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Is this a good idea? Or would it just be a waste?

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Not a bad idea.
Why? We already have WolfenDOOM.
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Stick with keeping a mod, not a port.
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Post by nick112147 »

I think you brought up something people are extremely confused about. I will NOT be using the wolf3d data FILES, but the sh*t inside the files (textures, sprites etc) that will be placed inside the new pk3 file that will replace the old .wad format. So really, when I do return to the project, you wont need any wad files, just 2, maybe 1 pk3 file, depending on how I decide to do that.

EDIT: To both Lei and Stallman, ZDoom is free, free, free, free and free! ... it_free.3F

I don't wanna hear it, it is free, and saying any different is ignorant as f*ck. While it is technically not free in the sence I cant go sell it and make money off of it, it is free in the sence I wont be facing the U.S. Department of Justice and a brigade of lawyers.
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Post by nick112147 »

Super Update!!: I have completely replaced the crusty old WAD file format and went on to PK3. Right now it is still 2 files, but the compresson difference is amaizing. I went from a 14meg wad file to a 7 meg pk3.

EDIT: Bad news people, after testing the new executable out, having ALL of the resources that were once in the WAD dumped into a PK3 actually made the engine run slower than smoke. Unbearable load times were the worst of it. I will experiment with it some more, but the all PK3 modification is on very shakey ground, 9 out of 10 says that feature may have to be abbandon :cry:
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Post by MartinHowe »

Err.. OK a little background info here:

Amazing compression difference:
Yes, because WAD file does not compress - WAD is like TAR in that it is an archive format only, no compression is involved.

Slow loading:
Yes, because PK3s are meant to be uncompressed ZIP files; indeed, almost every game engine that uses PK3 has some sort of warning along the lines of: "do not used compression in your PK3s, the game will take ages to load because of the time needed to decompress".

Use uncompressed PK3s and you should be fine :)
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Post by leileilol »

MartinHowe wrote:Yes, because PK3s are meant to be uncompressed ZIP files
Totally wrong. Quake3 (and q3test) had compressed pk3s, and Quake3 pretty much defines what pk3s should be.
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Post by HotWax »

leileilol wrote:Quake3 pretty much defines what pk3s should be.

Code: Select all


Zipping... Done.


Easiest file definition ever created. :grin:
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Post by leileilol »

leileilol wrote:
MartinHowe wrote:Yes, because PK3s are meant to be uncompressed ZIP files
Totally wrong. Quake3 (and q3test) had compressed pk3s, and Quake3 pretty much defines what pk3s should be.
i love how this post was reported and I was pmed by nick that I should be banned
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Post by nick112147 »

ANYWAY, it is not important what game defines the file format. I WILL use uncompressed files whether Quake 2, 3 or 9 defines the format.

I do have a slight problem, while I was able to move all of the .lmp files
to the zdoom.pk3, any time I try to move the graphics and sound files to said pk3, zdoom cant find them! I was hoping I could just move it all to the zdoom.pk3, but thats not happening for some reason. Does ANYBODY know what I need to change in the source code to either get it to extract the graphics from zdoom.pk3 or to read a new .pk3? Thanks a million

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Post by Phobus »

@leileilol: To be honest, you probably should be banned.

His report however does have some basis, as it's not only being pedantic and somewhat aimless, but it's moving his topic off of it's intended course.

Can we perhaps stick to the intended topic?
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Post by wildweasel »

nick112147 wrote:I do have a slight problem, while I was able to move all of the .lmp files
to the zdoom.pk3, any time I try to move the graphics and sound files to said pk3, zdoom cant find them! I was hoping I could just move it all to the zdoom.pk3, but thats not happening for some reason. Does ANYBODY know what I need to change in the source code to either get it to extract the graphics from zdoom.pk3 or to read a new .pk3? Thanks a million

Are you making sure to put the lumps in the proper directories? You can't just stick them into the PK3 file and have ZDoom read them - and also, regarding graphics, ZDoom actually has two different graphics directories - Graphics is meant for stuff like HUD pictures, and then there's Sprites.
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Post by nick112147 »

So inside the new pk3 I need to have a directory SPRITES and GRAPHICS. Now what about pointing to the new pk3 file? I am trying

Code: Select all

in the the main game loop in d_main.cpp.
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Post by HotWax »

Phobus wrote:@leileilol: To be honest, you probably should be banned.
You're going to target him for this post when it's probably the most tame post I've ever seen him make??
His report however does have some basis, as it's not only being pedantic and somewhat aimless, but it's moving his topic off of it's intended course.
He was responding to another poster in the same thread who had posted misinformation and correcting him. How is this by any definition "moving the topic off its intended course?"
Can we perhaps stick to the intended topic?
While I agree that such a rule is in general a good idea to try to ensure that threads stay somewhat on course, taking it to this extreme is not advisable. Part of what I like about this forum is the ability to start a conversation that quickly becomes about something else entirely, but do so in a manner that usually benefits everyone, including the original poster. If we start nazi-modding every thread that begins to veer off course, we'd lose out on a lot of potentially enlightening and useful conversations.

In any case, as I already said the reported post is hardly moving the thread anywhere. Hell, my post was more off-topic than it was. Are you going to threaten to ban me as well?

(On a side-note, if this is how nick behaved on his other forum, I'm not at all surprised that they didn't accept him there.)
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Post by nick112147 »

(On a side-note, if this is how nick behaved on his other forum, I'm not at all surprised that they didn't accept him there.)
Actually it was because they dont accept 3rd party emails :roll: Good guess though!
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Post by Skutarth »

As a rule of thumb, I only copy zdoom.pk3, open it in WinRAR, remove and replace files, then rename the pk3 file. After all, zdoom.pk3's format/compression doesn't have any problems, right?
Everybody can stop bickering like idiots now.
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Post by MartinHowe »

Before a flame war starts and to prevent any misconceptions, I should point out that it wasn't me that reported leileilol's post, just in case anybody thinks it was. Yes I thought his post was a bit bluntly stated, but OK I was wrong, though compressing PK3s does slow loading times.

As for the actual subject under discussion, I shall wait until the project has been developed a bit and see what it eventually offers before passing further comment - AFADoomer's mod will do me in the meantime.
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Post by randi »

As a matter of fact, compressing the files in a PK3 is unlikely to make them load noticeably slower. By doing so, you reduce the amount of data that needs to be read off the disk, and reading from disk is much slower than decompressing data in memory. So for very large files, they will probably load faster if you compress them. For small files, they may load slower, but it'll never be at a level where a human would notice it.

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