particularly fun, beautiful, clever, or mind blowing... mention it!
- Post the name and author of a project and a link to its download.
- This thread is merely a place to mention outstanding works of Doom. Keep conversations about projects to a minimum, please!
- Winners are not chosen by the number of "likes" or the amount of times the project is "nominated" - Judges use the thread to find projects worth playing and decide winners based on personal preferences.
- Please do not nominate your own project.
- This thread is NOT necessarily limited to ZDoom-family projects or projects posted on the ZDoom forums, even if that's the focus. If you see something cool for EDGE, Eternity, DelphiDoom et al, or its posted on Doomworld, Itch, etc., feel free to post it!
- Don't exclusively mention Big Crazy Huge projects! We're also interested in seeing cool, quirky and useful smaller things as part of the Mini-Mod Safari.
- At the end of each year, there's a grace period to ensure that all releases get fair consideration. In other words, everything released or given a significant update from about mid-November 2022 onwards is up for consideration for the 2023 Cacowards.