So, Im playing doomrpg se with several mods via the launcher provided by sumwunn. However, the launcher doesnt save the mod order (and it effects things, such as making gzdoom hardcrash when loading a save with a different order.) Anyways, I Wanted to do it the old fashioned way by making a shortcut, but windows 10 has a character limit on the shortcut target so I cant fit all of the commands in. Now, I could make a batch file; but what I really want to know is there any way to take all of these mods and merge them into 1 pk3 file? Then make a shortcut to just that pk3.
In paticular about the load order, I want doomrla/hud to load BEFORE doomrpg, but it always moves below it when I start the launcher. The reason is, if drla loads after doomrpg, then all health vials are health vials, if drla loads before doomrpg then all health vials are the loot from doomrpg (as they should be).
Incase you want to see the shortcut target in quiestion:
Code: Select all
"C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\gzdoom.exe" -iwad "C:\Six\Doomstuff\IWADS\doom2.wad" -skill 2 -warp 1 +playerclass Marine +sv_cheats 1 -file "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\Lexicon-beta-build-137.pk3" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\ColourfulHell97ccc.pk3" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\LegenDoomLite_3.1.pk3" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\DoomRL_Arsenal_1.1.2.pk3" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\DoomRL HUD.wad" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\DoomRPG\DoomRPG" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\brightmaps.pk3" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\DoomRPG\DoomRPG-ColourfulHell" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\DoomRPG\DoomRPG-RLArsenal"