Yes - this one had a lower threshold, though. I believe the problem to be fixed now, dpJudas was hard at work with the affected drawers after implementing a debug routine that puts out debugging info even when the crash reporter refuses to work. (Sadly, there are problems with ZDoom's 64-bit crash catcher at the moment, last I know Randi was looking into it)unRyker wrote:Do all programs not have a certain threshold that they can only carry before crashing?
It's not supposed to be. Right now it's got more features than ZDoom, and renders things slightly differently even in palette mode (though the extra features can be turned off to make it ZDoom-like).unRyker wrote:or is the renderer inadvertently more limited in some way compared to regular Software and OpenGL?
Thank you for those comments, it is greatly appreciated.unRyker wrote:Anyways, I'll give feedback on it and keep an eye on it for a long time. As someone who uses GZDoom almost exclusively I can definitely agree that this is a viable alternative to GZDoom/ZDoom. It does more than fuse two renderers together seamlessly, it makes Doom and its other child games look alluring- I can say that Heretic benefits the most out of this renderer (and will continue doing so during development)- while sustaining the little things that many people care about such as how sprites are rendered in its world.
Despite this, I will personally continue using GZDoom because of how accurate sprites are rendered for me for aiming purposes even if it comes with its own special- yet annoying bugs. But regardless, I don't know enough about how programs and how exactly things are rendered I do appreciate this work that both you and dpJudas have put into this project.

That's really up to Randi and Graf. The biggest roadblock to QZDoom ever merging back with either ZDoom or GZDoom is the LLVM stuff - which while potentially quite useful is extremely underutilized. I can't speak for Randi or Graf on this, as I believe that would be disrespectful of me, but if you want their comments about a merge-back it would be best to talk to them directly. I may be wrong but I get the impression that they are not too positive about it right now because of the LLVM.unRyker wrote: Oh, and another question which I probably obviously missed: Will there be any plans to merge it with ZDoom/GZDoom?
At any rate, that's okay, because QZDoom can, and has, survived just fine as its own project, and that gives it a certain autonomy that it could otherwise hinder its development if it were merged back. (Think of how GZDoom is able to do official releases even when ZDoom hasn't released in a year or more - it's the same thing)
Thank you.unRyker wrote:Anyways this is astonishing work and I love it even if I may not use it for now. I hope to see it completed- we all do!