AFADoomer wrote: ↑Fri Dec 16, 2022 8:48 pmOops. Thanks! Added the link above and fixed the link in the first post.RubyEyeShabranigdu wrote: ↑Fri Dec 16, 2022 2:16 pm Awesome!!! Btw, no "" download link?

AFADoomer wrote: ↑Fri Dec 16, 2022 8:48 pmOops. Thanks! Added the link above and fixed the link in the first post.RubyEyeShabranigdu wrote: ↑Fri Dec 16, 2022 2:16 pm Awesome!!! Btw, no "" download link?
That's cool! Thanks!EddCase wrote: ↑Fri Dec 16, 2022 7:26 pmDirect Link is here ... beta-5.zipRubyEyeShabranigdu wrote: ↑Fri Dec 16, 2022 2:16 pm Awesome!!! Btw, no "" download link?
I use this batch script, to grab the latest version from the Github master files.
Code: Select all
@echo off set DLLink= set OutName=Wolf3D color 1F cls Echo Downloading %OUTNAME% Master echo. echo Please Wait... powershell -Command "$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; Invoke-WebRequest %DLLINK% -OutFile rename %OUTNAME%.ipk3
For the gun lowering issue - What renderer are you using? What is your screen resolution? Can you provide a screenshot?MrRumbleRoses wrote: ↑Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:56 pm it would seem like the latest version is doing that thing where the guns are lowered below the hud when in fullscreen again. also, something seems to be wrong with the Spear Of Destiny games. i got the full versions, and i placed them in the same place as the IPK3, but the SOD games says there demos when there not. what gives?
Yes, it needs 4.9 (possibly higher); 4.10 is the current version, and is what I'm running right now.Ferretmanjcdenton wrote: ↑Sun Dec 18, 2022 2:07 pm Hi there ..I get a bad syntax error when trying to play it modes it need GZ4.9 ?
1st part: the opengl part. i don't remember off the top of my head what it's called. 2nd part: 640X480 like i usually do. it's worked before it the previous build. 3rd part: no i can'tAFADoomer wrote: ↑Sun Dec 18, 2022 7:59 amFor the gun lowering issue - What renderer are you using? What is your screen resolution? Can you provide a screenshot?MrRumbleRoses wrote: ↑Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:56 pm it would seem like the latest version is doing that thing where the guns are lowered below the hud when in fullscreen again. also, something seems to be wrong with the Spear Of Destiny games. i got the full versions, and i placed them in the same place as the IPK3, but the SOD games says there demos when there not. what gives?
For the SoD issue - Are the files actually loading when you run the game? Open the console and scroll to the top where the list of loaded files is, and you should see the file name(s) there. If they *are* loading, make sure that the file is the original, unaltered file - the MD5 hash of the file must match the original release version.
Is it all of SoD (the regular game, plus the two expansion packs) that is affected? Or just one?MrRumbleRoses wrote: ↑Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:25 pm and for the SoD issue. yes there loading. and nothing has been altered. there from the Steam version i got a long time ago
i don't know how that works really. to have it save as a ipk3. it always ends up just being a zip still or whatever. that's why usually i go for the pre-built ones to save the hassleAFADoomer wrote: ↑Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:43 pmIs it all of SoD (the regular game, plus the two expansion packs) that is affected? Or just one?MrRumbleRoses wrote: ↑Sun Dec 18, 2022 8:25 pm and for the SoD issue. yes there loading. and nothing has been altered. there from the Steam version i got a long time ago
I'm using the file hashes that are supported by ECWolf... Can you download the lastest Git version (save as Wolf3D.ipk3) and try running it? It will print the hash of the "bad" file in the console if it isn't recognized... I need that value.
no. i'm not running any other mods for the thing, and i'm honestly surprised because this was happening previously.AFADoomer wrote: ↑Mon Dec 19, 2022 8:03 pm I cannot reproduce your weapon sprite problems. Are you also loading other mods?
The hashes that I have included are the only ones that were used in commercial releases... Are you running the mod as an IWAD (in other words, did you put the Wolf3D.ipk3 file and the .SOD, etc. files in the same place as you keep doom.wad, doom2.wad, etc.)? Or did you just run it and choose Doom as the IWAD?
And you have provided me with nothing to work with except vague complaints. Give me screenshots, log files, something...MrRumbleRoses wrote: ↑Tue Dec 20, 2022 7:16 amno. i'm not running any other mods for the thing, and i'm honestly surprised because this was happening previously.AFADoomer wrote: ↑Mon Dec 19, 2022 8:03 pm I cannot reproduce your weapon sprite problems. Are you also loading other mods?
The hashes that I have included are the only ones that were used in commercial releases... Are you running the mod as an IWAD (in other words, did you put the Wolf3D.ipk3 file and the .SOD, etc. files in the same place as you keep doom.wad, doom2.wad, etc.)? Or did you just run it and choose Doom as the IWAD?
and to answer the other question. i didn't run it and choose Doom as the IWAD. it runs as the ipk3. and i have the Wolf 3D, and SOD stuff in the same place as the ipk3 is, and once again there not altered at all or anything. Wolf 3D works just fine. i can play all 6 episodes with no demo stuff, but SOD for some reason says it's demo when it's suppose to be the full games. so clearly somethings a miss here with the latest builds. i mean i can't put my finger on it but something doesn't seem right, and it's overall quite annoying. i mean how much more official release can ya get? if the Wolf 3D sourceports can pickup the games then these should to
listen. i'm not trying to start anything here ok. but the reason i haven't posted anything like screenshots or log files. is because i don't know how to post that kinda thing here on the site. this site doesn't have like a simple way of posting stuff without like. uploading it here. and. make a link there. or even something like, attach things here but it's gotta be this size to the point of not knowing how the hell that's suppose to be done. maybe i can DM you these things or somethingAFADoomer wrote: ↑Tue Dec 20, 2022 10:50 amAnd you have provided me with nothing to work with except vague complaints. Give me screenshots, log files, something...MrRumbleRoses wrote: ↑Tue Dec 20, 2022 7:16 amno. i'm not running any other mods for the thing, and i'm honestly surprised because this was happening previously.AFADoomer wrote: ↑Mon Dec 19, 2022 8:03 pm I cannot reproduce your weapon sprite problems. Are you also loading other mods?
The hashes that I have included are the only ones that were used in commercial releases... Are you running the mod as an IWAD (in other words, did you put the Wolf3D.ipk3 file and the .SOD, etc. files in the same place as you keep doom.wad, doom2.wad, etc.)? Or did you just run it and choose Doom as the IWAD?
and to answer the other question. i didn't run it and choose Doom as the IWAD. it runs as the ipk3. and i have the Wolf 3D, and SOD stuff in the same place as the ipk3 is, and once again there not altered at all or anything. Wolf 3D works just fine. i can play all 6 episodes with no demo stuff, but SOD for some reason says it's demo when it's suppose to be the full games. so clearly somethings a miss here with the latest builds. i mean i can't put my finger on it but something doesn't seem right, and it's overall quite annoying. i mean how much more official release can ya get? if the Wolf 3D sourceports can pickup the games then these should to
I need you to provide the md5 hash of the GAMEMAPS files that you are using. Right click the link to the Git build that I gave you and save that file over your Wolf3d.ipk3 file, then run it as normal and tell me what the red hash error in the console says.
Wolf3D source ports work with modified files... This mod does not.
i couldn't get the hashes stuff to appear, but i'm noticing something weird. i'm seeing The Ultimate Challenge appearing twice. cause with this stuff you're telling me. i'm seeing Wolf 3D, TUC, RTD, & TUC againAFADoomer wrote: ↑Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:24 pm Please set the 'g_showhashes' CVar to 1 in the console, then close GZDoom and restart the mod. There will be additional output in the startup log - farther down that what was in your screenshot.
You'll see this about halfway down:
Wolfenstein 3-D Total Conversion 3.0 beta 5 699f09c Checking for valid GAMEMAPS files...
Then you should see output for the GAMEMAPS files that have been found. If SoD is found, it will show up as Enabling Spear of Destiny. If not, the output will show the md5 hash of the file (Example: File 'GAMEMAPS.SOD' has an unknown hash: d207cb87dd35db2c68db80ce788b840b). I need that hash value from your version of the game.