Ability Point System (BETA RELEASE 4) UPDATED: 7/6/08

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Ability Point System (BETA RELEASE 4) UPDATED: 7/6/08

Post by Apothem »

Spoiler: Old news
The Ability Point System - BETA RELEASE
Later features will include:

- updated bar and hud graphics (when it's done)
- more abilities (75% done)
- different levels for each ability (20% done)
- passive abilities (15% done)
- New weapons
- Monster scaling
...and more will be shown later as I get around to it.

Changelog 7/06/08
-more multiplayer compatibility bugs fixed. Only two left is a script reset routine to fix stuff after death and a runaway issue with uneven xp values on monsters.
-Shielding system implemented! One of several passive abilities that you'll be able to acquire as you level your character!
-Removed all the armors, they are now replaced with power ups you can get for your shielding system. Yay overshields!!!
-level up menu is a little more refined. I have graphics in the works for the menus and everything will be streamlined by the end of it all.
-converted the wad into a Pk3 for ease of development and whatnot.

Changelog 6/4/08
Changelog 5/23/08
Changelog 5/13/08

And without further ado here is the sample wad:
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Last edited by Apothem on Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:14 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Ability Point System (ALPHA RELEASE)

Post by Project Shadowcat »

This is actually a very neat prototype. I remember Mouse doing something similar to this in A New Hellspawn, what with the collectible batteries and all, but this looks like a different implementation.
Some other ability ideas I have are hyper speed and high jumping, or perhaps even a second attack!
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Re: Ability Point System (ALPHA RELEASE)

Post by Apothem »

Speed boost was something I wanted to do from the beginning, I just didn't feel like including it right now. As far as doing something like doublejump or 2x attacks, I dunno how that could be achieved. Meh, I would love to give it a shot tho. The real kicker is going to be getting the damn menu system working on a basic level to cycle through abilities... Meh I can't imagine it being too hard.
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Re: Ability Point System (ALPHA RELEASE)

Post by Apothem »

I have updated this little mod and now it seems to be working at a very desirable level, so I thought I'd update the post. Please give it a shot and lemme know what you think. Any ideas for more abilities are welcome.
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Re: Ability Point System (BETA RELEASE)

Post by enigma.rain »

I just checked out the system, and I've noticed a few things.

Please note that I using the newest version of skulltag.

The Ability bar is a bit of a nuisance. With the standard doom HUD disabled, the ability meter and the text that goes with it covers up the amount of armor points. With the standard HUD activated, the ability bar moves out of the way, but the text stays in the same place. I would suggest slightly altering the standard HUD to include that ability bar and text in the HUD, and if you can to place it maybe in the bottom center of the screen when the standard HUD is disabled.

Also, there isn't very much gratification yet in the point system. I mean, some more useful abilities, and maybe some that are just for fun could be added. Using stealth didn't seem very effective, and the fact that it immediately stops when a weapon is fired bothered me. Perhaps making it function like Halo's active camo: when a weapon is fired, the camo stops working temporarily, but then reactivates. I guess that means you'd have to make it have a certain duration.

I checked out the wad using DOOM2.wad, so the high jump was not very useful to me. This is another one I think you should set to a certain duration, to make it a little more useful. I mean, I could see where someone might include a point in their level when highjumping is required, and setting a time limit would make it a bit easier to design a kinda platforming level around.

No complaints about the first aid. But maybe make a few different sub categories, like being able to regenerate above 100hp in exchange for ap than standard first aid.

Then again, you may have already implemented these things.

Other ability ideas:
-Mind Control: just taking over the monster you're aiming at. The more powerful the monster, the more ap needed.
-Reflective Shield: Any projectiles bounce off of you, but melee can get through. Maybe just having it cover where ever you're looking would be cool.
-Steal Ability: For a certain duration you will have an ability of a certain monster. This might be difficult to do, but there are plenty of people out there working on mods to give the player the abilities of the monsters.
-Resurrect: Bring a monster back to life as an ally.

Anyway, just suggestions that I'm pretty sure you already thought of. Sorry if I sound like an a$$.
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Re: Ability Point System (BETA RELEASE)

Post by Apothem »

I appreciate the feedback, it is much needed at this point.

To start off with, the high jump is already set to a timer. I think the issue is that I need to expand it a bit because it's very obviously not long enough.

Secondly, I like your idea about the regen, and now that I think about it... I think that's the way it was supposed to be done in the first place. Either way, also fixed.

As far as stealth goes, there will be other things that are gonna be packaged with that. As for right now, you can use the fist and a beserk pack combined with stealth == pwnage on quite a few maps. The goal of the stealth ability was that it was meant to be combined with other abilities and/or powerups. It seems, however, that the way I've implemented it is very buggy. Or there's a nasty bug in zdoom that's not making it play nice with the invisibility powerup.

I'm in the process of implementing an experience system so you can level all these abilities and make them drain slower etc. Chances are, I'm going to be replacing the weapons and powerups with special pickups that will grant you new abilities and boost your stats. I just haven't quite figured out how to do the decorate code yet. (I really don't know shit about decorate at the moment :( ). Expect more updates later on as far as the wad and abilities go.

I do agree that the abilities I have in right now just plain suck, but I'm kinda out of ideas for adding things that are just simple for the moment. There will be more later as far as the ability listings go. There may be an expansion upon how it is already organized amongst other things.

The issue with the text is a simple bug, and I think I agree with where you think it should be placed. It would probably be better off in the center just so that way it's out of the way of custom huds etc.
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Re: Ability Point System (BETA RELEASE)

Post by MephistoII »

just tested it: looks very good :thumb:
there are very few abilities, but, well, is a beta, doesn't it?
I can't see any good way to do the "mind control" or "steal", as long as you have to get wich EXACT monster you are facing and edit it's flags, but due to logical reasons you can't use TIDs to do that(or maybe yes??). if there were a way to set the TID of the actor you'r facing that could be doable, but I don't know any way to do it. By the other side, resurrecting could be very interesting, and DOABLE (check out my "empathy"archvile).
A thing that is a bit annoying is the low mana regeneration. you could raise the mana regeneration while standing, but to do that you would need to edit the playerpawn in decorate(you aren't skilled with decorate? well, i could do the decorate part for you).
another interesting way to solve this could be a skill "stand and rest for a while", instead of taking giving mana. the more interesting about it(at least for you) is that could be doable in the same way than the other skills...
a couple sugestions for skills: "rage"(temporarily raised shoot speed), "vampirism"(life stealing), and maybe summon a small demon, or plant an automated turret
hope my post helps in some way, seeya :D
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Re: Ability Point System (BETA RELEASE)

Post by Apothem »

I appreciate the suggestions for abilities, MephistoII. Never thought to do vampirism, and it seems to be a powerup all it's own in the wiki so it should be really easy to implement. The ability to summon a friendly could be handy too, as you level up your buddy could get stronger with each level you add to that ability. Thank you very much for the ideas!

As far as the AP regen goes, there will be more to it. I will have the XP help 'generate' more AP, and some of the powerups will be replaced with items that give you new abilities and bonus stats etc. I wanted it to be slow like that because with the way this is set up, I didn't want the player to be able to spam the abilities too much. There's still a lot of balancing to be done.
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Re: Ability Point System (BETA RELEASE)

Post by enigma.rain »

The only thing is, there's plenty of time later to balance the AP regen. I think if you tweak it for now, then it'll make it easier to test the abities while you're working on the XP and pickups. Unless you can just make health items raise your AP? There are a million and one ways to do it.

I was also wondering, are you planning on making a whole game or at least a new wad specificly for the Ability system, or is this more of general use project. The reason I ask this is to get a little insight into how you plan to work the XP. I mean, it can be so that the player gains XP and can use it to purchase the next level for an ability. Maybe just have each ability gain it's own XP whenever you use it, so the most used abilities will be the most powerful.

Yeah, so I was just curious as to how you wanted to work the XP portion of the system.
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Re: Ability Point System (BETA RELEASE)

Post by Apothem »

Heh, as far as a map set goes, I had an idea for a set of three maps that would showcase this mod and everything in it. Just wait and see on the xp system, it'll work just fine. I'll be releasing the next version very soon. Just gotta add the level up menu and stat menu.
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Re: Ability Point System (BETA RELEASE)

Post by MephistoII »

XPDROP1 doesn't seem to work right, at least for me.
but, wich way you will exactlly receive XP?? Will the monsters drop a XPDROP1 when dying?? to do that you will need use of decorate, or a specifically designed map.
about the AP regen, I still think that would be nice to have a way to raise it when you are not fighting, but, well, it's up to you...
ok, now a couple skill sugestions: "flaming feet :grr: ":summon fire after you when moving (heh, this one will be harder to do without editing the playerpawn)
"heh, I can't find a name now": summon a flock of ravens to confuse and distract your enemies
"creep":a cheaper form of stealth, but with reduced speed.
hope you find these usefull. :wink:
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Re: Ability Point System (BETA RELEASE)

Post by Apothem »

As I get closer and closer to putting in the next update... I need to get a map to test this thing to it's fullest extent. If you are interested, or perhaps know of a pre-existing map that'd be good for this mod, please PM me or post here.
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Re: Ability Point System (BETA RELEASE)

Post by XutaWoo »

As long as you don't mind having a blocky map, I'll map a testing grounds.
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Re: Ability Point System (BETA RELEASE)

Post by Apothem »

That'd actually be really handy. When I start adding passive abilities, I'll need a generalized testing ground to make sure all the features work. Thank you very much XutaWoo for volunteering! :)
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Re: Ability Point System (BETA RELEASE 2) UPDATED: 5/28/08

Post by Apothem »

Wad updated. If anyone can make some simple graphics for the hud and xp drops, please PM me.

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