New texture refactor broke translucency on single-file texs

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New texture refactor broke translucency on single-file texs

Post by ZZYZX »

When I say single-file, I'm referring to those in textures directory or inside TX_ markers.
Example wad attached. The image should be translucent.

It only looks correct with vid_rendermode 3, in all other renderers it's differently non-translucent.
Rendermode 1:
Rendermode 4,0,2:
Rendermode 3:

Reported against cc52f8937
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Graf Zahl
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Re: New texture refactor broke translucency on single-file t

Post by Graf Zahl »

Fixed for the hardware renderer. Why the true color software renderer isn't doing this right, but the softpoly renderer is, is something to be answered by someone else, preferably dpJudas.
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Re: New texture refactor broke translucency on single-file t

Post by dpJudas »

I have no idea why it does this for the true color software renderer. It probably picks the wrong drawer.

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