DoomRL Arsenal - [1.1.5] [MP-B7.3]

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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by Kate »

twinkieman93 wrote:It'd be even funnier if you kept trying to do it anyways and eventually the game lets you, resulting in your immediate death due to blood loss.
Or if he winds up pulling a Zharkov, only to be completely disappointed by it.

*pulls off fists* *grows new fists* "NOOOOOOooooooo! Whhhyyyy!"

Although the death by blood loss thing is a very roguelike thing to do, considering they love to come up with new and interesting ways in which you can kill yourself =p
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by Hellser »

Kate wrote:Although the death by blood loss thing is a very roguelike thing to do, considering they love to come up with new and interesting ways in which you can kill yourself =p
Death by breathing air.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by Yholl »

twinkieman93 wrote:I haven't done much experimenting with the plasma shotgun, but it seems pretty neat. I didn't expect to be able to put a plasmatic shrapnel mod onto a plasma shotgun with the obvious logical fallacy involved, but I'm glad you can, because that was pretty funny.
Hehe, and it actually does something, unlike in DoomRL. I like making useless assemblies actually do things.
twinkieman93 wrote:Speaking of funny, attempting to drop your fists is good for a quick laugh.
Hahaha, and of course people instantly work out that I altered the fist dropping message.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by Kate »

Speaking of useless assemblies, is there actually a point to making an assault weapon? I mean I can understand the point in ammo conservation since you can single-shot fire a rapid-fire weapon, but unless there's actually some kind of stat bonus to them, there's no reason you'd ever want to do this since usually rapid-fire weapons of that sort will have plenty of ammo provided for them anyway due to map balancing taking to account their rapid-fire properties.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by twinkieman93 »

Kate wrote:Speaking of useless assemblies, is there actually a point to making an assault weapon? I mean I can understand the point in ammo conservation since you can single-shot fire a rapid-fire weapon, but unless there's actually some kind of stat bonus to them, there's no reason you'd ever want to do this since usually rapid-fire weapons of that sort will have plenty of ammo provided for them anyway due to map balancing taking to account their rapid-fire properties.
It also makes the weapon a lot more accurate, as I pointed out. For some weapons, they become perfectly accurate. For example, the laser rifle. That having been said it's still rather pointless as you can just stick two sniper mods on any weapon with two open slots and get perfect accuracy without any loss of fire rate.

Speaking of the laser rifle, making it actually be more like a laser would be cool, rather than a funky red hitscan. Maybe something like the energy bolts fired by the sapphire wand in HeXen?
Yholl wrote:
twinkieman93 wrote:Speaking of funny, attempting to drop your fists is good for a quick laugh.
Hahaha, and of course people instantly work out that I altered the fist dropping message.
I actually found out completely by accident while dumping all my weapons on the test map and I mashed the drop key a few more times than needed. Something that would be nice was actually suggested by some other guy, and it's pressing the use key to pick up weapons and modpacks as opposed to traditional run-over-and-instant-grab mechanics. I simply don't want to pick up modpacks I'm never going to use, and I also don't want to accidentally strip a gun down for ammo when I actually wanted to pick it up.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by Yholl »

Kate wrote:Speaking of useless assemblies, is there actually a point to making an assault weapon? I mean I can understand the point in ammo conservation since you can single-shot fire a rapid-fire weapon, but unless there's actually some kind of stat bonus to them, there's no reason you'd ever want to do this since usually rapid-fire weapons of that sort will have plenty of ammo provided for them anyway due to map balancing taking to account their rapid-fire properties.
Assault weapons have half bullet spread for hitscan weaponry, perfectly accurate on all current projectile weaponry, and do 1 more damage. Also, makes minigun amusing.
twinkieman93 wrote:Speaking of the laser rifle, making it actually be more like a laser would be cool, rather than a funky red hitscan. Maybe something like the energy bolts fired by the sapphire wand in HeXen?
Hahaha, you ninja'd my post by a few seconds.

Probably not, I'd like to keep the Laser Rifle as hitscan, it keeps it slightly balanced with the Plasma Rifle, with the Laser being more accurate but having less damage randomization. Also, science.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by twinkieman93 »

I'd still very much prefer to see the actual laser as opposed to just the piddly little hitscans. Yes, yes, I know you can't actually see lasers in real life. This isn't real life though, I want my beams of searing laser death, dammit. :P
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by Gouanaco »

Awesome :D
Beta 2 already.

Yeh that Combat Shotgun bug was anyoing.
It made levels too easy.

But Well done ! Yholl :D

Im looking forward to the armor update XD

dl now.

I downloaded the wad and begun playing on the doom2 vanillia levels...
I got these:

Are you sure you lowered the chance of unique drops?

I got both of these straight away on E1M1 and E1M2???
Other than that the mod seems okay (No bugs i mean)
But ill keep looking.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by Yholl »

Gouanaco wrote: I downloaded the wad and begun playing on the doom2 vanillia levels...
I got these:
(Picture of Assualt Shotgun)
(Picture of... I don't know...Something?)

Are you sure you lowered the chance of unique drops?
Unique drops, not exotic, there are currently only four unique weapons in the game, the Jackhammer, BFG10K, Railgun and Mysterious Magnum.
Gouanaco wrote:I got both of these straight away on E1M1 and E1M2???
Other than that the mod seems okay (No bugs i mean)
But ill keep looking.
Yeah, I have no idea what's up with that. The spawning randomization seems fine, and it tests out fine, but then I'll start up a game and the first freakin' shotgun I find is an Assault Shotgun. Happens sooooo often. Is this coincidence, or is my code odd, or are Zdoom RandomSpawners just inherently crazy like that?

I honestly have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking at in the second picture...
Are you pointing out the Combat Shotgun? Cause that isn't even an exotic. That's a standard weapon, quite common.

Spotting bugs for me is a big help, though, so thanks, I appreciate it. :)
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by twinkieman93 »

I don't see the same amount of assault shotguns you seem to be finding. I guess you're just luckier than I am. It IS random, right? Sometimes you just get lucky, that's all. I wouldn't be concerned, luck is often a core part of the roguelike experience. Take The Binding of Isaac for example. One run you might get some ridiculous combination of items that make you nigh invincible and dish out tons of damage. The next run, the game dickslaps you by giving you items like The Poop and Lemon Mishap with no health upgrades, bombs or keys. It's all in the luck of the draw; the skill portion of the program is what you do with what the game gives you.

Oh, and since you asked for bug reports, here's one: If you reload the Combat Shotgun without emptying its magazine tube completely, racking the pump at the end of the animation makes no noise.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by Yholl »

twinkieman93 wrote:I don't see the same amount of assault shotguns you seem to be finding. I guess you're just luckier than I am. It IS random, right? Sometimes you just get lucky, that's all. I wouldn't be concerned, luck is often a core part of the roguelike experience. Take The Binding of Isaac for example. One run you might get some ridiculous combination of items that make you nigh invincible and dish out tons of damage. The next run, the game dickslaps you by giving you items like The Poop and Lemon Mishap with no health upgrades, bombs or keys. It's all in the luck of the draw; the skill portion of the program is what you do with what the game gives you.
Yeah, but it only happens with the Assault Shotgun. It is randomised, but for some reason you start up a game and half the time you're already staring straight at one. It's weird.
twinkieman93 wrote:Oh, and since you asked for bug reports, here's one: If you reload the Combat Shotgun without emptying its magazine tube completely, racking the pump at the end of the animation makes no noise.
Not a bug, it's not getting pumped. It pumps after each shot, not after reloading, except for the final shot in the shotgun.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by Jack Mackerel »

Minor bug: having a chainsaw already and going over one on the floor will have the text ~chainsaw~ float in the center of the screen. It doesn't do this with any other weapon.

Oh, if you need sprites for the Trigun, someone used it in the Yukkuri Doom Hack. I can give a link. I swore I saw a Hellsing Jackal somewhere.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by Yholl »

Jack Mackerel wrote:Minor bug: having a chainsaw already and going over one on the floor will have the text ~chainsaw~ float in the center of the screen. It doesn't do this with any other weapon.
Not a bug. It will display the name of whatever weapon you walk over if you cannot pick it up. You can't have two chainsaws.
Jack Mackerel wrote:Oh, if you need sprites for the Trigun, someone used it in the Yukkuri Doom Hack. I can give a link. I swore I saw a Hellsing Jackal somewhere.
The Triguns there are neither centered or Doom-styled, unfortunately, but good thinking. I'd almost forgotten they were in that.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by Jack Mackerel »

Oh, I was wondering, since it doesn't do the same if my shotgun shells are at full and I walk over a shotgun. :V
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 2

Post by Gouanaco »

:D Hey Yholl

I have a few things to point out.
I recently re-downloaded DoomRL (The original) and began playing it.
I noticed a few things that haven't been added into your DoomRL (3D)

1) Health packs and stimpacks when picked up are used straight away.
In DoomRL (Org) you could store your healthpacks for when you needed them...
This would be awesome if you could add it into the 3D one :D
p.s also you need to do this for armour aswell.

Im not sure if im right... but i thought the Nano assembly produce ammo at a certain rate.... but in your DoomRL the weapons with the Nano assembly dont reload and dont use ammo?????? wouldnt it be better to be able to reload or maybe not but still the weapons should use ammo up..

The health potions/vials are not meant to heal +1 health.... there actually ment to be more rarer and heal something like 10-30 hp +

Wheres the Combat knife!!! ??? :O this defiantly needs to be added lol :P

Anyway im loving the wad!! :D
And i liked it so much i have started to make a Map Wad of the orginal DoomRL levels :D
(Even thought they are Random)

Heres the link to the wad: ... sp=sharing
Note*: That first map is not even complete if you like it so far ill upload the more better and progressed one. :D
Make sure you play it with the DoomRL wad/mod :D

At the moment its only the first room/area ...
but... im gonna keep working on it and im going to produce a wad/map of one of the generated maps including the hell arena :D

- Gouanaco

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