New Member Introductions

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Devianteist »

Welcome to the forums Max. There are plenty of friendly people here you could probably work with to create some very interesting things. Poke and lurk around, though. It'll help you figure out what's what and who's who.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by phantombeta »

Welcome Lancer1408/Max. We're pretty friendly 'round these parts. (Except the occasional asshole here and there, but those usually get banned.)
Have fun mapping and modding...

Hmmm... If you're interested in helping someone with a mod and have experience mapping or modding for Zandronum, I need some help for a secret project. If you want to help, you can hit me with a PM
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by NiteOwl »

Hi all.
I only recently got back into Doom itself, digging up Zdoom and discovering a whole community of modders and mods behind it.
I don't mod or anything, I wouldn't know where to begin. I toy around on Doom Builder now and then, but I don't know my ass from my elbow in it.
The only real "project" I'm working on is actually a Doom screenplay which is actually getting turned into a short film with pre-production on it starting this month. I'll probably make a thread for it at some point. Anyways. Hi.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Devianteist »

NiteOwl wrote:Hi all.
I only recently got back into Doom itself, digging up Zdoom and discovering a whole community of modders and mods behind it.
I don't mod or anything, I wouldn't know where to begin. I toy around on Doom Builder now and then, but I don't know my ass from my elbow in it.
The only real "project" I'm working on is actually a Doom screenplay which is actually getting turned into a short film with pre-production on it starting this month. I'll probably make a thread for it at some point. Anyways. Hi.
Hello, and welcome to the ZDoom community. I look forward to seeing your short film (whenever it is completed). I hope you find yourself enjoying this community, and the wonderful things it does. Well, mostly wonderful. :P
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by YukesVonFaust »

I'm new here. I'm a sprite-editor.
and i take credit.

just call me, Yukes.
or the Aviator-wearing Doomguy.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Devianteist »

YukesVonFaust wrote:I'm new here. I'm a sprite-editor.
and i take credit.

just call me, Yukes.
or the Aviator-wearing Doomguy.
Short, sweet, simple and to the point. Welcome to the forums Yukes, and I hope you have a fine time here.
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Re: New Member Introductions (Added to OP)

Post by thesleeve »

I'm not really "new" since I have been lurking this forum and making occasional posts for maybe 5 years, but I suppose an introduction is in order.

Doom was unleashed on the world on my 11th birthday. I found out about it on the school playground and I got a shareware disk of the first episode at the local computer shop (remember those days?). By the time I was 12, I had convinced my dad to buy the full game for me and I was obsessed with it.

My friend and I bought a level editor package at the video game shop in 1995 - it was a collection of editing programs and WADs combined in a retail package, and the box had a picture of a blue imp on it... anybody remember that? We went on to create a ton of levels, but since neither of us had an internet connection, those levels never became public. He and I went on to make Duke 3D levels in the following years. (He now works at Bioware where he held a senior developer position during the development of The Old Republic)

I played Doom and Doom 2 pretty regularly for about ten years (from age 11 until age 20), and then I had a long hiatus. I picked it up again a few years ago when I heard about the new source ports. I've mostly been playing GZDoom with a few mods thrown in here and there.

I got into simple DECORATE editing recently and I've made a few fun little mods, mostly random spawner and replacer mods, but also a few that modify monster behavior. Currently I'm working on a simply difficulty/gameplay mod that will make vanilla Doom a little harder to compensate for mouse aiming, which makes it way easier than back in the day when I played it keyboard-only.

It's great that this community still exists after 20 years. It just goes to show what a damn good game Doom is. Here's to another 20 years!
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Re: New Member Introductions (Added to OP)

Post by Paint-It-Blak »

Hello all, I usually go as Paint-It-Blak on the internet. First Doom experience was Doom 64 when I was younger. I got back into it when I kept downloading the shareware version of Doom 1 during my Computer Lab class in high school. Ever since then I've played quite my fair share of it, though only limited to single player experiences since I'm not so well with networking and the such.

Decided that I'll stop lurking the Projects section (a LOT of good stuff there) and actually try to socialize here. I'm not much of a modder sadly, most I've done is download MIDIs and use SLADE to paste them in and edit a skin. Ummm...I like to digitally and I balance between being a full time student and a part time job. Fighting games are my other favorite games.

You'll get to know me better the more we talk and/or the more I post ^_^.
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Re: New Member Introductions (Added to OP)

Post by Devianteist »

Paint-It-Blak wrote:Hello all, I usually go as Paint-It-Blak on the internet. First Doom experience was Doom 64 when I was younger. I got back into it when I kept downloading the shareware version of Doom 1 during my Computer Lab class in high school. Ever since then I've played quite my fair share of it, though only limited to single player experiences since I'm not so well with networking and the such.

Decided that I'll stop lurking the Projects section (a LOT of good stuff there) and actually try to socialize here. I'm not much of a modder sadly, most I've done is download MIDIs and use SLADE to paste them in and edit a skin. Ummm...I like to digitally and I balance between being a full time student and a part time job. Fighting games are my other favorite games.

You'll get to know me better the more we talk and/or the more I post ^_^.
"I see a red door and I want to Paint-It-Blak~"

Welcome to social interaction my friend. I hope you enjoyed your time lurking about the forums, and hope that you can make some good friends here on the forums.
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Re: New Member Introductions (Added to OP)

Post by FireFish »

I have been roaming doomworld for a while now, but i registered here because i made a zdoom specific wad. I usually map for myself while following my own ideas without paying any type of attention to what others might even perceive as a how it should be done.

Fish do not like fire ?
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Re: New Member Introductions (Added to OP)

Post by Devianteist »

An unorthodox mapping style is a good one in my books. Welcome to ZDoom FireFish.
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Re: New Member Introductions (Added to OP)

Post by FireFish »

thank you Devianteist. The only thing it brings are low reply rates to maps. XD
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Re: New Member Introductions (Added to OP)

Post by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM »

Hi everyone, I'm a long time lurker on the projects board, I'm always amazed by the level of creativity and commitment showed by the community.

Playing Doom has been one of the best videogame experience in my youth, and I'm happy to see that its still alive and kicking!
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Re: New Member Introductions (Added to OP)

Post by Devianteist »

Welcome out of lurking BeeTLe. It's good to see someone else that shares my surprise about this community's lifespan, for a different reason, seeing as I started playing DOOM and its clones only last year.

I hope you have fun interacting with all of us.
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Re: New Member Introductions (Added to OP)

Post by Garmr94 »

Hi I was a lurker, now I'm not


But seriously my names garmr and i've been lurking for more than 5 months for a lot of the awesome projects, and other kewl stuff people have made for tha Doom

Glad to have finally joined the forum :)

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