What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

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What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by HellGhost »

Favorite Weapons?

I'm making a massive, story based TC. It's gonna have a shit-ton of weapons, from professional rifles to thrown together pistols.
The announcement for this game is coming soon, along with a demo, and I'm sure someone out there will play it.
It's open world, with a load of story and cryptic secrets.

But, due the the aforementioned "shit-ton of weapons", I'd love to see what the community likes in terms of weapons. :wub:

So, what are your favorite weapons from any doom mod?
It can be from a weapons replacement or from a full TC, or anything you can think of.

Or maybe, what type of weapon would you like to see in a mod?

You can also see this same question on doomworld:
https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... -doom-mod/

HellGhost Out.
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Re: What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by openroadracer »

I'm going to say straight out that I am King Boring of the Kingdom of Lame, so take this with a grain of salt.

Personally, I like simple, straightforward automatics with respectable accuracy. Best example I can think of comes from PillowBlaster's Trailblazer: The FMG. Just a standard assault rifle, with a side-mounted magazine. Nothing fancy about it, it just shoots straight and fills enemies with lead from a safe distance.

However, all that said, one thing I'd REALLY like to see in a DooM mod is where the standard shotgun is a normal pump-action boomstick; but the Super Shotgun is a room-sweeping automatic shotgun.
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Re: What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by leileilol »

ewpack fist
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Re: What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by Mikk- »

The twin sawed-offs from Xaser's Psychic are probably my all-time favourite weapons. Nearly 13 years later and it's still a masterclass in modded weapon design.
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Re: What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by Vanille987 »

Too many super shotguns is such a wonderfully ridiculous mod to me
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Re: What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by Rocket1 »

The vulcanette from hideous destructor. Its a full minigun, None of the chaingun shit. Can hold 200 rounds (not that its needed in this mod, Assuming it has no reloading.) And can fire fast enough to melt anything. Only downside is it takes batteries along with bullets.
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Re: What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by Drake Raider »

Zarkov' Goes to the Store's fists. Nothing like the first time you realize that just throwing your arm is more effective than a rocket launcher.
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Re: What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by Hor1zon Str1der »

My favorite weapon I've seen is the Pantokrator from Russian Overkill. Especially the secondary fire.
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Re: What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by Darkcrafter »

BFG10000 seems so missing from the original game.
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Re: What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by Matt »

I really liked the look and feel of Brutal Doom's rocket launcher, at least the way it was a few years ago (don't know if it's been changed too much since then).

The Nutcracker from Trailblazer is always fun.

Within HD, right now for me it's a tossup between the blooper and the Brontornis, just for the best firepower:bulk ratio.

...I seem to be on a bit of a single-shot heavy-hitter streak today...
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Re: What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by chunks »

Brutal Doom's grenades. Simple, effective, satisfying.

Also Project Brutality's UAC-240 Perforator Nailgun. Pinning grunts to the wall is always great.

Shotouts to PB's Excavator and Black Hole Generator, very fun and unique weapons... though the BHG is OP AF :P
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Re: What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by Reactor »

I vaguely remember that Russian Overkill had tons of imaginative and useful weapons, but I can't recall their names apart from the "Pantokrátor" rifle (a weapon with an identical name will be introduced in Tristania 2).
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Re: What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by fakemai »

Russian Overkill comes with a readme file documenting the weapons,I swear it used to at one point, they are now just in the resident thread much like his other mods. Probably favourite is the personal ion cannon from C&C Renegade, for similar reasons I'm a big fan of Guncaster's Augur, DRLA's AMR/Gauss rifle, and pretty much any railgun. However for a more conventional example as the original question seemed to lean to it, NAKU-NARU's Type 99 rifle. The LMG is also sweet. Honestly, it's hard to pick a favourite with so many excellent examples to choose from among so many mods.
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Re: What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by Caligari87 »

The Volt ZM66 Assault Rifle from Hideous Destructor. It's a weapon with uhhhh.... let's say a lot of personality.
  • Has a stacked red-dot + scope sighting system like the H&K G36.
  • Uses caseless ammunition like the prototype H&K G11. Prone to jamming, which requires manually clearing the gun.
  • Feed system has DRM so you can normally only use factory-sealed magazines.
  • The gun reads an EULA to you and rejects loading if you try to load a previously-used magazine.
  • You can force the gun to load it anyway by smacking hard enough.
  • If you do load an unapproved magazine, the round counter stops working and the excess dirt makes the gun more likely to jam.
  • Three-tic prefire delay because it's a bullpup with a shitty trigger lol.
  • Can accept an underbarrel grenade launcher.
  • Has semi-auto, full-auto, and a "hyperburst" which essentially puts three rounds in the same hole before the gun has a chance to finish recoiling.
Most of which sounds kinda terrible but it's actually one of the best-balanced and generally-useful guns in the mod. It's so quirky and unique, I've never seen anything quite like it.

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Re: What are Your Favorite Weapons from Doom Mods?

Post by Artman2004 »

Brutal Doom's flamethrower. It's a flamethrower done right: good range, wide area of effect, and high damage. Shoutouts to the Napalmkraftwerk from Doom Incarnate.

That's not to say that I don't like the shorter ranged ones; the one from ZDoom Community Map Project 2 is also great, with a nice alt-fire that shoots plain fuel that can be used to set traps.

I have a bit of a preference for incendiary options, heh.

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