DoomRL Arsenal - [1.1.5] [MP-B7.3]

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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Yholl »

Just a little info bump, I've started putting together Beta 4 of DoomRL Arsenal, and it looks to be the biggest update yet. Armors, boots(possibly), new exotics, new uniques and even new assemblies! Computer maps have more use, Scavenger perk works like it should, there's even a new modpack! And if I can even wrap my head around how to display them on the HUD, maybe even set bonuses?

So, yeah. Stuff. Foam at the mouth or something for me, it will please me.
Not sure how long it'll take me, I'd imagine longer than the 3 days or so I made the last Beta in.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Patriot1776 »

Excellent excellent excellent!!
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Gouanaco »

*Begins drooling...
*Starts foaming...

Awesome Yholl :D

Can't wait for this, just know i support your mod +1 ! :)
Need any armor/exotic ideas ? :)
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Yholl »

Gouanaco wrote:Need any armor/exotic ideas ? :)
Think I've got enough armors for now at least, I'm hoping I get some help with the armor sprites while I code out all the mechanics for this new stuff, and it's quite a list already.

Of course, I've always got an ear open for crazy unique weapon ideas. I'm finding a lot of Borderlands 2 Legendary influence in the ones I make. (Oooh, just wait till you see some of the new uniques, like the Judge of the Dead...)

Oh, and a minor note to all of you who play this mod with enhancer mods. They're not gonna work as well anymore, as bulletpuffs and all projectiles are gonna be replaced. Although it should be very simple to make them compatible, of course. If you insist on playing with them anyway... Well, you'll die. Horribly. Don't say I didn't warn you.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Gouanaco »

Im not the best at spriting. But i could help?

Just PM me the base Sprite with what you want it to look like and i could give it a go :D
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Yholl »

Gouanaco wrote:Im not the best at spriting. But i could help?

Just PM me the base Sprite with what you want it to look like and i could give it a go :D
Here's the thread. A lot of simple armor edits

If you aren't a super spriter, maybe go for some of the easier ones? For instance...

Recolor the red to a dark grey/black color for the Tactical Armor.

But yeah, if you look through the list, there's a few there that should be fairly simple to make. Ballistic Vests and what not. The armors would mostly be based off of the Green and Blue armors, along with the Red armor there. I'd love to get any help with those I can. :)
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Patriot1776 »

Sprite recolors I could easily do too. I'm fairly good with GIMP. I'd just need to know what all you wanna recolor the blue, red and green armors to.

EDIT: Just looked at the link, ahh. I think I might get on this if work don't call and say they need me.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Gouanaco »

Hey Yholl :D

Great work everyone so far on those Sprites :)

I know that Beta 4 is still a little while away, and i was wondering if your going to make a trailer for Beta 4?
This is a big upgrade from Beta 3 so i think it should deserve at least a 30sec trailer :)

If your to busy to make a trailer. T'would it be ok, if I where to "Attempt" to create a trailer for you. I'm not pro, but I do have some good skill in that area(Not like spiriting which i failed at :P )

~ Gouanaco
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Yholl »

Gouanaco wrote:Hey Yholl :D

Great work everyone so far on those Sprites :)

I know that Beta 4 is still a little while away, and i was wondering if your going to make a trailer for Beta 4?
This is a big upgrade from Beta 3 so i think it should deserve at least a 30sec trailer :)

If your to busy to make a trailer. T'would it be ok, if I where to "Attempt" to create a trailer for you. I'm not pro, but I do have some good skill in that area(Not like spiriting which i failed at :P )

~ Gouanaco
Haha, sorry man, for some reason I completely missed this post until now.
I actually don't have any sort of video recording or editing software, or I'd have probably attempted one by now. Feel free to make any videos about it you want.

Anyway, posting an update here for all those interested; Beta 4 will be released veeeery soon, within the next day or so at least. I've cut back significantly on the amount of stuff in this release, due to underestimating the amount of work the new armor and boot mechanics were going to be. This is mostly just new weapons; uniques, exotics and assemblies.
This will likely be a fairly buggy release, due to the complexity of these new mechanics, and I'm releasing it early after only some minor testing. Expect highly amusing bugs and weird stuff happening. There's always something stupid in the code, like the first big armor test which had me spawning infinite ballistic vests everywhere, spewing them out like so much demonically-powered vomit.

Long story short - I'm releasing Beta 4 soon for you to break, so please tell me how you broke it. I'll constantly release hotfixes as people find bugs, as well as maaaaaaybe releasing new content I'm making when not fixing bugs.

Beta 5 will have the rest of the stuff Beta 4 was gonna have. There were supposed to be multiple new secret assemblies, but only two of them actually exist right now, so don't get worked up if building one of the combinations yields nothing.

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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Triple S »

Yholl wrote: Long story short - I'm releasing Beta 4 soon for you to break, so please tell me how you broke it.
*cracks fingers* Oh, you know I'm good for that. :3:
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by -Ghost- »

Nice, those boot sprites look pretty good! I'm looking forward to more gear to use.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Phantom Allies »

Oh Joy, more RL Doom Goodness for me to sink mein fingers into. This was an Exceptional Mod that definitely kept me preoccupied into the early morning hours. So far, I can only crack my knuckles at the amount of Weapons, armor, and etc. By the way Yholl, do you still take weaponry Ideas or is that strictly Doom RL only?
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 3

Post by Yholl »

Phantom Allies wrote: By the way Yholl, do you still take weaponry Ideas or is that strictly Doom RL only?
Sure do. Mostly just ideas for unique weapons, but I'm not opposed to other types of weapons. Just needs to be a really cool idea, at least.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 4

Post by Yholl »

so i herd u liek betas

Anyone, this is the most likely-to-break Beta of them all. So don't be surprised when it does weird stuff.

Haaaaave fuuuuuuun! And tell me when you break things. Or I will shank you. Don't make me.
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Re: [WIP] DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 4

Post by SoloSpaghetti »

I've rapidly went through first couple of level of Doom2 and this is what I've noticed:
Tecnician doesn't start with his mod kit!
I don't know if it's intended, but Nanofiber suit (found in the very first secret room :P ) armor parameter is blocked at 999% and does not decrease when I'm hit.
When your slots are full and you find a new weapon if you walk on it, you'll convert automatically it in ammo, and you'll not be able to pick it up unless you find another one...

Now I'll go to finish my sprites, and tomorrow I'll try it better. :)

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