Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by worldendDominator »

Captain J wrote:- Again, it's about the Outpost. I started war with them but it seems goes forever. You gain more levels, sure. But again, it's likely endless and you just have to die. Is there any way to surrender and bribe, or serve the sentence? Or just tickling them with your fist is considered death-deserving action?

- About the veil event, i accidentally sucked into the portal and got stuck at the monster closet, before i trigger it to open. So basically the portal could softlock the game, without a consent?
I think you can survive until the forcefield to the teleporter room drops, port away to some map, and they will calm down when you return.

Veil stuff sounds potentially annoying, but can be fixed with a phase device if you're playing with DRLA.
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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by Mechazawa »

So, Im playing doomrpg se with several mods via the launcher provided by sumwunn. However, the launcher doesnt save the mod order (and it effects things, such as making gzdoom hardcrash when loading a save with a different order.) Anyways, I Wanted to do it the old fashioned way by making a shortcut, but windows 10 has a character limit on the shortcut target so I cant fit all of the commands in. Now, I could make a batch file; but what I really want to know is there any way to take all of these mods and merge them into 1 pk3 file? Then make a shortcut to just that pk3.

In paticular about the load order, I want doomrla/hud to load BEFORE doomrpg, but it always moves below it when I start the launcher. The reason is, if drla loads after doomrpg, then all health vials are health vials, if drla loads before doomrpg then all health vials are the loot from doomrpg (as they should be).

Incase you want to see the shortcut target in quiestion:

Code: Select all

"C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\gzdoom.exe" -iwad "C:\Six\Doomstuff\IWADS\doom2.wad" -skill 2 -warp 1 +playerclass Marine +sv_cheats 1 -file "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\Lexicon-beta-build-137.pk3" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\ColourfulHell97ccc.pk3" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\LegenDoomLite_3.1.pk3" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\DoomRL_Arsenal_1.1.2.pk3" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\DoomRL HUD.wad" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\DoomRPG\DoomRPG" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\brightmaps.pk3" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\DoomRPG\DoomRPG-ColourfulHell" "C:\Six\Doomstuff\gzdoom\DoomRPG\DoomRPG-RLArsenal"
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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by Starman the Blaziken »

Hello, I been looking for that one Doom RPG mod to play, and some guy sent me a link to this mod. I had a blast playing it, though I did find a couple of issues when playing the game so far on the Ultimate Doom in GZDoom 4.3.3. One problem I came across is the missing textures above the two doors in the main hub beside the arena desk, the upper door frames are missing textures.
And another I might be having? Is the floaty turrets, when I have the generator upgrades like the illumination and speed upgrades, the turret does not seem to charge whatsoever I do. Stand in the light, run around, equip it, unequip it. Not sure what is going on, but I am not sure if it might be me doing something off.
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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by ChrisHighwind »

Starman the Blaziken wrote:Hello, I been looking for that one Doom RPG mod to play, and some guy sent me a link to this mod. I had a blast playing it, though I did find a couple of issues when playing the game so far on the Ultimate Doom in GZDoom 4.3.3. One problem I came across is the missing textures above the two doors in the main hub beside the arena desk, the upper door frames are missing textures.
I've noticed this too in an Ultimate Doom wad, along with a lot more missing textures and ! diamonds representing missing objects in the bigger arena. Oddly, the version of FreeDoom Phase 1 I have (I know it's a nightly but I can't remember what date it is, though it is after the latest stable) has the textures intact, though the ! diamonds still persist. Another thing is that if you're playing on a gamepad like I am (playing on Delta Touch), it's practically impossible to map everything so that you can use skills, stims, etc., so what I did was just made it so I only use one skill (the Transport skill) and auto-sell everything to do with stims and turrets, and limit myself to using inventory items, shields, augmentations, and the medikit for if I need to heal.
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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by Doomin »

I'm getting repeated crashes after killing about 8-10 levels worth of enemies. GZDoom hangs at this point and does not produce a crash log. It seems unrelated to whether I have shields active or am taking damage. I'm running:

GZDoom (latest)
DoomRL Arsenal (latest)
DoomRL Monsters (latest)
DoomRPG SE (3-15-2020 either master or experimental - both tested)

The crash even occurs if I am standing, doing nothing, at which point I have to terminate the process. The frustration here is purely caused by how much I'm otherwise enjoying the mod.

Edit: The latest time this crash repeatedly happened, I was on an assassination mission for magmacubi

Edit 2: Altering the DoomRLA with that error catch for the special boss may have fixed it, continuing to test...

Edit 3: Yeah, that was it. However, now in multiplayer, I've encountered another problem. In a GZDoom peer-to-peer server, scrolling through the menus (char menu, skill menu, turret menu etc) is behaving as though either client or host are rapidly pressing. If I had to guess I'd say what's happening is GZDoom is trying to use movement prediction since the movement keys are used for the menus and is playing back multiple taps to compensate for the lack of actual movement. I will try to test with movement prediction off.

Edit 4: Nay on the prediction, but I still get the sense that it's tied to movement keys somehow. Is there a convenient way to reprogram the menus to accept other key inputs rather that BT_FORWARD/BT_BACK etc. that doesn't require recompiling? My laziness is somewhere between writing forum posts and setting up Python/GDCC in Windows.
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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by LaraTheDemonDerg »

Well~ DoomRL Arsenal and Monsters one got updated recently
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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by AztecDeathWhistle »

I've been having a real hard time getting this all working fully with the mods and that. Monsters seem to be working ok (albeit never seem to show up coloured), UI elements are a bit all over the place, I get "AAAAAA" displaying on my screen all the time and I can't select classes, even though I have the DoomRL weapons and monsters intact. What is going wrong? I struggled just to get it loading in the first place. For reference I've included my load order and WAD/PK3 file section in a screenshot below. Where am I going wrong? I have a screenshot of the weird UI I can throw in too.

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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by LaraTheDemonDerg »

AztecDeathWhistle wrote:I've been having a real hard time getting this all working fully with the mods and that. Monsters seem to be working ok (albeit never seem to show up coloured), UI elements are a bit all over the place, I get "AAAAAA" displaying on my screen all the time and I can't select classes, even though I have the DoomRL weapons and monsters intact. What is going wrong? I struggled just to get it loading in the first place. For reference I've included my load order and WAD/PK3 file section in a screenshot below. Where am I going wrong? I have a screenshot of the weird UI I can throw in too.

Same thing as well.
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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by Doomin »

Hmmm have you two tried loading Doom RPG last from the launcher? I've had a client connect to my server and get "HUD overload" from loading Doom RPG before RLA.
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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by AztecDeathWhistle »

Doomin wrote:Hmmm have you two tried loading Doom RPG last from the launcher? I've had a client connect to my server and get "HUD overload" from loading Doom RPG before RLA.
I just gave that a try, no change in results. Can only select half the DoomRL difficulties, can't select classes, still weird looking ingame HUD but Legendoom and the DRLA PDA and main menu work. Here's an example of the AAAAAA thing below. This is mindboggling, I have no idea where I'm going wrong in the load order/load selection and changing anything usually causes a litany of errors anyway. What parts do work I'm enjoying at least!

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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by Doomin »

Maybe mod order isn't the solution, but one last thing to try is to load in this order:

DRL Monsters
Doom RPG
LegenDoom and Colorful

The hud on the screenshot you posted is actually correct as far as I can see, other than the weird message showing up. I have no explanation for that really... What my client was experiencing was every stat icon, status effect and message possible playing at once constantly. On a "functional" install I have seen something like that once in the hidden room in the UAC Outpost, which briefly flooded my screen with various "AAAAAAAAA" messages. If I were you I'd probably waste my time by changing the mod order once again and then trying to just launch from a batch file using a command line constructed from what the launcher offers.
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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by lucker42 »

Sumwunn, is everything all right?

There were no updates or messages for a long time. Considering the fact that DoomRL has been updated. Are there any plans to update the fork and add compatibility with the new version of DoomRL?
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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by Sumwunn »

Hey guys, I'm still alive; haven't got COVID or anything, just came out the other side of a heavy semester.

Just need a bit of a break and it's looking like I can look at DRPG this Sunday.

Apologies for the long wait.
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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by lucker42 »

Good news. I keep waiting for updates)
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Re: Doom RPG SE [unofficial, bugfix-ish]

Post by Crudux Cruo »

Hey, so i have decided to give this a whirl and i had some questions .
1.) is there a manual?
2.) how do i get to the outpost?


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