Mediafire pop-ups?

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Mediafire pop-ups?

Post by Artman2004 »

Mediafire has this thing where when you try to download a file, it will switch the site to an ad, usually Opera or whatever. At the same time, it will open a new tab which will download the file.

Is this intended? At least the ads themselves are fairly harmless, but it is REALLY friggin' annoying to have to close two tabs.
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Re: Mediafire pop-ups?

Post by Rachael »

That's intended by Mediafire, yes. Part of why I think it's started becoming way less popular of late.
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Re: Mediafire pop-ups?

Post by wildweasel »

Worse yet, the way they've got said pop-ups set up, manages to bypass most popular Adblock/uBlock filter sets. Since it doesn't happen consistently, either, it's difficult to pinpoint to a single filter rule.
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Re: Mediafire pop-ups?

Post by KynikossDragonn »

Has anyone tried writing userscripts to override this functionality? I honestly never had this happen to me but I have a lot of stuff set in Firefox that forbids a lot of things like META REFRESH and IFRAME. (and FRAME in general but IFRAME in particular is just bad news all around)
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Re: Mediafire pop-ups?

Post by Nems »

I don't think I've run into it recently but that's because I right-click on the file and choose "Save Link as..." in Firefox. That's how I got around ads. Dunno if that'll work for you.

Now if they managed to somehow get ads to happen through right-clicking, that would really suck. :T
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Re: Mediafire pop-ups?

Post by mamaluigisbagel »

I haven't had an issue, but I do have two adblock extensions installed. (Adblock Plus and AdGuard) so I assume those are just doing a good job of keeping them from popping up. I remember dealing with them a while back, and I agree its really annoying.
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Re: Mediafire pop-ups?

Post by generic name guy »

I don't think they serve you ads if you're logged in to an account
There's no excuse for this though, it's really annoying and could be outright malicious at times.
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Re: Mediafire pop-ups?

Post by DELTAtheDboi005 »

I don't have a mediafire account and I have downloaded stuff from their site before and I have NEVER seen an ad on it, maybe one or two, and that's about it... I may be wrong however.

EDIT: Yea there's ads... They're not much of an issue to me, just an eyesore if anything.

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