Yeah, from the wiki (, "distance is calculated from the attacker's center to the target's bounding box." So the target's radius doesn't matter for meleerange, but the calling actor's does. Well, I learned some things anyways, glad you got it working
EDIT: I have no idea why your obit isn't working, but is there a reason you have the explosion as its own projectile? if not, you could potentially alter your death.suicide state to this:
Code: Select all
MITE K 2 Bright {A_Stop; A_NoGravity; A_NoBlocking;}
MFX1 Q 3 Bright {A_Explode(12 * random(1,4),64,0,0,32); A_SetTranslucent(1,1); A_StartSound("weapons/splatter4");}
MFX1 RSTU 3 Bright
and then set the mite's damagetype to 'weppoison' (could instead set the explosion dmg type if you want). that would fix your obit problem and I think it'd work exactly the same as you have it now, except no separate projectile.