Hell-Forged - Episode 2 (Restarting Eventually)

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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Striga p.12)

Post by Doominer441 »

Are you going to be redoing the Ghast sprites, or are those good as is?
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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Striga p.12)

Post by Amuscaria »


@Doominer441: I'm planning to add a attack, pain, and possession animation, so about 6-7 frames. Otherwise it stays as is.
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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Hemodemon p.14)

Post by Doominer441 »

I love how alien and monstrous it looks! The blood enemies color scheme was a good choice.
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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Hemodemon p.14)

Post by ActionAlligator »

looks almost like an organic shuttle or something from the back, vroom vroom =D but seriously, looks really cool!
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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Striga p.12)

Post by giuseppemoghadam1984 »

This one is a real beaut! I love how it's familiar enough to be recognizable as a relative of the cacodemon, but different enough to be something new. I do think that something called the hemodemon should bleed more when killed, just to be thematic. All in all, it's a great-looking character, incredible job as always!
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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Striga p.12)

Post by Amuscaria »

giuseppemoghadam1984 wrote:This one is a real beaut! I love how it's familiar enough to be recognizable as a relative of the cacodemon, but different enough to be something new. I do think that something called the hemodemon should bleed more when killed, just to be thematic. All in all, it's a great-looking character, incredible job as always!
The thing can go into "Bloodlust". Each time it hits a bleeding actor with the projectile, it gets 1 bloodlust token. It will then spend 1 on the next attack to double its damage. It can store up to ten.
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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Hemodemon p.14)

Post by giuseppemoghadam1984 »

Ah, interesting! Sounds like a fun mechanic, although it sounds like an absolute nightmare to code. Are you using ZScript or DECORATE? (I never inspected the code from the first Hell-Forged beyond ogling at the actor sprites and wall textures so I wouldn't know)
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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Hemodemon p.14)

Post by ActionAlligator »

Ooooo, interesting! By 'bleeding' actor, do you just mean one that's damaged, or are you adding 'bleed' dots to attacks and/or environments etc.?

And also, if you're able to answer this, how do the blood weapons interact with blood enemies? Do they do less dmg because "same element"? Or does it maybe feed their 'bloodlust' because it's throwing what I assume to be blood at them? And I'm guessing venom enemies are going to be resistant to venom weapons? Or maybe can't be melted like other enemies? Appreciate your response as always :)
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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Hemodemon p.14)

Post by Amuscaria »


Actually it was very simple to code, even in Decorate:

Code: Select all

ACTOR HemodemonBall1
  Radius 6
  Height 12
  Speed 20
  FastSpeed 25
  Damage 5
  RenderStyle ADD  
  SeeSound "hemodemon/launch"
  DeathSound "hemodemon/explode"
    BAL6 AB 4 Bright
    BAL6 CDEFG 4 Bright	
    BAL6 C 4 Bright A_GiveToTarget("BloodLustToken",1)
    BAL6 DEFG 4 Bright	
A projectile's "target" pointer is the actor that fired it. I just use the XDeath state, which for projectiles is when it its a bleeding actor, give the target an item. Then I just call a A_JumpIfInventory() for the Hemodemon's attack to a second missile state.
@ActionAligator: There is no interaction with blood enemies and blood weapons at the moment. I don't intend there to be one. The Blood weapons are there to gib the lower tier undead so they stay dead.
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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Hemodemon p.14)

Post by giuseppemoghadam1984 »

I see! It sounded a lot harder to code than it actually was, I guess. While we're on the topic of code, how did you make that laser weapon in HF 1 (I think it was the Caster)? What I thought was cool about it was that it always pointed in the direction you were shooting, so it would never "break up" for lack of a better term (if you've ever made a laser weapon in a WAD that's basically just a rapid-fire railgun and then looked around really fast, you'll know what I mean). That thing is basically wizardry. How did you do it?
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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Hemodemon p.14)

Post by ActionAlligator »

ohhhh, I get what you mean by bleeding actor now, doh lol. you mean an actor that can bleed when hit, my bad.

and about blood weapons, ah ok. so blood enemies just interact with blood tiles and enemies that can bleed to get bonuses etc.?
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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Hemodemon p.14)

Post by Amuscaria »


I didn't do it. That's Comet1337's ZScript sorcery. :D


There are currently no plans to add any special interactions between the blood-theme enemies and the blood weapon.
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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Hemodemon p.14)

Post by ActionAlligator »

yeah, sorry, I got that. I was just asking if all blood enemies interact with blood tiles (textures on floor) and the player when they dmg him? all blood enemies get blood tokens from doing dmg, or different blood enemies get different bonuses or? sorry if i ask too many questions
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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Striga p.12)

Post by whatup876 »

That Hemodemon spriteset an amazing design because it's different from the regular Caco that it's its own thing.
In a way, it reminds me of modern Doom (specially Eternal's Pain Elemental) because of the mouth and some "layers" or how you descrive some parts.
But even besides the back holes, you also have what looks like tentacle thingies and those glowing circles that the classic Caco also had. (the ones that turn blue where it fires but are usually like brown)
It's both very unique yet also fitting from the "family" it's part of.
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Re: Hell-Forged - Version 2.00 (Hemodemon p.14)

Post by Amuscaria »

ActionAlligator wrote:yeah, sorry, I got that. I was just asking if all blood enemies interact with blood tiles (textures on floor) and the player when they dmg him? all blood enemies get blood tokens from doing dmg, or different blood enemies get different bonuses or? sorry if i ask too many questions
Oh sorry, brain-fart on my end. I thought for some reason my earlier post didn't go through and was replying to the same question, because I can't read. :P

Only 1 enemy is intended to have a interaction with a blood floor, and that's the Striga, since it would make sense. I haven't implemented anything yet since I'm unsure if have dozens of enemies constantly checking for what floor tile they're standing on is performant or not. Will need to do some testing.
Last edited by Amuscaria on Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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