OBSIDIAN - Please Check https://obsidian-level-maker.github.io/ For Future Updates

Any utility that assists in the creation of mods, assets, etc, go here. For example: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade, WadSmoosh, Oblige, etc.
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The Projects forums are ONLY for YOUR PROJECTS! If you are asking questions about a project, either find that project's thread, or start a thread in the General section instead.

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Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Jul 17, 2020 6:52 pm

Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [V20 - "Gates of Tartarus"]

Post by Darkbeetlebot »

So I recently upgraded from version 19 to version 20, and I can't help but notice that I lost a lot of features. Namely the monster control, episode bosses, weapon and item control, doom 2 theme control, and some more things in the right column. Are those in an addon now or were they removed in the move to LuaJIT? Also, the game selection doesn't have any options for me. Do I need to put the IWADs in a directory for Obsidian to read them?

Edit: Fixed it by doing a clean reinstall. Don't know what glitched, but definitely do not try to update by replacing all the files in the old version folder.
Last edited by Darkbeetlebot on Tue May 02, 2023 1:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 317
Joined: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:02 am

Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [V20 - "Gates of Tartarus"]

Post by ZzZombo »

Any plans to ditch Decorate or at least clean it up? All the warnings make looking at the logs a pain.
Posts: 112
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 12:16 am

Re: OBSIDIAN - A continuation of Oblige/ObAddon [V20 - "Gates of Tartarus"]

Post by dasho »

I will no longer be participating in the ZDoom Forums. Any questions or issues can be directed to our GitHub issue tracker or the Oblige/Obsidian Discord, both of which can be found from links at https://obsidian-level-maker.github.io/

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