Ability to lose in co-op?

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Ability to lose in co-op?

Post by lokemannen »

So I have been looking for a way to be able to actually lose the game if all players die in a cooperative but I have not been able to find anything as such.
Is there any wads that makes cooperative actually hard and not just die and respawn?
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Re: Ability to lose in co-op?

Post by Rachael »

Such a thing does not exist in ZDoom, itself. In Zandronum, you can play a special mode called "Survival" which has a limited lives feature (it's just basically the concept of Last Man Standing taken into cooperative).
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Re: Ability to lose in co-op?

Post by lokemannen »

Eruanna wrote:Such a thing does not exist in ZDoom, itself. In Zandronum, you can play a special mode called "Survival" which has a limited lives feature (it's just basically the concept of Last Man Standing taken into cooperative).
That's why I asked if there was any wads that did something like that.
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Re: Ability to lose in co-op?

Post by Rachael »

Sorry. That's what I get for reading your post when I just wake up. >_>
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Re: Ability to lose in co-op?

Post by lokemannen »

I completely understand that.
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Re: Ability to lose in co-op?

Post by Nash »

I wonder if with eventual Thinker exposure, if modders will be able to override this and sort of create their own "Spectator" mode via ZScript?
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Re: Ability to lose in co-op?

Post by Edward-san »

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Re: Ability to lose in co-op?

Post by twelvenipon »

Blood Ode addon for older Brutal Doom version have lives system in coop, when all lives is depleated map restart, it will be great if someone skilled in ACS make addon for gzdoom to work with any wad, pk3

http://www.moddb.com/mods/brutal-doom/a ... ng-project
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Re: Ability to lose in co-op?

Post by doomfiend »

Edward-san wrote:Stronghold?
Well that's one way of handling a particular thing. but I think he / she is hoping for a survival experience in any type of wad
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Re: Ability to lose in co-op?

Post by Marisa the Magician »

I'm sure this can be done with ZScript in its current state, including morphing players into a spectator class on respawn.
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Re: Ability to lose in co-op?

Post by Matt »

Marisa Kirisame wrote:I'm sure this can be done with ZScript in its current state, including morphing players into a spectator class on respawn.
It was done by a couple mods in ACS before that too, though it wasn't until ZScript that we had any generalized way of resetting the players' inventory on map restart.

(It could have been done in Decorate with some custominventory hackery but you wouldn't have been able to start with the correct weapon raised.)

Here's HD's ZScript implementation based on an original ACS, with some of the old ACS left in for the fancy "you lose" messages.

This can be simplified significantly so that the map restarts immediately upon the death count hitting the fraglimit, instead of all that ACS fancy message stuff or the "WipedOut" inventory token which is only used to mark people and morph them into spectators when the lives have run out.
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Re: Ability to lose in co-op?

Post by twelvenipon »

Ultimate DoomVisor work with ACS "lives", another must have addon for coop is ACS "shared keys", but keys in coop stay and i dont remember how to get keys works like in singleplayer,
CP ?
if someone know pls tell me

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