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Naitguolf wrote:Hope biospud update, since some issues when camera shakes, for example on Call of Dooty 3...
I finally tested Call of Dooty 3 today. I did not see major issues when the camera shakes during marksmanship training. So maybe the problem is improved in the latest version of GZ3Doom.
But the forced head motions in the Call of Dooty 3 narrative are positively nauseating in the Rift. For this reason, I declare Call of Dooty 3 to be incompatible with the Oculus Rift. Fusing the two makes both the Oculus Rift and Call of Dooty 3 look bad.
Another slightly off topic post but - how are other (commercial) games dealing with forced camera movements? I bet there are plenty of those in all of those modern scripted shooters with their cutscenes and what-not.
Nash wrote:Another slightly off topic post but - how are other (commercial) games dealing with forced camera movements? I bet there are plenty of those in all of those modern scripted shooters with their cutscenes and what-not.
I'm not entirely sure if this is how most of them do it, but when I do something like that, I have a model (or just a skeleton with animations) and the camera gets positioned and rotated to the rotation and position of one of the limbs of the skeleton each frame.
That's not what I meant. What I meant was how are those games handling forced camera movements with the Rift. Do they disable all of the movement so you can freely rotate your head around during cutscenes, or are they forced just like if you play on a regular monitor and therefore induce vomiting... :P
I imagine unless the cutscenes were developed with Oculus in mind they're going to be one directional. SFM source files are a good example of a cutscene format that would work flawlessly with Oculus... but a premade cutscene (like a movie file) made from SFM wouldn't work that way at all. So how many games actually use in-game cutscene material these days? I know the N64 HAD to in order to save space...
Naitguolf wrote:Hope biospud update, since some issues when camera shakes, for example on Call of Dooty 3...
I finally tested Call of Dooty 3 today. I did not see major issues when the camera shakes during marksmanship training. So maybe the problem is improved in the latest version of GZ3Doom.
But the forced head motions in the Call of Dooty 3 narrative are positively nauseating in the Rift. For this reason, I declare Call of Dooty 3 to be incompatible with the Oculus Rift. Fusing the two makes both the Oculus Rift and Call of Dooty 3 look bad.
Yay, a new release. Thank you Biospud!! I will test it tonight Glad the shake effect didnt cause issues (Call of Dooty was just a recent example, i will test with other WADs) Hope you will add a parameter to edit the hud weapon, since always seems to be "flying".
Naitguolf wrote:
Yay, a new release. Thank you Biospud!! I will test it tonight Glad the shake effect didnt cause issues (Call of Dooty was just a recent example, i will test with other WADs) Hope you will add a parameter to edit the hud weapon, since always seems to be "flying".
I'm uncertain if it's exactly what you want, but I added a new console variable "vr_weapon_height" that might help; in today's release GZ3Doom 1.8.6_d.
A curiosity, are you ever going to implement independent looking and aiming? I know it will look very silly to have floating weapon sprites with cut off arms, but it's still something. Perhaps the HUD should stick to the aiming point as well, then. I imagine this would be very hard to code, though.
And as for Doom's intense view bobbing causing motion sickness - perhaps it can just be reduced by default? Setting movebob (controls bobbing intensity) to 0.05 seems to be a good value.
MG_Man wrote:A curiosity, are you ever going to implement independent looking and aiming? I know it will look very silly to have floating weapon sprites with cut off arms, but it's still something. Perhaps the HUD should stick to the aiming point as well, then. I imagine this would be very hard to code, though.
And as for Doom's intense view bobbing causing motion sickness - perhaps it can just be reduced by default? Setting movebob (controls bobbing intensity) to 0.05 seems to be a good value.
Independent look/aim has been on my list for a long time. But frankly I'm not even going to start working on it until many other, more basic, features are flawless. As I've said before, that's more of a 2015 feature.