The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9r1 "Contra")
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- Posts: 407
- Joined: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:45 am
Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9 "Crisis Force")
Posted a few screenshots of E4M1 in the opening post. This map is one I've been fighting against when mapping it due to parts of the concept not panning out like I want and struggling to balance between Suspension of Disbelief and recognizability. The underlying concept is you start out in a cave in the year 3 Million A.D and it's kinda a riff on H.G Wells "The Time Machine" but the Time Machine you find takes you to New York in the Year 802,701 A.D and well you can kinda see my struggle if you looked at my screenshots for the far future NYC especially since I'm kinda riffing off H.G Wells a bit (and his city of choice in the novel was London). Can you imagine the challenge of envisioning NYC in the same general setting and in a doom map?
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Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9 "Crisis Force")
I'm up to E1M5 on Hurt Me Plenty, and I'm having a blast so far! I would like to add a few suggestions.
1) Allow your weapons' secondary modes (where applicable) to be used with the Alt-Fire key, as opposed to Zoom.
2) Allow the automap screen to show a tally of your total reserve munition for all available weapons.
3) Allow the item-count digits in the "Items" display to be the same as the rest of the HUD, for more-consistent visual readout.
4) Allow the Zoom key to instead perform a quick-melee with the Machete, if it fits into the scope of the project.
5) Regarding E1M4's Red Keycard "hangar" showdown, there's an invisible wall blocking the way out, that only goes away once every enemy in this one area is slain. Perhaps communicate that better with red klaxons and lights, that indicate an incoming demon infestation, and prevent the door from moving until the new "lockdown" is lifted?
1) Allow your weapons' secondary modes (where applicable) to be used with the Alt-Fire key, as opposed to Zoom.
2) Allow the automap screen to show a tally of your total reserve munition for all available weapons.
3) Allow the item-count digits in the "Items" display to be the same as the rest of the HUD, for more-consistent visual readout.
4) Allow the Zoom key to instead perform a quick-melee with the Machete, if it fits into the scope of the project.
5) Regarding E1M4's Red Keycard "hangar" showdown, there's an invisible wall blocking the way out, that only goes away once every enemy in this one area is slain. Perhaps communicate that better with red klaxons and lights, that indicate an incoming demon infestation, and prevent the door from moving until the new "lockdown" is lifted?
- Posts: 407
- Joined: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:45 am
Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9 "Crisis Force")
1. No. The reason I have it set up that way is because having it bound to the altfire key doesn't sense to me if the weapon doen't fire differently in altfire (or doesn't animate differently during altfiring). I'm using the Zoom key as a toggle key of sorts and I think the toggle method is better from a gameplay POV rather than the "slap it to right-mouse" method. Also the Mod is balanced around the toggle method.
2.I'll see what I can do about that
3. Same as 2
4.No, If I give all the weapons the option to quick melee it would be a coding nightmare for two reasons (and I'm familiar with DECORATE. Not Zscript, the small handful of Zscript code was made by other people)
2.I'll see what I can do about that
3. Same as 2
4.No, If I give all the weapons the option to quick melee it would be a coding nightmare for two reasons (and I'm familiar with DECORATE. Not Zscript, the small handful of Zscript code was made by other people)
- I would have to give up the "Auto-swap to nearest ideal weapon when out of ammo" if I do that since there would be new mode that doesn't consume ammo and the gameplay of the mod is balanced around that.
- I would have to write special state checks for blade power on the other weapons and some of them are already kina coding nightmare
- Posts: 407
- Joined: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:45 am
Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9r1 "Contra")
This is mostly a minor bugfix and gameplay improvement update. Here's the Changelog
Spoiler: Beta 1.9r1 "Contra"
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Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9r1 "Contra")
I've noticed a slight bug in E1M5, regarding GZDoom's portal system; approaching one from a diagonal angle will cause you to see the "dead-end" of the portal moments before you are sent to the other side. Is there a way to increase the "depth" of a portal, to avoid such immersion-breaking instances like this?
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- Graphics Processor: ATI/AMD with Vulkan/Metal Support
- Location: Manhattan, IL
Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9r1 "Contra")
Found another bug in E1M6: When approaching certain elevations in the map, the skybox's "seam" can be seen as its texture starts to repeat on the horizon.
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Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9r1 "Contra")
Pardon for a bump. Had a real blast with the mod. Shooting enemies and collecting coins is really my cup of tea.
Some ROTT stuff in the last level was a nice surprise. Will be great to see more ROTT things with wolf ss guys maybe
Is any update planned?
Some ROTT stuff in the last level was a nice surprise. Will be great to see more ROTT things with wolf ss guys maybe
Is any update planned?
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Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9r1 "Contra")
Sorry to ruin everyone's mood here but the creator has been deactivated from the forum...
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Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9r1 "Contra")
It's due to the auto-pruning feature of the forums. I don't think he's planning to work on this mod again right now but he might return to it once he's finished with some of his other Doom projects, if so he'll request an account reactivation most likely.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Fri Aug 05, 2022 2:44 pm
Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9r1 "Contra")
Apologies for bumping, I saw this mod while looking around for total conversions to try and I can't get it to run; this is on 4.8.2, and I'm doing it through ZDL.
Spoiler: This is the error I getI know the post before mine mentions his account being temporarily de-activated, but I hope that at least posting this I can get an idea of what's going on, if not through him then maybe through someone else.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Mon Aug 01, 2022 6:52 am
Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9r1 "Contra")
First, I want to thank FireSeraphim for this great mod
I did some quick and dirty editing, to get the mod working with the latest version of GZDoom:
1. zscript\adv_func\intermission_new.zc, line 215
2. zscript\adv_func\baseline_elements.zc, line 21
3. zscript\items\powerups\quaddamage.zc, line 27
Maybe this helps others to get it working, too 

I did some quick and dirty editing, to get the mod working with the latest version of GZDoom:
1. zscript\adv_func\intermission_new.zc, line 215
Code: Select all
override int drawLF ()
int y = TITLEY;
y = DrawName(y, wbs.LName0, lnametexts[0]);
// Adjustment for different font sizes for map name and 'finished'.
// y -= (mapname.mFont.GetHeight() - finished.mFont.GetHeight()) / 4;
y -= (mapname.mFont.GetHeight() - finishedp.mFont.GetHeight()) / 4;
// draw "Finished!"
//if (y < (NG_STATSY - finished.mFont.GetHeight()*3/4))
// don't draw 'finished' if the level name is too tall
// y = DrawPatchText(y, finished, "$FINISHED");
y = DrawPatchText(y, finishedp, "$FINISHED");
return y;
Code: Select all
// Never spawn this thing directly.
override void PostBeginPlay()
if (GetClass() == "NoiseMaker")
// return Destroy();
Code: Select all
override void DoEffect()
if (!Owner || Owner.Health < 1)
// return EndEffect();
if (globalfreeze || level.Frozen)
EffectTics++; //'Freeze' the timer.
if (NoiseMaker) NoiseMaker.SetOrigin(Owner.pos,false);
if (DelayTimer < 1)
if ((hasMelee && InStateSequence(Owner.CurState, Owner.MeleeState)) ||
(hasMissile && InStateSequence(Owner.CurState, Owner.MissileState)))
DelayTimer = 35;
if (NoiseMaker) NoiseMaker.A_PlaySound("powerup/quadatk",6);
else DelayTimer--;
if (EffectTics > 105) NoiseMaker.A_StopSound(5);
else Switch (EffectTics)
Case 105:
if (NoiseMaker) NoiseMaker.A_PlaySound("powerup/quadfade",7,1,0);
Case 70:
Case 35:

Last edited by MoKuM on Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Fri Aug 05, 2022 2:44 pm
Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9r1 "Contra")
That did work, but it's worth mentioning that what you're doing is replacing the first line in the patch block with the second line, just to avoid any confusion. Still, it did work and that's what matters most. It's a decent band-aid until the developer can fix it properly.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Mon Aug 01, 2022 6:52 am
Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9r1 "Contra")
I commented out the original lines and put the changes between a "PATCH" comment block to document the changes. The lines that matter are obviously the ones without commentSwordsNotSwords wrote: ↑Fri Aug 12, 2022 1:35 am That did work, but it's worth mentioning that what you're doing is replacing the first line in the patch block with the second line, just to avoid any confusion. Still, it did work and that's what matters most. It's a decent band-aid until the developer can fix it properly.

- Posts: 407
- Joined: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:45 am
Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9r1 "Contra")
Thank you for the little bit of patchwork MoKuM. Your efforts will be featured in the next release, amongside a few other fixups here and there.
- Posts: 195
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- Location: Manhattan, IL
Re: The Edge of Time - TPC (Beta 1.9r1 "Contra")
Good to have you back, FireSeraphim! Will there be fixups for some of the music tracks so they don't sound like a shrill, garbled mess when played back in GZDoom (Episode 1 end intermission screen is a prime example)?