TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by CaptainToenail »

Well, I havn't played much of it so far, but the new sound effects are good, if low quality, but the long message bits kinda put me off and I'm not very impressed with their choice of new monsters :/
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by ReX »

The morphing bat/dragon familiar/imp warlord appears to occur only in the ZDooM SVN, not in ZDooM v2.1.7. [v2.1.7 is the version that the team and our beta tester used to play-test the maps, and that's why it was never an issue for the release.]
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by Remmirath »

Well, I must admit that TeamTNT is skilled: great gothic ambient, gameplay, but low-quality sounds are a bit, well, ugly...
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by ReX »

For those of you that have played through the 7-map demo and are considering playing some or all of it over, let me point out some things that may not be very obvious. [It's in the text file, but it does not jump out at the reader.]:
  • 1. Maps08-10 are in a hub that is set up so that you can start on any of the 3 maps once you get to the "crossroads" near the start of the game. [This part is probably patently obvious.]
    2. You can begin in any map and travel to any other map from that map. [Again, pretty obvious.]
    3. The first time you play the game if you begin on, say, Map10 you'll experience a certain level of gameplay (with different enemies/power-ups, and typically easier because you don't have all the weapons and have not accumulated ammo). [This is not obvious unless you look through the scripts.]
    4. The next time you play the game if you begin on, say, Map09 and then return to Map10, you will find the gameplay in Map10 more difficult (than as in 3, above) and with different enemies and powerups.[Again, not obvious.]
Bottom line: If you liked the maps enough to play them again, use a different map progression to get a somewhat different gameplay experience than you did the first time you played them.
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by Zebes »

How do I launch the ed4_rfo1.wad? It's not working like it normally dose, it just keeps loading Ultimate DOOM.

It's been a while since I've been here and I must say, I like the new forum.
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by Enjay »

Zebes wrote:How do I launch the ed4_rfo1.wad? It's not working like it normally dose, it just keeps loading Ultimate DOOM.
If it's loading ultimate Doom, you're using the wrong IWAD. This is for Doom2. If Zdoom is automatically starting Ultimate Doom and you have the Doom2 IWAD in your ZDoom directory, you must have told it not to ask you which IWAD to use at some point. Either edit your ini file and find the line "queryiwad=false" and change the word false to true or start like this.

zdoom -iwad doom2.wad -file ed4_rfo1.wad

That assumes all files are in the same directory as Zdoom.exe.

The game starts on map08 so either warp there from the command line or start a new game and then use the usual cheats to get there.
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by Zebes »

Okay, what are the command line and cheat codes?
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by Enjay »


zdoom -iwad doom2.wad -file ed4_rfo1.wad -warp 08 -skill X


zdoom -iwad doom2.wad -file ed4_rfo1.wad +map map08 -skill X

Where X is a number fro 0-4 to set the skill level you want.

Or start the game at the skill level you want and...

type IDCLEV08 at the game screen or

bring down the console and type map map08

All this stuff is in the Wiki BTW. :)
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by Zebes »

Okay I got it, thanks for the help.
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by doomjedi »

I have to say it's the best Doom mod I've ever played. Ever. Top quality, breathtaking. Such good mapping, challenging enemies, consistent mood and theme.....Amazing.
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by Phobus »

I have to say actually, the maps after the hub completely killed it for me, particularly the Forlorn Fortress remake. I quite liked the original, but this version just... I hated it, really. Stopped playing a little into the map after that, as I just couldn't be bothered with it anymore.

The hub was really good though.
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by neoworm »

Map27 have the best architecture I ever saw in WAD.
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by MG_Man »

Why doesn't it just start on map01? Just kinda wondering.
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by ReX »

MG_Man wrote:Why doesn't it just start on map01? Just kinda wondering.
Originally, Maps01-07 were selected by team members that never ended up making those maps. Meanwhile, Maps08-10 were already in progress, and the scripts heavily reference Maps08-10 specifically. Renaming these maps to Maps01-03 would have required re-writing many of those scripts; plus, we secretly hoped that at least some of Maps01-07 would be done before the demo release.
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Re: TeamTNT's Return From Oblivion: Released

Post by Redboy »

Man this is freakin HUGE. Very very nice design and I love HeXen textures :lol: but I think it better base on HeXen not DOOM ? Anyway it sooo big I have not explore full map yet.... :shock:

This is just demo ? I read there will have megawad ?! When will be ready ?

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