0000275: Sprites are cut off by interactive portals

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0000275: Sprites are cut off by interactive portals

Post by printz »


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Summary	0000275: Sprites are cut off by interactive portals
Description	In software mode (tested under QZDoom), sprites are cut off by interactive portal windows, both for linedef and sector portals.
Steps To Reproduce	Load the test wad and look at the big tree next to the line portal. Then turn on chasecam and the flight cheat and rise through the sector portal, to see your sprite cut off.
Additional Information	For the sector portals, I fixed it in Eternity by creating duplicate vissprites and attaching them to the sectors behind all intersected portals. It was easier for me than figuring out how to setup the column clipping array.

For line portals, I'm trying to figure out how to do it, now.

The map also shows other problems with QZDoom and sector portals, not related to this.
https://mantis.zdoom.org/file_download. ... 8&type=bug
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Graf Zahl
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Re: 0000275: Sprites are cut off by interactive portals

Post by Graf Zahl »

I never implemented this in the software renderer because at least back then it was too messy.

If you are interested how to handle sprites with line portals, what I did was to link each actor into a list with all potentially touching line portals and then go through that list for all rendered portals and check each sprite if it actualy intersects with the portal (See gl_sprite.cpp, gl_RenderActorsInPortal)

QZDoom's software renderer should of course use the same lists that are already present for OpenGL.

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