ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by drfrag »

Now another ZDoom Classic release, a very minor update with some pending things. Still the statusbar for the 4x4 low detail mode only is adjusted after changing resolution, even selecting the current resolution again does.
https://github.com/drfrag666/gzdoom/rel ... .4a_GL.zip
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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by Beezle »

drfrag wrote:Now another ZDoom Classic release, a very minor update with some pending things. Still the statusbar for the 4x4 low detail mode only is adjusted after changing resolution, even selecting the current resolution again does.
https://github.com/drfrag666/gzdoom/rel ... .4a_GL.zip
Is this an updated version of the one that comes with BD v20c? In other words does it replace it?
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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by drfrag »

Of course not, that one was based on a very old ZDoom version. Details are in first page.
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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by Beezle »

drfrag wrote:Of course not, that one was based on a very old ZDoom version. Details are in first page.
I should've read a lil more of the op, appreciate your help drfrag :D
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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by Beezle »

What is the Unholy Massacre difficulty, is that Nightmare without respawns?
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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by TDRR »

D4T crashes in this and ZDoom32 before even outputting any video, i included a crash report.
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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by drfrag »

For me it works with ZDoom32, crashes with LE 2.8.3 and later.
That's just the opposite to ITYTD, you take double damage and get half the ammo. It's actually playable.

Edit: Script error, "D4Tv21.pk3:decorate/demon/playerfatso.aed" line 316:\par
Not an integral type\par
MARM A 0 HealThing(!(velx || vely || velz))
Edit2: i think it's this commit: "Emit a message when trying to use something non-integral as a boolean", will check soon.
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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by drfrag »

Fixed and i've reuploaded the release.
Edit: win95 no GL version fixed.
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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by TDRR »

Even then, it's still completely unplayable because it stutters waaay too much. Oh well, at least it boots.

EDIT: Nevermind, bad firefox was eating up 1.5GB of RAM!
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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by ClessxAlghazanth »

Sorry for the noobish question , but what are the main differences between ZDoom32 & ZdoomLE & LZDoom ? And which of them would be the most recommended performance-wise for a person with an old laptop ?
My specs are like Intel Core 2 Duo 1.6 Ghz 4GB Ram embedded video / sound cards. I dont' mind playing on 640x480 with all details set to minimum , as long as I get a decent framerate.Oh , and I play some Complex Doom / LCA , Guncaster (old version) , some Project Brutality (lower gore setting) and levels like Maps of Chaos ,Scyhte etc
I used to think that SW rendering would be better for slower systems , but after reading that it puts all the work on the CPU and slows things down when it gets frantic , I switched to OGL (I use ZDoom32 currently) and it really seems to handle better

Thanks a ton for all the work on these forks drfrag , and hope things get better for you soon !
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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by drfrag »

I appreciate it, i'd recommend ZDoom32 but LE could be a bit faster. LZDoom has way more features and will run recent mods but will also be slower. Actually LZDoom is playable on my old laptop but depends on what you consider playable (complex maps run slow). Back in the day 12 fps on a 386 was playable.
They are based on different official versions and then patched, LZDoom > ZDoom32 > ZDoom LE.
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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by Danfun64 »

Your projects are great for old machines and backwards compatibility. If you don't mind, I'd like to request another. Specifically, a maintenance GitHub of Chex Quest 3's source code which can compile on modern systems and has various vulnerability fixes, but otherwise is completely compatible with demos recorded in chex3.exe . Due to (G)ZDoom always being a moving target where demo compatibility is futile, Chex Quest 3 is unique among (G)ZDoom mods for having its own version of the ZDoom code, which can be used as a standard for demo recordings (but only for Chex Quest 3 and mods that use the chex3 iwad of course).

The source code in question can be found here.
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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by Graf Zahl »

That code isn't really that unique. AFAIK it's just ZDoom 2.3.1 with some superficial changes, like a new icon. The big gotcha here would be the sound system. It is based on an ancient version of FModEx that will be quite a challenge to update to something current.
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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by Danfun64 »

The point isn't the uniqueness of the code, or lack thereof, but that only in the case of Chex Quest 3 it's a demo recording standard similar to -complevel 2/doom2.exe or -complevel 9/boom.exe

I personally think chex3.exe should be maintained for this purpose.
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Re: ZDoom LE (Legacy Edition)

Post by drfrag »

I don't think so. Are you sure demos recorded with ZDoom 2.3.1 are not compatible? Also if you fix things you break demo compatibility.
You might just record demos with ZDoom LE, most likely i won't update it anymore.

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