HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition

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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by ArgonianLord »

Dead Warlord wrote:Just a minor bug report but at the end of the first level there's a small HOM effect on the left pillar beside the final door. I'll attach a screenshot just to show what I mean

I've only gotten through one map so far, but I like the mod so far, not every day you get a Hexen mod lol. If I catch any other errors that others havent, I'll make sure to mention them.
Just fixed that. Thanks for letting me know!

I'll update the links as soon as the files have finished uploading.

And thanks for letting me know that you'll report errors in the maps of my wad. :)

EDIT: I have now fixed the HOM effect on map01. But during another test playthrough, I noticed a HOM effect in MAP04. Now the latest updated version of TOC doesn't contain a fix for that. But I will upload that fix as long as I know all errors have been fixed.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by Unholypimpin »

So far so good, I just found the cave key. Id suggest making the text you get on the screen last longer because it goes away before i can even read half of it. I'm forced to look at the console to see what the messages actually say.

Edit* You really should consider changing the instant kill lava because it gets annoying pretty fast. I personally dont mind too much because its more realistic and I like to quicksave alot, but i can see some people getting really annoyed very fast and quitting your wad. You dont have to change them all but atleast change some because i just got to the second map and I accidently hit the lava inside while trying to walk around and died.

Edit* made it to map02, I like map02 except for the large amount of jump maze type traps. Actually map02 is very jumpmazy and has way to many ways to die instantly. Map02 has basically no monster trap or key traps. Imo you need to take out alot of the jumpmaze traps in map02 because it really effects the flow way too much. Only glitch I found on map02 was a light glitch inside the fire/red door you have a light that isnt bright on the inside but is on the outside(very minor but you should fix anyways.

Ill play map03 tomorrow, but I can already tell that you need to fix a lot of the fog lighting in it because in the distance I can see a fair amount of pure white pillars of fog. It looks really odd.

So far I love the maps and think their more fun than the originals, just you need to remove alot of the jump maze elements from map02 because it gets old quick.

Ill update this post as i go more through the maps, so keep comming back here to see what updates i have =D.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by ArgonianLord »

AlwaysDoomed wrote:So far so good, I just found the cave key. Id suggest making the text you get on the screen last longer because it goes away before i can even read half of it. I'm forced to look at the console to see what the messages actually say.

Edit* You really should consider changing the instant kill lava because it gets annoying pretty fast. I personally dont mind too much because its more realistic and I like to quicksave alot, but i can see some people getting really annoyed very fast and quitting your wad. You dont have to change them all but atleast change some because i just got to the second map and I accidently hit the lava inside while trying to walk around and died.

Edit* made it to map02, I like map02 except for the large amount of jump maze type traps. Actually map02 is very jumpmazy and has way to many ways to die instantly. Map02 has basically no monster trap or key traps. Imo you need to take out alot of the jumpmaze traps in map02 because it really effects the flow way too much. Only glitch I found on map02 was a light glitch inside the fire/red door you have a light that isnt bright on the inside but is on the outside(very minor but you should fix anyways.

Ill play map03 tomorrow, but I can already tell that you need to fix a lot of the fog lighting in it because in the distance I can see a fair amount of pure white pillars of fog. It looks really odd.

So far I love the maps and think their more fun than the originals, just you need to remove alot of the jump maze elements from map02 because it gets old quick.

Ill update this post as i go more through the maps, so keep comming back here to see what updates i have =D.
Well I think I'll keep the insta kill lava. Because I'm evil like that :P

Also, I just tested my WAD again. And I have now fixed all the HOM effect errors I could find.

I'll reupload the PK3 on Speedyshare and Media fire again, just so you guys can get a HOM free wad xD

And as for those white pillars with the fog.... well I really don't know what causes them nor do I know how to fix them either :/
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by Alterworldruler »

Played through first map, going to play through it to the end, short to say, dude this mod is awesome, don't listen to filesize complainers, they complained about it with Soulcrusher too (my mod).

It's much more fun than Hexen ever was to me, back to playing the TOC.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by ArgonianLord »

Alterworldruler wrote:Played through first map, going to play through it to the end, short to say, dude this mod is awesome, don't listen to filesize complainers, they complained about it with Soulcrusher too (my mod).

It's much more fun than Hexen ever was to me, back to playing the TOC.
Thanks for the feedback :)

And I guess I could ignore the filesize issue.

Like its at least Mega Bytes and not Giga bytes.

Also, your Soulcrusher mod looks pretty damn cool. I might play it one of these days.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by Ichor »

Ok, I just played through the whole thing.

Some things I liked:

Map design - The first few maps were alright, but the quality certainly increased as I progressed through it (sort of like mine, heh). I like the Hexen 2 textures, especially in their own color instead of butchered by the Hexen palette

Gameplay - It was challenging in places, but nothing I couldn't easily handle. The ammo balance was good too, though there were a couple of times where I had to use me melee, but that may have been because I used the wraithverge a bit too often. Those chaos wyverns were a pain though.

Some things I didn't like:

In a few maps, the decorations (stalagmites, trees, etc.) got in the way and made it somewhat annoying at times to walk around, and has resulted in my death on more than one occasion as I tried to dodge something and three rocks were in the way.

The new weapon is HIGHLY overpowered. I saved my shots, not really knowing how much ammo for it was out there, and when it came time to fight Korax's second form, two or three shots from the thing was all that was required to kill him. He didn't even get a shot off.

The vampires can only shoot horizontally. Not up or down. If they're at the top of the stairs and you're on the bottom, you will never get hit because all of their shots will pass harmlessly over your head.

Switch hunts. I was never very fond of switch hunts, but there's a few places where it goes a bit overboard. For instance, in one place, there's a switch close to a door. When you press it, you sort of expect it to open. Nope. It opens a door on the other side of the map in a completely unrelated area, though you wouldn't know it at first because there's no indication which door opened. I go all the way there and press the switch in that room, and THAT switch opens the door where the first switch was.

A couple of the puzzles seem kind of odd, and the flame mask being right next to the puzzle spot didn't make much sense, especially since it lowers when you defeat the avatar. Instead, the door should just open, since that's what the flame mask is used for anyway.

Map 4's (temple of water) music. While I have no problem with the music itself, it's a little distracting (especially as it loops), and doesn't seem to fit that map.

Anyway, it was a good wad overall, and even though there were technically 2 hubs, it was more like 4. And once I got used to the instant killing lava, it wasn't so bad. It might as well be more deep pits, with all of the sudden stop at the end and none of the falling.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by ArgonianLord »

Ichor wrote:Ok, I just played through the whole thing.

Some things I liked:

Map design - The first few maps were alright, but the quality certainly increased as I progressed through it (sort of like mine, heh). I like the Hexen 2 textures, especially in their own color instead of butchered by the Hexen palette

Gameplay - It was challenging in places, but nothing I couldn't easily handle. The ammo balance was good too, though there were a couple of times where I had to use me melee, but that may have been because I used the wraithverge a bit too often. Those chaos wyverns were a pain though.

Some things I didn't like:

In a few maps, the decorations (stalagmites, trees, etc.) got in the way and made it somewhat annoying at times to walk around, and has resulted in my death on more than one occasion as I tried to dodge something and three rocks were in the way.

The new weapon is HIGHLY overpowered. I saved my shots, not really knowing how much ammo for it was out there, and when it came time to fight Korax's second form, two or three shots from the thing was all that was required to kill him. He didn't even get a shot off.

The vampires can only shoot horizontally. Not up or down. If they're at the top of the stairs and you're on the bottom, you will never get hit because all of their shots will pass harmlessly over your head.

Switch hunts. I was never very fond of switch hunts, but there's a few places where it goes a bit overboard. For instance, in one place, there's a switch close to a door. When you press it, you sort of expect it to open. Nope. It opens a door on the other side of the map in a completely unrelated area, though you wouldn't know it at first because there's no indication which door opened. I go all the way there and press the switch in that room, and THAT switch opens the door where the first switch was.

A couple of the puzzles seem kind of odd, and the flame mask being right next to the puzzle spot didn't make much sense, especially since it lowers when you defeat the avatar. Instead, the door should just open, since that's what the flame mask is used for anyway.

Map 4's (temple of water) music. While I have no problem with the music itself, it's a little distracting (especially as it loops), and doesn't seem to fit that map.

Anyway, it was a good wad overall, and even though there were technically 2 hubs, it was more like 4. And once I got used to the instant killing lava, it wasn't so bad. It might as well be more deep pits, with all of the sudden stop at the end and none of the falling.
Well thanks for the positive feedback.

I didn't really notice that the vampires only shot horizontally. However, sadly enough I can't fix that. Because I don't know coding at all >.>

And as for the new weapon.... yeah. I could tone it down a bit more. Maybe I could just make it so the projectiles will randomize between 6 and 12 damage as max.

I will update the WAD again and tone the damage of the weapon down. It'll just take a few minutes.

As for the levels themselves. Well I think they are good enough as they are right now. But that's just me :)
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by ArgonianLord »

Recently updated the WAD again and toned down the Cult Serpent Staff. Because as it was, it was way too overpowered!

If you guys find any other bugs, do let me know. Because I will fix them right away :)
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by Viscra Maelstrom »

i decided to convert all the MP3 and WAV-format music to OGG to reduce size of the mod. have a link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gfa8vwg0emf28 ... os_OGG.zip
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by ArgonianLord »

Viscra Maelstrom wrote:i decided to convert all the MP3 and WAV-format music to OGG to reduce size of the mod. have a link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gfa8vwg0emf28 ... os_OGG.zip

Wow thank you Viscra Maelstrom!

I will reupload the WAD with the OGG music conversions right away!
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by Blue Shadow »

Alterworldruler wrote:don't listen to filesize complainers
So, in wanting to make it less time consuming to upload and download the file, I became a troll of some sorts - that's just what I wanted!

Now unlike your complainers, I didn't suggest for him to change the music to MIDs or something. Heck, as far as I'm concerned, you can have your music in any format you like. The important thing is file size optimization; what could have been 3 MB is now 30 MB. Are you kidding me! 30 MB for a 3-minute track. Doom with all of its resources and levels is half of that!
ArgonianLord wrote:And I guess I could ignore the filesize issue.
Okay, then. You'd just lost a player in me.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by ArgonianLord »

Thanks to Princess Viscra Maelstrom. The file size of the wad has now been massively reduced!

I will update the download links right away.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by ArgonianLord »

Blue Shadow wrote:
Alterworldruler wrote:don't listen to filesize complainers
So, in wanting to make it less time consuming to upload and download the file, I became a troll of some sorts - that's just what I wanted!

Now unlike your complainers, I didn't suggest for him to change the music to MIDs or something. Heck, as far as I'm concerned, you can have your music in any format you like. The important thing is file size optimization; what could have been 3 MB is now 30 MB. Are you kidding me! 30 MB for a 3-minute track. Doom with all of its resources and levels is half of that!
ArgonianLord wrote:And I guess I could ignore the filesize issue.
Okay, then. You'd just lost a player in me.

Well sorry. I just couldn't find a way to solve the issue for the time being. Hence, I decided to ignore it for now.

But then, Princess Viscra Maelstrom was kind enough to convert the music into OGG format for me.

Although I can admit one thing. Having such a huge filesize like 175 mb. Does lead to tedium when you have to wait for hours or 20 minutes before it finishes downloading.

So decreasing the filesize if possible is surely the thing to do.

Sorry if I sounded like a douche with the whole ignoring bit. I really should've thought about it myself that not everyone has godspeed internet. So yeah... once again,I am sorry if I pissed you off in any way shape or form Blue Shadow.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by ArgonianLord »

Discovered a major bug in the latest version of the wad.

I forgot to add the latest version of Map 7 to the wad. Sorry about that issue guys -_-

EDIT: Download links updated.

The missing map07 is now back in the wad again.

Once again, I'm sorry for that bug. I accidentally forgot to include the level when I did one of the many updates.

And I also made the platforming in map07 a bit more fair (The second platforming section near the volcano area).

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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos.WAD

Post by Caleb13 »

Good to see a nice Hexen mod after a while. There is one thing which really irked me when I played it - it frequently delves into a switch hunt. That is not a problem by itself (switch hunts were a big part of original Hexen, after all), but many times, the switches seem to be linked to doors randomly. So after flipping a switch, the player has to check doors at opposite part of the map, with no apparent logic in it. As a quick fix, I suggest you add text messages to important switches, like "door to the workshop opened" or "bridge over chasm raised" or "one third of puzzle solved" etc. And there are a few (minor) problems I noticed while playing it in Zdoom 2.6.999 r4251:

-First 6 maps (or so) are disproportionately easy compared to what comes later on.

-During the Korax fight, he spawns centaurs, which are able to teleport around the arena like Korax can. But they occassionaly telefrag Korax, thus ending the fight very quickly.

-Korax telefrags the player far too often to my tastes. The only defence is to keep close to the walls.

-In maps 11 to 14, there are monsters stuck inside walls, especially those archers. Check that out.

-In map 14, there is missing script for book inside the workshop (sector 1050).

-Map04 HOMs and bleeding-out textures: linedefs 4093 (this one is really nasty), 3614, 3700, 3669, 3612, 4154, 3656, 4112, 4818.

-Map07: if you fall into triangular part of sector 291 (under south wall of the pyramid), you're unable to jump out.

-I can't use those "mystic incants" with cleric in the first map - nothing happens when I hit the "use" key. They started to work fine after I entered the second map. The weird thing is, they work just fine when I try them with fighter and mage.

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