Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited (v. 4.1) I'm outta here

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Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited (v. 4.1) I'm outta here

Post by CeeJay »

For months now, Allied Intelligence has suspected that the German navy has been attempting to construct a nuclear-powered submarine somewhere in the Arctic Circle that would rule the Atlantic and threaten the east coast of the United States. The existence of this submarine, codenamed Seeteufel (Sea Devil), has been confirmed. Reconnaissance photos have pinpointed the site where this sub is being built as a u-boat base in a fjord in northern Norway, and although several spies have been dispatched to this location, none of them has been heard from again. Your mission is to infiltrate the base, rescue these missing operatives, and destroy the new submarine before its construction is completed.

The mod now requires the source port EDGE-Classic (which is a fork of the original EDGE) more info here: https://edge-classic.github.io/index.html

Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited is an update/improvement to Laz Rojas' classic WolfenDOOM scenario (https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/theme ... d/arcticse) with improved gameplay, all new weapons, enemies, new mechanics, more interactivity, more immersion, scripting, updated textures, level fixes, etc.

19 levels of intensive and plot-driven Nazi-blasting fun, plus one super secret bonus level which can now be reached without cheating.


DOWNLOAD (DoomWorld link): https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/1 ... ited-v-41/
Remember, you will need EDGE-Classic to play this.

EDGE-Classic: https://edge-classic.github.io/index.html

You do not need any of the files from the original or special edition of Operation: Arctic Wolf to play this. You will, however, need EDGE-Classic (see above) and a DOOM II IWAD.

Concerning the levels:
Credits: (probably incomplete list)
Last edited by CeeJay on Sun Apr 23, 2023 3:59 am, edited 50 times in total.
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Re: Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited

Post by ReX »

Very nice pics; loads of atmosphere.
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Re: Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited

Post by CeeJay »

And that's only the beginning. In later levels you'll be exploring dams, sub-depots, barracks etc. not to mention you'll be busting fellow agents out of captivity. It was quite a epic little package Laz was able to produce within the limitations of vanilla Doom 2.
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Re: Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited

Post by Voltcom9 »

This looks absolutely incredible! Thanks for creating this, I'm looking forward to playing through this!
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Re: Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited

Post by Wiw »

Oh, that'll be good!
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Re: Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited

Post by ravage »

Reminds me of my attempt to zdoomify Arctic Wolf. Got as far as the second resource wad and got bored trying to figure out what everything was.
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Re: Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited

Post by CeeJay »

Yeah, that was the biggest headache. Figuring out what everything was supposed to be and how it was supposed to function. When I first blended the two together, the first part was fine but the second was a mess. Interestingly, Laz did leave some unused resources in there. Also, I have memory of exploring an airfield in either the original (is this one lost?) or SE version, but I can not find it anywhere in the maps. There's even resources for this.
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Re: Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited

Post by Ozymandias81 »

This sounds and looks promising, need to check it when I'll be back on comp...

As a side note, can you be more specific of what did you use from BoA? This wouldn't be mandatory but surely appreciated (if possible).

Good job!
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Re: Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited

Post by CeeJay »

Resources used from Blade of Agony...

It's not a lot, really, and I have plans of removing atleast one of the things.
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Re: Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited

Post by Ozymandias81 »

Don't worry, you are free to use that stuff...
I was just curious, also because I really don't have enough free time to keep things tracked and to check / play mods. Your reply is enough for me, keep up the good work!
Keep us informed if you come with new hires sprites, we need mainly for props and a couple of weapons / pickups
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Re: Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited

Post by CeeJay »

What, more exactly, is it you need?

You can use my fire extinguisher if it's suitable. I edited a picture of an authentic WWII era one, re-sized and re-coloured for use in Doom. That's one of the things I'm trying to replace, all the modern day stuff with something closer to the real time period.

Comes in two flavours, orange and red (orange is a little more accurate)
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Re: Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited

Post by CeeJay »

Some screenshots of the Dam, part I...
Yes, I am aware that the wall doesn't tile... like... at all. Also, for those who remeber and know how to beat this level will get a little surprise.
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Re: Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited

Post by Tormentor667 »

I am really not sure if this mugshot is a good choice... it looks totally different from BJ :-(
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Re: Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited

Post by CeeJay »

Well, I never recall Laz specifically referring to the player as being BJ in any of the documentations. I figured it could be any nameless spy. But who hows, I might have it changed for the full release.

EDIT: I might have it removed all together, since the mod would require more expressions and looks. What with the underwater segments and new pain types, etc.
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Re: Operation: Arctic Wolf Revisited

Post by Enjay »

I quite like the new mugshot and the fact it looks different. Having more than just BJ winning the war for the allies is fine IMO

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