HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition

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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition Version 1.7 H

Post by Whoah »

MaxRideWizardLord wrote:
neoworm wrote:
ravage wrote:This is what I'm greeted to on 'Drathi Marshes'

Sorry for a bump of year old thread but...

What is that weapon/mod?
Mmmm... Now I'm also curious. :P
As am I!
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition

Post by ArgonianLord »

Tower of Chaos has received a major update to make it feel more akin to my latest project. The changes are as follows:

The addition of the notes system (Discussed in the main post) that I utilized in Descent into the Abyss

A redo of the ending that shows the tower of chaos' exterior before it is dramatically destroyed via ACS trickery. Voice over has been redone for the other boss that makes a "guest appearance" in the story to match up with his voice in Descent into the Abyss.

The removal of the new "Cult of the Serpent staff" weapon. It was canned as I felt it was lazily slapped into the mappack, and the super weapons were just far better anyway so there was little need in keeping the weapon.

Some prettying up of the maps so they don't look as wonky in some spots as they once did, more notable in some levels than others.

A lot of unnecessary dialogue whenever you fight the Deathkings was cut, so their battles should begin far quicker than they initially did.

The addition of KrazyCommando's ShieldFix, which makes the shields of the centaurs and slaughtaurs far less annoying by making the shield itself be the only thing that blocks, as opposed to their entire body.

I have also added some alterations to the Heresiarch and Korax so they can no longer be stun locked and destroyed by the Cleric's Poison Flechettte. It still does damage but nowhere near as bad as it used to in vanilla HeXen.

I also added new fancier sprites for the Fire Stalkers, thanks to Neoworm for that amazing sprite edit.

To close off I'd also like to announce that this will be the last time I make any more major overhauls for TOC, from now on I will only be making bugfixes and such.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition

Post by ArgonianLord »

After a few days since the release of the new update I've seen some spelling errors, missing features, texture alignment issues and other minor issues in my own playthrough and playthrough by friends.

As such it was time to fix this, so the near full list fixes are as follows:

General fixes:

Fixed the weirdness where torches looked as if they were clipping into the walls due to how I had placed them in the levels, they should now look a lot less wonky than they once did.

Various texture misalignments that were spotted have been fixed.

Specific Level Fixes:

Made some switches in Map 4 (The Town of Jualtsa) more visible, and I also moved the corpse with the Steel Key out into the light of the exterior so it is less likely to be missed.

Made parts of the Death Wyvern Arena in Map 5 (Drathi Canyon) larger in an attempt to make it less likely to get stuck in walls.

Added the boss music that was meant to play when you fight the first boss in Map 6 (The Tower of Solitude).

Made the maulotaurs unable to leave the central ziggurat area in Map7 (The Valley of Fire), which makes it less likely that they will just die in the lava where it becomes impossible to get the Dark Servant items that they drop.

Made the switches that raise the water level in Map 9 (The Temple of Water) much more visible and less likely to blend into the various walls in the level, should make the level less annoying hopefully.

Fixed a spelling error in Map12's (Castle Gryphon) note.


Fixed some more instances of enemies being positioned in such a way that they couldn't really do anything, also removed a Thing that was registered as a missing item in Map21 (Tower of Chaos approach) which had no place being there anymore.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition

Post by ArgonianLord »

Had a bit of an embarassing yet funny problem to fix for the final level that I never considered would be a problem until I saw a friend's playthrough with a gameplay mod that summons friendlies to assist you.

In the final phase of the boss encounters at Level 22 (Tower of Chaos: Interior) there was a portal that the monsters in the level can utilize that lead up to same portal where Korax's 2nd form is standing, resulting in an insta death via telefrag.

This error was very unlikely to happen in the original game, as the only friendly that could do this is the Maulotaur in the original game. I have never had this happen nor did it seem like anyone else had, so it went unfixed for years. Now it should no longer be a problem hopefully.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition

Post by ArgonianLord »

Another update to fix some major issues in the tenth map (The Desolated Monastery) that were reported to me via dms.

In the last update I uploaded I had made some minor fix in Map10, and had moved my player 1 start around so I could test things more quickly. However I had forgotten to return to the player 1 start to the actual starting room again, which meant that once you entered the level you'd be killed off screen by the thrall enemies in the level when the level intro cutscene plays. This has now been resolved thankfully, terribly sorry for any incoveniences this caused.

Another thing that was fixed was the odd behavior of the Ice Minotaur in Map10, where it would sometimes slam the ground with its hammer and nothing would happen. This problem stemmed from the fact that the Ice Minotuar was an inherit of the original Heretic maulotaur, which meant the enemy would still attempt to use the Fire Trail attack even though the function for that projectile was utterly cut from its DECORATE. I have now rectified this by removing its inherit code and made it its own enemy, now it should only do melee and the ice spread attack like I was intending all along.

Again terribly sorry for these minor mistakes, pretty embarassing in hindsight that I never caught these myself honestly.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition

Post by undeadmonk354 »

Well, that's alright, isn't it?
Even if I got to play this, I could.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition

Post by Ichor »

ArgonianLord wrote:In the last update I uploaded I had made some minor fix in Map10, and had moved my player 1 start around so I could test things more quickly. However I had forgotten to return to the player 1 start to the actual starting room again, which meant that once you entered the level you'd be killed off screen by the thrall enemies in the level when the level intro cutscene plays. This has now been resolved thankfully, terribly sorry for any incoveniences this caused.
If you use CTrl+F9 to test a map instead of just F9 (in Doom Builder), it will start at the cursor spot rather than the player start.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition

Post by ArgonianLord »

Ichor wrote:
ArgonianLord wrote:In the last update I uploaded I had made some minor fix in Map10, and had moved my player 1 start around so I could test things more quickly. However I had forgotten to return to the player 1 start to the actual starting room again, which meant that once you entered the level you'd be killed off screen by the thrall enemies in the level when the level intro cutscene plays. This has now been resolved thankfully, terribly sorry for any incoveniences this caused.
If you use CTrl+F9 to test a map instead of just F9 (in Doom Builder), it will start at the cursor spot rather than the player start.

Did not know that, thanks for letting me know Ichor.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition

Post by ArgonianLord »

Minor update that fixed another texture misalignment in Map22, along with an issue in Map02 where the third player in coop would end up being spawned at the second exit first and be unable to help the other players in any fashion. It could also lead to massive sequence breaking, so it had to be fixed asap.

Lastly I fixed a fair few issues involving enemies that were stuck in the level geometry.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition

Post by ArgonianLord »

Yet another minor update to fix a player start issue in multiplayer on the first map of TOC.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition

Post by dremor8484 »

i tried you adventure.
1 thing: the first part of the game is very dark... could have been useful to get a couple torches
2 thing: i liked more the 2014 version of the beginning of the game, without cutscenes and without third person view of the character
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition

Post by Szaman »

Hi :) Just finished your mapset. Very pleasant one, the ending was a surprise, didn't expect to see "the first" serpent rider in the final battle. But i found a small bug, D'sparil can't be freezed to death. If you do that the game crashes.
Also... The second hub is a bit to dark hard to seen anything, not funny where the enemy archers can see you, but you can't.
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Re: HeXen: Tower of Chaos Special Edition

Post by ArgonianLord »

Szaman wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 4:09 pm Hi :) Just finished your mapset. Very pleasant one, the ending was a surprise, didn't expect to see "the first" serpent rider in the final battle. But i found a small bug, D'sparil can't be freezed to death. If you do that the game crashes.
Also... The second hub is a bit to dark hard to seen anything, not funny where the enemy archers can see you, but you can't.
I assume by freeze to death you mean using frost based attacks?

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