Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

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Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by Kinsie »

So, this then.
Click to download!

This is what inspired Cutmanmike's Megaman Deathmatch mod, actually. If you pay attention, you'll notice that both our mods use the same fonts. :P I quite like what I pulled off, but I really couldn't finish this as well as I wanted for several reasons:

1.) Time, obviously.
2.) I lost the source code to the global ACS. I could decompile it and patch it together, but that would be very tedious.
3.) Cutman's kind of taken the "8-bit Doom" crown, and I'd just kind of be seen as an imitator. This isn't begrudging Cutty his success! He's awesome and knows his shit. It's just how it is.
4.) I'm not that great at level design, and some of my plans for future levels would be marred by that.

Now, I'm not completely abandoning this, no. What I'd like to do is gather up a small team for me to work with in my spare time, to create something of far higher quality than I could myself. If you're willing to assist with a NES-style mod like this, and to work with me to make something great, let's talk!

I'm proud of what I accomplished, but I tend to spend most of my spare time playing games instead of making them nowadays... I guess that's what happens when your tranquil unemployment days are suddenly interrupted by getting into a university. :V
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Re: Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by Sodaholic »

Just tried this out, and honestly, I think you should continue this! 8-bit megaman is deathmatch, whereas this is of course single player, plus it feels really different, so it probably wouldn't be seen as an imitation (by intelligent people at least). I'm sure there's plenty of people out there that would be willing to contribute maps. The first two reasons you listed really shoot it down though. :(
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Re: Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by Captain Ventris »

I can do Decorate, and given the simplicity of the spriting, could help with that, as well as the usual creative advice. Count me in! Do you have some sort of design document in existence, Doom bible style?
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Re: Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by wildweasel »

It'd be sad to see this not go anywhere - given appropriate sprites, I could help with 8-bit-ish ideas for weapons.
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Re: Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by SamVision »

I could very well help with miscellaneous things. I can do some sprites and some maybe some DECORATE, I also have some creative ideas too. I would hate to see this project die dammit it looks so nice!

BTW people would compare this more to 8-Bit Killer than to MM8BDM :?
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Re: Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by lukas »

Seeing it's all so simple looking I could help out too. I know decorate and can make sprites and textures like this. I'm also a decent mapper.
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Re: Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by Ryan Cordell »

Sodahollic wrote:.. so it probably wouldn't be seen as an imitation (by intelligent people at least).
Well, there's the problem now. :P
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Re: Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by Captain Ventris »

People labeling you as an imitator is nowhere near as annoying as the last year and a half of people thinking I made a Duke Nukem faction for ZDoom Wars. :|
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Re: Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by Cutmanmike »

I am sad I contributed to the list of reasons why this isn't gonna be completed any time soon. It's only like 2 levels but I had fun dicking around in them. :(
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Re: Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by Kinsie »

Don't worry too much man. The pupil has far surpassed the teacher :P

And again, I'm not completely abandoning this. Only as a solo project.
Captain Ventris wrote:I can do Decorate, and given the simplicity of the spriting, could help with that, as well as the usual creative advice. Count me in! Do you have some sort of design document in existence, Doom bible style?
Nothing on paper, though I really should. I have several clear plans and that'd really help with communicating them. Good call!

I'm definitely willing to work with Ventris and Weasel. I'll send them (as well as anyone else who's pretty awesome) a big infodump something this weekend once I get some room to frickin' breathe.
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Re: Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by lizardcommando »

This was pretty neat. I liked it. I'd like to help out with graphics if you want.
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Re: Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by Captain Ventris »

Kinsie wrote:I'm definitely willing to work with Ventris and Weasel.
I feel all special and stuff.
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Re: Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by cq75 »

I really like this mod already, if you need any help, I'd be happy to make some sprites or levels.
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Re: Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by Kinsie »

Oh hey this.

The lack on word on this was because I got fuckin' SWAMPED by classwork. I'm now done for the year and have a few months free. I should dig this baby up again and do that design document.
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Re: Bitman Zeta (Unfinished Prototype... for now?)

Post by Captain Ventris »

Sweet. I was worried you had forgotten or something. :P

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